UUta0 March 8, 2025 2:03 pm

Aww Soo Doo x Iltak

(Satire as fuck btw….maybe…yeah.. nah)

UUta0 March 8, 2025 5:58 am

Ugh. When is Gunner gonna die?

I still can’t forget Theo’s words: even a lifetime isn’t enough to get over you (Gunner).

FUCK NOOOO die GUNNER!!! Well, Theo deserves a good closure first. But I bet it’s gonna take another few rapes from Gunner before Gunner x_x.

UUta0 March 8, 2025 4:04 am

During their argument in the side stories, forgot chapter but like 136 or 137 or lower, when LiHuan (Ml) forgot Yuyang’s b-day (MC), did they celebrate or just moved on? LiHuan came home tired from work, and didn’t remember probably. And Yuyang was hurt.

UUta0 March 8, 2025 3:03 am

Who’s raped by who?
Edit: Okay so raped by the two MLs, brothers assuming. The ones in cover

Is this shit gonna be like slam dunk or whatever it was called?

UUta0 March 7, 2025 4:09 pm

• What caused a rift between the couple?

• Why did ML cheat on MC? In ch 36, and assuming what he did in ch 36 (past) is why he called himself dirty in ch 28.

• Do they love each other?

• What is the conflict really?

    Gragill March 7, 2025 11:18 pm

    1) MC has trauma from being sexually abused as a child, losing his parents and having terrible heart issues that induce seizures. That makes him have extreme low self-esteem, being guarded against anything and anyone, fear of being abandoned, and of course being unsafe physically. ML got obsessed, stalked the MC in a very intrusive yet protective and accepting way that led to them becoming a couple and 3) genuinely loving or at least being incredibly emotionally dependant on each other, depends on your concept of love honestly. However, MC would eventually have to get out of his shell to become his own person, and ML would eventually have to trust and hope for the better for MC in order to have a healthy balanced relationship. ML was reluctant to this changes out of fear, both worrying about the ML's health and partly because of losing the closeness they had gone through so much pain to develop. But MC pushed through even when ML didn't support him, and ended up in a team of really kind and helpfull coworkers, so he started to grow as a person, feeling worthy and having more self-steem and social relationships, while ML was going down the opposite path in his shit job and his growing lack of control over everything and everyone. This was accompanied by this of MC losing control of his body during and after seizures, and ML taking those times to touch him sexually (disturbing af), both relieving MC, giving him the feeling of being supported and loved being denied all his agency in the middle of his agony, and giving way into giving the green light for further erasure of the line between consent and abuse. ML was extremely negative thinking the worse possibilities of anything, planning ahead about how to climb his carreer in a toxic and destructive job environment to make enough money to support MC economically so he could be safe at home. This crucial disagreement made the MC resent the overprotectiveness and lack of support of the ML, and the ML resented the ungratefullness and self-harming stubborness of the MC.

    2) Stress and overwhelemed by all the thing mentioned in 1), and of course being an impulsive bastard (as exemplified for being so quick to act on violence or non-consensual acts and inmediately regretting it, breaking down for forgiveness over and over again.) Also, I think he thought he was already dirty from even lusting after MC, as each time he felt like he was putting pressure on someone he saw as extremely fragile, yet didn't control his impulses at all, so dirtying himself a little bit in one night no one will know about could not make things any worse.

    3) Answered in 1.

    4) MC vs his illnesses, his self-perception, being in a vicious abusive cycle, his abandonment and sexual trauma, navigating a cynical job where his whole team is not appriciated nor liked by their higher ups. And ML vs his impulsivity, his obssesive and hyper-protective tendencies, his anger issues, and his self-sacrificing stubborness working in a toxic and abusive job environment. This story is composed of very complex character studies of basically all reoccurring characters, the conflict is life being a bitch.

