Few are shitting on Main Owen for being jealous which I guess is valid too since the jealousy is being dragged on, but still.
But why shit on Nux is more of my concern?
• Nux obviously won’t treat all the other Owens the same. You’re aware that all Owens have different personalities and behavior? Nux will react differently to different personalities and behavior. His love won’t be equal, think of it as:
• All other Owens are different aspects of Main Owen. The others are clones from different timelines of Main Owen, with different personalities and behavior. It’s like Nux dislikes some parts and likes other parts (Tanned Owen v. Long Haired Owen). Like, he may not be as romantic or romantic at all with others except Main Owen. I wouldn’t expect Nux to love all parts of Main Owen, it’s more like he’s loving them in different ways than romantic.
Personally I wouldn’t be fucking another partner while another is insecure, we’d be talking first, then comes the gang bang session when all on board. And I doubt Nux is the type to do that without talking.
A lot are disappointed that the threesome was just a dream, but I’m glad it was because it feels shitty of Main Owen to do that while his other partner isn’t so secure. Saying Main Owen has to “learn” to share is a bit weird, but that’s just my opinion. That’s like saying,
“Just live with the fact that others will fuck your partner even if you’re not feeling completely on board with it.”
I know this isn’t what those people think, but it’s what I got from it. Is this just me? But I also understand that the jealousy is not cute anymore, so that’s why I’m hoping that it was just a dream—and Nux will actually discuss the jealousy with Main Owen.
Little Spoiler: I saw on Twitter of all the Owens and Nux with wedding fits on. It was pretty cute!