I have seen a lot of people saying terrible things about the grand pa'. Let's make something very clear : he's old and has a different mentality and different experience of life, in his time marrying was an assurance of happiness, making sure you were not gone die alone.
Something a lot of you here can't think about because you are young, as a medical student I work a lot with older people, they don't have the same experience as we do. They think of what is best for their grand children, and this typical situation you can understand why he is preoccupied, he thinks Huan Wen won't have anybody by his side when he grows old. And let me tell you what a horrible situation it is. When your body is old, sick and so alone. No one to come visit you, no one to take your hand...
So please stop being harsh to the grand parent character. Yes he doesn't know about same gender relationships and all but this is not something he is not educated about. Knowing they are the only ones in their family it makes it even more delicate, because when the grand pa dies Huan Wen will truly be alone in his grand pa's eye.
So all of you, calling him a jerk please reconsider.

Bad Uncle Pan. Toxic realationship here we go again *face palming*

I know the author is gone work it and of course they could be a great couple but the last page really felt like Pan was using Qiu's feelings. I don't know I hate people who will have their way because they know the person is too in love with them to act cold... (And don't get me wrong I shipped them since the first time we saw them)
I'm so happy about this couple, I remember last year when people were sooo mad about the side couples, I'm glad I trusted the author she didn't disappoint.