Forestella created a topic of The Third Ending

Ppl have been saying how yoonseul is two faced, gaslighter, manipulator, selfish, kinda creepy, seems insecure (?) Too. I TOTALLY AGREE.
Don't get me wrong. I do like obsessive semes too.
Bt his other traits can't be ignored . It would have been understandable if he was only obsessive bt NOPE. There's a mix of these neg traits . The only reason we can overlook it cz the story's cute.
also the first sex scene. Can't even describe in words how dissapointed I was. I was looking forward to it for so long bt it was anticlimactic asf.
If it was me with my first love, first bf, my first time , I would be in shambles. Guess it's kinda good that joonie has a tendency to overlook thinks n has a easy going personality, also is a airhead n wearing rose tinted glass when it comes to yoonseul

Forestella created a topic of The Ghostly Doctor

Some novel Readers
Plz give us spoilers
What happens next?

Forestella created a topic of Gig of the Day

Poor cinnamon role uke.
That fucker doesn't care about anything else bt himself. nd wtf do u mean meddling? Any other person would do what the secretary did. That's what called being a human. One doesn't need to specifically know or care for someone to do that.

I like the secretary. He is competent, compassionate, good looking

Forestella created a topic of Waterside Night

Can someone anyone plz give me the link of raw?

Forestella created a topic of Dear, 00

Some readers are angry that and saying that " wtf bwat", 'that was unnecessary" etc.
Being angry at the people in the story would be logical as they r the one who dont see espers as human nd treating them badly .
Bt why some are getting angry at bwat is beyond me.its a manhwa. Its not real. And those kind of details, even if horrid, gives more life to the story, also we can understand even more how they wont hesitate to harm espers in any way, however extreme that is.

And if u r not new readers u should know, bwat doesn't hesitate to kill off or critically injure any, AND I MEAN ANY CHARACTERS, be it mc or extra, as long as its needed for the story .
And thats what make their work unique, not lackluster, stand out even more. We cant predict what is going to happen, making reading even more exciting .

Forestella created a topic of Eleceed

She could be a majestic Persian cat

Forestella created a topic of Mercenary Enrollment

I am not liking the foreshadowing

Forestella created a topic of Pick Me Up

Eolka eolka eolkaaaa EOLKAAAAA (〒﹏〒)

Did celendion hanged himself to reduce his life as he as 1000 of them?
So he can be killed easily?
Poor vamp.

Forestella created a topic of Doctor Elise

How can someone who is living their 3rd life , with their memories intact be so goddamn dense nd she is an empress too. How does she even handle ppl .
Girl doesn't have an ounce of ability to observe ppl.
In mihil's case , there's even no need for observation. He is basically wearing his emotions on his sleeve .
She is lucky this comic doesn't have any extremely scheming character like other historical ones or She would have been already dead in the earliest chapter .

Forestella created a topic of Define The Relationship

I could tell from the moment he (ash) talked less and did it roughly. He isn't that kinda person to do that.
BUT LYLE Bro u r an alpha too. How ....just how could u not tell? Strong pheromones, rough sex, not Minding place, not Minding situation. cz ash isn't the type to NOT TO mind these things. he is overly protective, affectionate, soft with lyle, even during sex.

There should be a limit to his obliviousnes. U would think the environment in which ash grew up would made him have a keen sense bt nope, absolutely not. It's quite the opposite.

Ash just woke up in the morning, without uttering a single word he started doing it even when Lyle was on the pH he didn't still our Lyle is confused when he himself said they dont do it in the morning other that weekends.

AND another thing, this couple has serious lack of communication. I thought it will get better , even if it's little bit after they start dating. Bt nope , still exactly the same. like use your damn mouth . They don't talk or share their thoughts about Even basic simple things. I get ash not being able to open up about his thoughts given the circumstances he had to gone through bc of that damn old man. AND lyle u knew that already. Take the initiative to talk , communicate about small things to get ash get used to it little by little. They both seem total hopeless in this case.

Sorry for the rant. I really like this story. Bt some of these just bother me so damn much.
And lack of comm just triggers something in me.

Forestella created a topic of Night Song

It seems like this seme and the seme from a "trace of wonder" are vying for the top spot of being the most stupidly delusional seme. ヽ(`Д´)ノ

One's saying "I have got him wrapped around my little finger"
Other one saying " i have yeoseon(did i spell correctly?) In the palm of my hand"
Like, come on.....yeah , u have control over them. That's why whenever even a little something happens to them u become fanatic , running around like a Maniac finding ways to help them, soothe them and like stupid obsessive fool u keep saying "mine, mine" like the ducks in "finding nemo" .

The only thing i LOVE about This kinda semes r to watch the despair on their face upon the realization of the truth when the ukes slips outta their hands ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Forestella created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

This couple is so well balanced in so many ways, be it in terms of emotions, or power or physique.

1) They r both of same physique, not like some other stories where the uke is ⅓ of the seme's size which sometimes makes him look like a child , or extremely malnourished adult bt still somehow can handle a sword of a shilong of the seme without much problem.

2) they r both vulnerable at times, and when that happens their partner soothes them.
seme is not like some other typical seme where they r being stoic most of the time, seth shows emotions so rawly.
And even tho uke was born and brought up in that environment, he still tries his best to communicate with seme and i would say he is doing it pretty well for a person of such bg.

3) they r both strong physically, no one is is weak damsel in distress , can hold their own weight.
FOR ME, This is by far the most fvrt work of BWAT after taming the tiger.

Forestella created a topic of Maria no Danzai

Okaya, ch-1: ah...I let him win and escape.
Ch-8: there might be a LUNATIC that is coming after us because of some UNJUSTIFIED RESENTMENT.


Forestella asked a question

Can someone recommend me yaoi with good storyline with sensible MCs?
Like dawn of the dragon, define the relationship, hold me tight, "brother's without tomorrow's" works.
I am running out of good reads recently. Cant find anything worthwhile.