do you guys ( people who been on this site for a while now i mean like 5 to 4 years on here) think this site is filled with very sensitive people now in days like let's say you comment you like abusive manga and how the way they beat him or chain him up is sexy people would go out there way to tell you that they hate that or to tell you the way they love each other is not healthy and just toxic like the dislike button is right there i only comment this to let the other people who like this subject or story to know so we can discuss and make friends and the tags are right there too if you don't like then leave a comment and find another book to pleas you ( and i might sound sensitive to but i'm tired of people trying to argue with me about what i like, like isn't supposed to be your nap time but who knows it might just be me who feel this way) *drops mic* ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

Once or twice a year someone will start leaving negative comments on nearly every post and put up really negative and offensive posts. A couple of other people will be inspired to do the same. The original posters and random people will start name calling back. It ends up with almost every post high-jacked into long threads of hateful bullshit and eventually death threats. This goes on for a couple of months and then I guess they get bored and wander off to spread their negativity elsewhere. Then there can be actual discussions and people can get questions answered until the next one. This started 6-7 (?) years ago. Though there doesn't seem to have been one since I posted on this thread in October. Maybe they are over for good. (hope, hope)

it's about a boy who has different color eyes and he never went outside because of that so then he went outside for the first time to go shopping i think his left eye was covered by his hair idk so anyway he went to shop at in outside antique shop and met this guy who loved his eyes and asked him if he wanted to work for him at his home/shop and live there. (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜
good morning my fellow tops and twinks i'm looking for a manga about a boy who went outside cross dressing because he lost a bet with his sisters he has three so he went out to buy drinks at a vending machine as soon he about to leave he got attack by a monster so a group of hot guys/superheros saved him but they all thought he was a girl because of what he is wearing and they only save females but when they found out they took a picture of him and threatening him to sign their contract and be their manager (the cross dressing boy has orange hair)
Ohh sounds very interesting
Tell me when you find it~
ok i found it people it's call chaos attack for those who was interested (≧∀≦)