so a lot of yall might not know this BUT THIS MANGA HAS AN OFFICIAL ENGLISH NOW! if you want to continue reading then please do support the mangaka and get your copy officially~ sublime already has 12vols!!

just what I said. If someone wants to get it, they have to order the print. There's no digital version available. it will either be extremely expensive for shipping to send to other countries, or it will not be available, depending on the country.
So, yes, it's official, but as I said, the whole collection isn't available, and it's not available digitally, and it's not available world wide. So why would most of us care about the official version? No reason to.

Carolyn07 Sublime has vols 1-12 officially. I don't know if we're allowed to leave links so just google Sublime Manga and you'll see their site.
They don't have anything after vol 12, so that's a lot they're missing.
You can get them from the amazon in your country online as well, they'll be the paper copies, digital copies aren't available.
im sure they’ll be happy!!