    Nana March 8, 2025 9:13 am
    1) MC has trauma from being sexually abused as a child, losing his parents and having terrible heart issues that induce seizures. That makes him have extreme low self-esteem, being guarded against anything and... Gragill

    You did such a great and complete analysis

    solar March 9, 2025 11:52 am
    1) MC has trauma from being sexually abused as a child, losing his parents and having terrible heart issues that induce seizures. That makes him have extreme low self-esteem, being guarded against anything and... Gragill

    Omg this is really well written thank you

    Kin March 10, 2025 8:59 pm
    1) MC has trauma from being sexually abused as a child, losing his parents and having terrible heart issues that induce seizures. That makes him have extreme low self-esteem, being guarded against anything and... Gragill

    Thank you for the independence analysis!

    Epsilon March 13, 2025 3:51 pm
    1) MC has trauma from being sexually abused as a child, losing his parents and having terrible heart issues that induce seizures. That makes him have extreme low self-esteem, being guarded against anything and... Gragill

    So Ml doesn’t love the MC :(

    Does the story have a happy ending of any kind? I don’t think I can read this if the ending is sad…or if the ML doesn’t love him/change and regret everything he did

    Gragill March 13, 2025 10:15 pm
    So Ml doesn’t love the MC :( Does the story have a happy ending of any kind? I don’t think I can read this if the ending is sad…or if the ML doesn’t love him/change and regret everything he did Epsilon


    MC and ML end up together, and everything seems hopefull. It's a little bit strange with how MC and his boss (the hot one, not the adorable one) were implied to love each other (even kissed as a goodbye in front of ML lmao) but both decided to leave it platonic and stay with their respective partners. Dunno the details about the ML's regret arc since I don't know Korean, just skimmed through all the raws.

    UUta0 March 13, 2025 10:28 pm
    Spoiler...MC and ML end up together, and everything seems hopefull. It's a little bit strange with how MC and his boss (the hot one, not the adorable one) were implied to love each other (even kissed as a goodb... Gragill

    Love each other??

    1. How many chapters in total of raws?
    2. What hot guy? Which chapter is he in?

    And kissed right in front of ML? Erm…alrighty then! :D
    Why did they decide to be platonic? Kissing and then going off to their partners is weird but that’s just my opinion.

    More concerning that MC and ML are endgame but it’s also realistic.

    lacquerine March 13, 2025 11:52 pm

    Looks like most of you are reading the raw version from free sites. If that’s the case, you’re missing the revised ending and several side stories after the epilogue. If you wanna know exactly how it ends, keep reading…

    Basically, the ending stays the same, but new scenes was added to explain how the 3 of them ended up that way. The boss straight up proposed to the BF that he wanted to have sex with MC, but he had no intention of taking care of MC for the rest of his life because he's not into commitment. In exchange, he offered to keep the BF updated on MC’s health and told him to come back to take care of MC whenever necessary. The BF agreed, feeling guilty and also not wanting to lose his chance with MC.

    So, they end up in this weird 3-way arrangement: MC and the boss casually date and have sex from time to time. Whenever MC starts showing signs of a panic attack and needs someone around, the boss calls the BF, who comes over, and yeah, they have sex too. This continues for some time (months, years, I'm not really sure) until the boss decides to work abroad and officially says goodbye to MC. After that, MC tells the BF something along the lines of now they're even when it comes to cheating, and they get back together.

    Epsilon March 14, 2025 1:07 am
    Spoiler...MC and ML end up together, and everything seems hopefull. It's a little bit strange with how MC and his boss (the hot one, not the adorable one) were implied to love each other (even kissed as a goodb... Gragill

    Damn, why is there so much cheating in this manwha

    UUta0 March 14, 2025 2:18 am
    Looks like most of you are reading the raw version from free sites. If that’s the case, you’re missing the revised ending and several side stories after the epilogue. If you wanna know exactly how it ends, ... lacquerine

    What the fuck is this shit . I’m someone who detests cheating so I feel this is as bad as missing love (bad as in angst).

    So did MC break up with ML while he was having sex with the boss?

