My answer is no want to do ( All 1 )

first kiss

My answer is no's experience ( All 0 )

My answer is no's answer ( All 49 )

about question   1 reply
25 12,2024
about lmao
Black tar heroin   reply
12 04,2021
Just try to be happy that she lived a full life instead of being sad she died It’s all about perspective. Like when you eat cake your not sad it’s gone you’re happy you got to eat it   2 reply
17 03,2021

My answer is no's question ( All 45 )

Let’s all be honest because of some dumb asses mangago will probably be permanently ban with in the next year. So make sure to screenshot you’re lists and find some other sites. If you don’t believe me just look at how fast those fuckers got kissanime taken down and it’s only a matter of time before the do the same thing to manga go.
17 03,2021
My mom is fully black but she has very pale skin and all her features look more south Asian. She has a very pronounced nose bridge that hooks down her hair is also very thick and wavy. Since race is just what you see dose that mean that she is not black. If she isn’t black then do I have to fight cause I’m pretty sure she has said the n word.

P.S. both my grandparents look very black and there is no chance of cheating because she had to do a DNA for both my grandparents to come to the country we live in.
04 03,2021
Regardless of your gender identity or your sex you have one of two genitals. If you have a vag u also probably also have a clit and a clit is just a tiny penis. They are built the same way as a penis just tiny and you even have a foreskin which is your clitoral hood. So next time you say suck my dick and someone says you don’t have one remember u do actually have one.
20 02,2021
So I wanna come on my page tell me to die then block me so I can’t come back at u smh that’s some pussy bitch shit. Why don’t you unblock me I promise after a convo with me your bullshit suicide threats will become real u racist homophobic piece of shit.
19 02,2021

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did being queer

I liked a girl once, but my sister ended up dating her even though she knew I liked her and I can't get over her TT

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did being queer

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did first kiss

we were drunk and they asked me if they could kiss my cheek so I was like "you can kiss my lips if you want to"

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