I can only imagine how how Doyun is feeling. He must be confused with the changes he's going through, scared and embarrassed by his behavior while in heat. Disappointed and frustrated because it's Teahan that keeps triggering him, especially since he feels that Taehan has always picking fights with him. I'm sure anger is a much easier emotion to deal with then everything else he's feeling. For most of his life he's considered himself only "half omega" and by the age of 26 probably thought he would never go into heat or have a normal/typical relationship with any alpha. His life has been turned upside down and he is obviously not capable dealing with it let alone discussing it with the person that caused the upheaval.
Poor Taehan has had no clue what's going on and has the patience of a saint. I do believe he might be starting to piece it together a little bit. I'm looking forward to seeing how he'll react now that Doyun is starting to either snap or completely break down.
Why do so many people complain about a work of fiction? Anyone that can't tell the difference should not be reading any kind of mature content. Please try to remember that this fiction is set in a world/universe that does not have the same rules, laws, culture, or ideals. That the basic biology of the main characters are not the same, they are a different species all together. Remember that during a heat/rut there is little to no reasoning or concious thought process, they are basically animals. If you think that shouldn't matter then please go try to explain things like consent to a cat in heat and two male cats fighting over the female. If you're little speech about consent gets them to stop I'll happily eat my words.
There are many fluffy love stories out there if this isn't your thing. Complaining about it will not change anything. Fictional characters in a fictional world does not in any way relate to real life issues. If you can't understand this, it triggers you, or pisses you off; you are either way to young to be reading this or you need some serious therapy.