    And the boss didn’t love MC, just sexually attracted?

    How many chapters total in raws?

    Why did MC agree to have sex with him? He could’ve had anyone else like finding a sex buddy. Why with someone that doesn’t care for him long term?

    I did NOT expect this.

    And is it really cheating if BF agreed?

    I’m so shocked sorry. The one time cheating from ML was already bad but MC doing it as well and then getting back with ML? Sigh.

    Gragill March 14, 2025 12:04 pm
    Looks like most of you are reading the raw version from free sites. If that’s the case, you’re missing the revised ending and several side stories after the epilogue. If you wanna know exactly how it ends, ... lacquerine

    What the fuck oh nooooooooo aaaaaaaaaaah

    UUta0 March 14, 2025 2:02 pm
    What the fuck oh nooooooooo aaaaaaaaaaah Gragill

    Same reaction

UUta0 March 7, 2025 2:43 pm

Maybe just me but I really hate how Angel dismissed Josh’s feeling when he was uncomfortable with Angel flirting with his ex of all people. I am doing my best to believe Angel was just goofing around, but even so, keep that flirting tendencies down, especially after getting in a relationship with someone who isn’t okay with flirting with others/non-partner.

I really hope they discuss after the sexy sex in side story 5! And to be fair, Josh (side story 5) saying the propose is a joke probably hurt Angel’s feelings like how Josh’s feelings were hurt, so they’re even! Gosh, these two idiots.

Not sure how they’re gonna work this out. I don’t think it’s bad to tell Angel to stop flirting, is it? Some say it’s how he is and how his lifestyle is, but that’s not an important compromise.

I may be overreacting but the part where Josh’s feelings were dismissed made me upset the most than flirting itself. Angel saying, “What are you so worried about?”

Buuuut Angel was drunk. It felt like Angel was just teasing Josh’s ex and didn’t seem that interested. He knew what he was doing by saying: “Hm, you seem bothered. Cute”.

And only when Josh came to grab him, he started to make smoochie kisses. Otherwise he would’ve made smoochie kisses to other people too, but he doesn’t.

I swear my two brain hemispheres are fighting.

    jae March 7, 2025 5:23 pm

    No I completely agree w/ you on both sides! Where i did feel weird Angel trivialize how Josh felt but could also see the teasing dynamic btwn them -- the 2 fighting sides made me feel weird reading.

    Love that Josh speaks Spanish tho! And we finally have a short king seme ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

    Unlike others frothing for Angel I'm more partial to Josh - we need some more Josh loving in the comments!!ヾ(☆▽☆)

    gozenreiji March 7, 2025 6:11 pm

    I think it was because he was drunk and I mean, It wasn't really that serious of a flirt, he just called him cute

    UUta0 March 7, 2025 6:22 pm
    I think it was because he was drunk and I mean, It wasn't really that serious of a flirt, he just called him cute gozenreiji

    Yes, but it’s not really about labelling it as serious or unserious—more about how your partner feels about it. Josh is clearly not okay with him flirting regardless of who. It doesn’t matter the amount of serious.

    Not just cute, but the body language is also overstepping boundaries. It can be uncomfortable to both Josh and that ex of Josh.

    I’m just afraid this is going to be one of the drama or problem in their relationship, with Josh disliking his flirting and Angel dismissing his feeling.

    Key: Dismissing

    gozenreiji March 7, 2025 6:28 pm
    Yes, but it’s not really about labelling it as serious or unserious—more about how your partner feels about it. Josh is clearly not okay with him flirting regardless of who. It doesn’t matter the amount o... UUta0

    Ammm Well you can think like that but I don't think This is getting further I mean, this conflict won't be too important, these are just side stories

    UUta0 March 7, 2025 6:31 pm
    Ammm Well you can think like that but I don't think This is getting further I mean, this conflict won't be too important, these are just side stories gozenreiji

    I know but realistically and even here fictional where there’s a real relationship, these are something worth discussing about. If you were jealous over your partner doing something, you’d wanna talk about it and make some boundaries y’know?

