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Filly-Sama's topics ( All 2 )

Filly-Sama September 20, 2019 9:26 am

Good luck on your exams!!!!!! I’ve just recently finished mine and I know how brain punching they are. Take it easy on the uploads and focus on your exams. We’ll wait patiently for your Gucci uploads.

Filly-Sama June 19, 2019 2:44 pm

It's because their relationship is not something you can play with to satisfy yourself. It's not like you can go poof, I want y'all to be in a relationship. Stuff don't work like that, child.

Filly-Sama's questions ( All 2 )

Filly-Sama April 19, 2019 4:51 pm

Hi guys, this is a Korean Webtoon, it is between teachers and I think it’s BL. Anyways, these two teachers were childhood friends, I think one of them teaches English. One significant scene that stands out to me is that one of the students bleached their hair and his teacher was being nice to him about it but the disciplinary teacher was all over his ass about it, so the other teacher who I presume is friends with the student’s brothers just barged into their house and dragged that student to get his hair dyed back because he couldn’t stand the other teacher getting yelled at for being lenient with the kid. I hope u guys can tell me the title of this webtoon. Thank you very much

    Filly-Sama April 20, 2019 3:08 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! listen boi

    Oooooo that’s it. Thank u!!! I’ve been reading quite a few teacher x teachers and got confused on which was which hahahaha.

Filly-Sama March 19, 2019 10:04 am

It’s either shounen ai or yaoi. Also has colour. About a guy who checks himself into the mental hospital even tho he’s all fine. Dunno why. In there he meets another guy but this guy actually has a problem, dunno what either. The last chapter I remember was that it was raining heavily with thunder and he 2nd MC is very scared of it. He is found by the 1st MC huddling at the side of the building.

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