Cyandy July 9, 2016 2:44 pm

Any good Omegaverse Manga/Dojinshis you can reccommend?

Would be best if they hated each other BUTTT Ill take everything i can get 8)!!

Cyandy February 17, 2016 10:45 am

someone knows some good omegaverse manga?

But pleeease without the jo we're all animal shapeshifters stuff :I!

    Anonymous February 18, 2016 11:13 am

    If you ar talKing about an omega can get pregnant,by his alpa mate ,i know aview,but its only dj lol!!!???

Cyandy March 9, 2015 9:49 pm


Im searching for Yaoi where the "explicit scenes" are drawn very detailed and in a good drawing style. Dont get me wrong, ich dont want detailes penisses or smthg like that but i rlly like facial expressions and situations, that are drawn so well that it makes ur heart beat faaaaster. Something like Super Lovers or stuff of Junko maybe.
Beautiful drawn situtations, like kisses and touches and stuuuuuff make my heart beat fast SO IF U HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT COULD FIT MY TASTE, ppppppls recommend it to me ; u ; (and sorry, english is not my mother language) Sorry for being complicated 878

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