    And well, there are more side stories I’m assuming.

    dreamrose77 March 7, 2025 11:26 pm
    I know but realistically and even here fictional where there’s a real relationship, these are something worth discussing about. If you were jealous over your partner doing something, you’d wanna talk about ... UUta0

    i also think like you and i was waiting them to discuss about it but it never happened

    UUta0 March 7, 2025 11:28 pm
    i also think like you and i was waiting them to discuss about it but it never happened dreamrose77

    I mean the next side story 5 or 4 only is with sex, so I’m hoping it happens after hehe.

    dreamrose77 March 9, 2025 12:21 am
    I mean the next side story 5 or 4 only is with sex, so I’m hoping it happens after hehe. UUta0

    I hope so hahah

UUta0 March 6, 2025 9:04 pm

• Apparently novel reader said that Gable is XinLu’s partner in the future? Is this true? No more 2nd lead Xinlu? If so, I’m glad.

• How does Xinlu fall for Gable? Isn’t he obsessed with Taeui?

• Everyone is thirsting for Xinlu in my timeline, but wren’s they hating on Xinlu not even a quarter of this year ago? I honestly forgot what Xinlu did to garner hate. Or you guys still dislike him but like his looks?

    Danieka March 6, 2025 9:17 pm

    1) yes G and Xinlu get together in their own side story but that doesn’t stop Xinlu from trying to be a whole menace during the novel. I say trying because while the author clearly tries to make him seem like the problem it’s always Tae being the problem.

    2) are you going to read the pairing side story? Because then to not spoil you, it’s very “you’re not like the others” despite the reader who actually pays attention seeing that bro is probably just like the others? But a top is gonna have their preferences and see what they want to see which is someone they can manipulate and lets themselves be manipulated and then call it cute.

    3) they are thirsting most likely because he again isn’t actually the problem especially when he is taken out of the main story

    Jinivia March 6, 2025 9:24 pm

    I think the latest raw chapter plays a role and also how there’s gonna be a manhwa adaptation on xinlu x gable coming. Also spoilers alert but there’s this comment he’s gonna make abt going through such lengths just to have taeui and I think that’s where readers r gonna get the ick ig cos it’s pretty scary

    UUta0 March 6, 2025 9:32 pm
    1) yes G and Xinlu get together in their own side story but that doesn’t stop Xinlu from trying to be a whole menace during the novel. I say trying because while the author clearly tries to make him seem like... Danieka

    Back up, so #1. G and Xinlu will get together but Xinlu is still obsessed with MC and tries to get him? Based on your: “But that doesn’t stop Xinlu from trying to be a whole—“.

    Ugh…not the “you’re different” trope .

    UUta0 March 6, 2025 9:33 pm
    1) yes G and Xinlu get together in their own side story but that doesn’t stop Xinlu from trying to be a whole menace during the novel. I say trying because while the author clearly tries to make him seem like... Danieka

    What do you mean by taken out of the main story? And how is Tae the problem?

    UUta0 March 6, 2025 9:33 pm
    I think the latest raw chapter plays a role and also how there’s gonna be a manhwa adaptation on xinlu x gable coming. Also spoilers alert but there’s this comment he’s gonna make abt going through such l... Jinivia

    Who do I believe? First reply says it’s Tae that’s the problem and author tries to make Xinlu the problem.

    What does Xinlu do? Spoil me. I don’t mind.

