Am I the only one that likes gabrielle in a weird way ? Like yeah she’s the worse but she’s kinda a spoiled idiot so it kinda become comedic when she’s on screen you know ? I’m not sure if you understand what I’m trying to say, it’s like those evil characters that are really dumb so when they try doing something evil it’s kinda funny in way

I- wtf no that’s not right. I’m sorry but I’m literally going drop this. Rape isn’t justifiable just because he left her and the fact that the author is trying to make it romanticized is even worse. I’m not saying that rape in a story can’t be used but it shouldn’t be used to deepen a relationship and disguise it as something kinky, rape isn’t something that should be fetishized and when used in a story it should be seen as something horrible because THATS WHAT IT IS! ITS HORRIBLE! And the fact that he is a guy doesn’t excuse it, “ what if it was a girl in this situation” also isn’t something that should be said because it doesn’t matter if it’s a girl or boy, rape isn’t okay PERIOD.
I really like this and wanna see how it pans out but I would like to make one comment..... the ML reminds me of a fish especially in that one panel where he was looking straight forward I’m not saying I hate it but I thought it was funny and kinda took me by surprise