if anyone could answer, I know that at the beginning they’re not together and they sleep around, and the blonde one is a sex worker(?), but does any cheating happen while they’re together? Any that was intentional, I know smth happens that was not. Also does the blonde one quit being a sex worker at the end/when they get together or does he continue? BL’s of this type of genre aren’t really my cup of tea but everyone’s praising it so I’m conflicted TT
They’re both wrong and it’d honestly be best for them to take a break. The way blondie acted in the beginning didn’t convince me that he was over Dongha either and it didn’t even seem like he really liked green eyed dude so I don’t blame him for feeling insecure. At the same time, green eyed dude should try to not be so bitchy all the time towards Dongha and blondie and trust him more/ talk things out without arguing. They’re both at fault and they shouldn’t be together right now if they’re going to continue having these feelings.
Yeah they’re both to blame. The MC kept thinking he was the perfect happy boyfriend so that she herself would be satisfied and ignored that he was suffering. The red hair guy was suffering, yes, but he cheated on her (plenty of times as well) so he could get what he was seeking from her and that was shitty (even in their own home like dude). They’re both to blame and are just not good for each other. I feel like I don’t really like the red hair dude more bc he was acting so innocent and naive as to what he did at the beginning so it rubbed me the wrong way if that makes sense? Anyways fuck the pink bitch, she could’ve been there for him emotionally but she still convinced him to sleep with her and didn’t feel any remorse once he got caught. I hope the red hair dude doesn’t end up with her and seeks help in some other source, because first of all it’s better for him and that bitch doesn’t deserve the right.