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YourWitcher February 21, 2024 8:46 pm

I wish with all my heart that TJ is the ML, just because i cant get over the fact that Ian deserves something better than this. I just hope Ian will soon move on because boy, its kind of clear that he is not welcomed and will never be in this whole mess.

    Haru Chan February 21, 2024 8:52 pm

    I find it amusing you based everything on sex. People don't care to see the plot anymore

    YourWitcher February 21, 2024 9:03 pm

    I was not referring to the sex parts tho

    Haru Chan February 21, 2024 9:11 pm
    I was not referring to the sex parts tho YourWitcher

    Then what else you meant by can't get over the fact that Ian deserves something better than this? What exactly Ian deserves?

    YourWitcher February 21, 2024 9:25 pm

    Its just my opinion, dont need to be so offended by it :)))) the chemistry doesnt seem to be the same. Ian was beaten, threatened and then shushed with money, how is that something to aspire of? Why should he do this when the other person, as of now, does not show clear indication of wanting to give up their criminal past? He still maintains contact and associates with his past lover/gang and its fully aware that he is watched. In my opinion, Ian shows a greater level of maturity and what he wants, i think he should find a partner that makes this, instead of playing a game of cat and mice with the other two.

    Haru Chan February 21, 2024 9:37 pm
    Its just my opinion, dont need to be so offended by it :)))) the chemistry doesnt seem to be the same. Ian was beaten, threatened and then shushed with money, how is that something to aspire of? Why should he d... YourWitcher

    I'm a Ian stan and I hate to break it to you Ian has no maturity to handle anything related to his life yet due to his upbringing and past trauma. He can't think straight. If you leave him like this he'll be in this circle for the rest of life. Do you know who actually shows a greater level of maturity in this story? It's Jo and I'm not even his stan.

    YourWitcher February 21, 2024 9:40 pm

    Then i would suggest therapy, not a relationship

    Haru Chan February 21, 2024 9:44 pm
    Then i would suggest therapy, not a relationship YourWitcher

    Both Ian and TJ deserves therapy.

    YourWitcher February 21, 2024 9:46 pm

    I was referring to the three of them

    Haru Chan February 21, 2024 9:55 pm
    I was referring to the three of them YourWitcher

    Why would Jo needs a therapy lol? It's my boy Ian and Scarface who needs to therapy so they can work their relationship.

    Rose February 21, 2024 10:16 pm
    Why would Jo needs a therapy lol? It's my boy Ian and Scarface who needs to therapy so they can work their relationship. Haru Chan

    Bro I think Jo will require therapy after the end of the series

    J&THaterNo.1 February 22, 2024 9:12 am

    Did you make a typo? do you want TJ to ML or not?

YourWitcher December 18, 2023 5:33 pm

This is getting annoying. From the comments, it seems they became endgame just cause the mc chases him, but that is just sooo annoying.
Why can't you take no for an answer? This is not cute at all. Accept the breakup and move on. Do you really want to end up this a person WHO HAS A FIANCEE AND JUST DATES OTHER PEOPLE BECAUSE HE IS BORED???

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YourWitcher December 24, 2020 7:42 pm

I just remembered a manga i used to read some time ago so i dont really remember that much about it. It was about a world with 4 distinct types of magic and they each had a sign that was engraved from birth into the persons body. The MC has the weakest mark so he decides to do some magic to reincarnate. He is successful and its send to like way into the future where magic sucks and nobody really knows how to handle it ( i think) and he also has the best mark out of them ( i think x2) and my memory just gets really mess from here on

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