Idk how people r going "oh well he knows what he's getting into" when we know nothing about the progress of their relationship but I am certain like most abusive relationship there was build up to the abuse and when things got unbearable he was already isolated and dependent on her. Man is being a abused and u guys r saying welp that's was he signed up for like what the actual fuck

Unless my memory fails to serve me, so far in the manhwa he went to her outta desperation, and she suggested getting married. And then he agreed and broke up with jungwon.
I think that's why people say he signed up for it.
Even went as far as to defend her to him when jungwon witnessed her degrading myungha, calling her my future wife or something. It's true he's cornered but i don't see why it's jungwons responsibility to shoulder the burden. Story could have had them be in cahoots against the lady too, only pretending to break up and stuff, but so far none of that has happened.

Can't speak for any other relationship but again, in this particular story, I personally feel he had the choice to refuse her offer in the beginning itself and talk it out with his partner.
He is a grown man after all, it's sad to see his desperation but it's sad to see the other innocent characters impacted as well.

Okay so here my idea
The sick mom should kill the crazy rich lady after she married her son so he'll get all her money or lat at least just kill her sometime soon
Ok that's a lot to ask for someone who dying but u gotta do what u gotta do
She really is the only one who can get her son not to marry that abusive woman. I really hope she doesn't listen to bs that she Is spewing but I'm worry she will.
Im curious about why the mother is divorced too. I wonder if it was abusive relationship but there really hasn't been any hints that I've noticed. But I feel like something like that could drive the son to not get married after learning about it. Like ur mother escaped a abusive relationship u will be able to too. And she escaped not for herself but so u wouldn't be abused. So please don't stay with that evil women
But I'm also scared of the percussions of him saying no the marriage. Will she try to get him fired at his other job :c

This trope is pretty common but Ive really been enjoying it.
I liked how they built up the mc and ml relationship. I wasn't expecting the ml to have someone interested in him too specially after we got the storyline about the mc ex coworker. Looks like the mc and ml attract crazy people cus those guys were both nuts.
I also liked meeting ten bio dad (even tho the guy was fucking annoying coming into there lives and making a bunch assumptions)
I think getting to see more of ml work would be interesting. (Like is he still working with that actor? Personally I'd be tempted to blacklist him)
I looking forward to future chapters
Just going off other comments sounds like this will just be depressing I rather just wait till it's complete and check out the ending