So, as I was on my hunt for sleepiness, I decided to read manga. After my fourth manga, I decided that "last one, and I'll sleep".
I saw this, continued reasing from chap 90. And I wouldnt have thought that sleep will be the last thing I'll be feeling after reading the last update. Like fuck. I felt like i smoke weed! (kidding, I've never tried thatbut you get the point)

Can you(yeah ,you who can't stop themselves from reading this despite the cliffhangers ) inform me if lucas has already made his wsy back to athy? Yeah? Bc in seriously leaving this alone until lucas made an appearnace. I dont thibk i can handle the heartbreak if i saw athy suffering and claude not remembering her. I might as well wait a lil more chap before reading this
And yes,I was bot able to fight the urge to read it. And fuck. I love it so much. LUCAS COME BACK NOW! AAHHH, ALAB IT