Gosh! I really despise the absurd logic and borderline selfishness of Taeho who is also the childhood friend/first only love of the toothless tortured cursed Uke...
(╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸
My god that douchebag Taeho keeps making Eunwoo the mermaid uke suffer and cry for very stupid reasonsΣ(  ̄□ ̄||)
You reject him more than one time, let him see various sex girlfriends during high school, he even slept once with a man when he saw Eunwoo from a distant living/enjoying his university life without him - also treated that helpful stranger like shit, you can't tell him any truth why he is doing all that shit, you barge in his work life even though he doesn't want to see you, you keep giving him mixed messages and bullies him, you can't stand that another man wants him or he might fell in love with another man for the first time and you can't be honest to yourself until its too late. He only changes for the better when the Uke/FL can't stand the suffering anymore and is almost gone for good...
Why the hell does that fucker gets rewarded and sympathy at the end??????
Well to make that seme heroic an antagonist ghost from the past has to appears so he almost sacrifices himself to protect the Uke and suffers three years loneliness until Uke miraculously comes back to him... I can't help to think that this narrative is quite manipulatively + wrong.
So you unintentionally/unconsciously make your love suffer for a very long time because you didn't want him to turn into a bubble or you denied your feelings for him... How about LETTING HIM GO?!
BUT couldn't you just be honest with him and actually help him in any productive ways???!!! And the author make the UKE so stupidly naive, soft, weak and a person who easily forgives anything...
I like Deep because I am so done seeing the tragic mermaid typeΣ(  ̄□ ̄||)
2021-01-27 12:35 marked
I want everyone to know that...