lolaandjj13 created a topic of Absolute Submission

99.7% sure it's what I mentioned in the title. many things I could criticize with it's writing, but it did make me laugh a lot

Tbh, I appreciate the cauliflower ears on all the judo fighters. idk why

lolaandjj13 created a topic of Moretones

I can't read Chinese, so I can't give an actual translation of the original title, but "Moretones" means big bruises

"morete" -> bruise + "-on" -> suffix denoting something large

lolaandjj13 created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

spoiler warning, as it reaches a conclusion at ch70. This is not including any side stories that might arise

The first egg hatches, and it's a girl. She is named Tara Perserus. Inherited Theo's eye color but otherwise looks like Seth. An unspecified amount of time later, twins are born, both boys. Sian Perserus, who has light skin, black hair, and golden eyes, and Ceza Marita, who has dark skin, white hair, and violet eyes

The names are likely to be different when the official translation comes out

lolaandjj13 created a topic of Sweet Rich Milk

Whoa there, that's not what "balls deep" means