am i the only one who feels bad about the dress designs?
EVERY SINGLE DRESS of Athy is gorgeus and can be cosplayed but the air time (or time its shown) are very short so we cannot savor it T T and its such a waste
most memorable dress is ofc her debut dress
and her dress when she fell from the sky
ive been comparing her wardrobe with ccs
but the difference is, ccs have epic battle scene with the costume, we can connect the card and the costume
but here we can only remember her clothes when there are important arc/scene such as first meeting with claude, first meeting with white hair ml(lol forgot the name), debut / official meeting with jeannette
first actual meeting with jeanettes dad
so i feel bad for all the other clothes design :( theyre so gorgeoustho
i was expecting a revenge full of drama. i got comedy isntead
and will be staying for more