UUta0's feed

UUta0 asked a question

How do some of you go to work while in process of reading a bunch of BLs? I think BL has brain rotted me. I don’t want to get up even though I’ve spent a year and half of education in med school. It feels like a decade…

I just want to read! I don’t even have time to catch up, and once I slow down, I slow down with the rest. I currently have 180 tabs open, few are random websites and others are BLs.

I don’t even have time or motive to look through and delete ones I’ve already read. Due to this, I’m sometimes relying on people to give me spoilers. Sorry for the inconvenience. I’m forgetting some stories I read too, but my brain wants to know.

I wish I read BL and stories in general when I was younger, so I could have all the time in the world. I make it seem like I’m old, but I’m 20.

I don’t look old though, no worries, I wouldn’t risk scaring people. But im going to get through half of the tabs, then sleep.

DOES ANYONE HAVE BL RECOMMENDATIONS, can be NOVEL or manhua/manga/manhwa/etc? One where the angst is light or none at all, I need a de-stressor.

Good night! Please take your time reading, you’re never too old to start education (unless you’re on death bed).