Am I bad for not feeling one bit of sympathy for the other guy that said: “Can’t it be me?”
—Brother had time before, and didn’t until Yu is with someone else. I don’t respect people who give some friendly advice and then do that borderline home-wreck shit. I mean sure I feel a tiny bit bad but not much, hope he finds someone else before he dies.
Also, can someone give me the lore of Yu and Souji? It doesn’t have to be detailed.
• How did they meet, is this the usual trope pair where bottom is inexperienced and has only had sex with top?
During their separation of years, I’m sure both of them has had a sexual life or nope?
• I heard Yu and Souji were together before? In a relationship or just had sex before?
• Did Yu end things or left because he couldn’t bear or give a kid?
—So no communication, no confrontation (in communication), nada. Problems can’t fix themselves, and these grown adults need to learn.