    Danieka March 7, 2025 1:05 am
    Who do I believe? First reply says it’s Tae that’s the problem and author tries to make Xinlu the problem. What does Xinlu do? Spoil me. I don’t mind. UUta0

    It’s not that I don’t want to spoil it’s that it takes so much effort because so much happens. I made a huge comment pages back going in on why I hate these novels after reading them because they suck so much (to each their own taste of course, I just felt they had so much potential and the author failed at the 11th hour) but what I meant was while Xinlu IS problematic in that he wants what he can’t have, the author does this overarching theme of making Tae a false saint colored in bystanderism. Xinlu’s type is heavily based on the thrill of the chase and “unsuspecting” seme built ukes. Hence G and his whole “I know you think your suitors are bugs but you’re not talking about me right? I’ll prove you wrong!” Personality. Very puppy, though maybe not dumbass like Tae. Xinlu told Tae he’d just shoot him if he didn’t give him a chance (I was so done with Tae I literally was like “please do” lmao) but Tae offers up Reigrow instead and Xinlu even kidnaps Tae when rescuing him from his brothers boyfriend (kidnap is a loose term because Reigrow was literally right there two steps away and Tae got in there car because his brother was in there despite knowing nothing can touch his brother). So just some examples I guess to supplement my comment.

    Danieka March 7, 2025 1:06 am
    It’s not that I don’t want to spoil it’s that it takes so much effort because so much happens. I made a huge comment pages back going in on why I hate these novels after reading them because they suck so ... Danieka

    *the car

    Jinivia March 7, 2025 6:20 am
    Who do I believe? First reply says it’s Tae that’s the problem and author tries to make Xinlu the problem. What does Xinlu do? Spoil me. I don’t mind. UUta0

    everyone in the story has a problem lol. cos as crazy is ilay is, only crazy can match crazy so taeuis definitely not in his right mind either. im not saying any of them are bad ppl cos theres a thin line between bad and good. as for xinlu, personally i have no feelings towards him. perhaps curiosity cos i heard hes topping gable and taeuis filter (the twink thing) wasnt helping to support it AT ALL. im guessing ppl have negative reactions towards xinlu cos he said that hed rather take taeuis corpse than let him be with someone else. here ilay went into how hed consume that corpse or sth along the lines lol (i know the bar is in hell with both mls) but then again ilay told his mercenary/agent friends to kill him if taeui ever dies before him so thats probably oddly romantic in the eyes of dark romance readers.

    and then there was this whole xinlu sleeping with ilay thing. imo all 3 of them r at fault tbh. ilay and xinlu for obvious reasons but taeuis behavior is often overlooked. normally when u find out ur bf is sleeping with someone, youd feel betrayed by ur bf. instead taeui felt more betrayed by ilay and his whole monologue in the scene was more abt ilay than it was abt xinlu. so yh his way of thinking is weird but then again taeuis whole character is based on how his odd narration goes.

    this is just from an objective pov. sry if it was a long rant i just love analyzing characters and imo passion is more focused on that than on the romance or action or anything else. but it could just be me overanalyzing stuff since its a weird habit of mine. im currently reading raga tho cos NOW i can imagine xinlu topping someone lol. btw i dont dislike any of the characters. maybe taeuis uncle ig cos i feel like he doesnt sincerely care for taeui but thats it

    Danieka March 7, 2025 3:21 pm
    everyone in the story has a problem lol. cos as crazy is ilay is, only crazy can match crazy so taeuis definitely not in his right mind either. im not saying any of them are bad ppl cos theres a thin line betwe... Jinivia

    I agree that the uncle does NOT care about Tae at all lmao his own brother seems to care out of habit but I’d also go further and say that a lot of these pairings don’t actually love each other, it’s just possession sickly dressed up as love. I did a whole break down pages back on why I felt the novels had potential as far as story building and dynamics but crumbled due to weak tropes like rapist+victim= true love. The only redeeming characters for me were Kyle and Christophe.

    Jinivia March 7, 2025 5:56 pm
    I agree that the uncle does NOT care about Tae at all lmao his own brother seems to care out of habit but I’d also go further and say that a lot of these pairings don’t actually love each other, it’s just... Danieka

    u have a point but tbh i did actually enjoy the more docile interactions between ilay and taeui in suite lmao. but ofc that does not overshadow ilays horrible treatment in earlier chapters. like i said i enjoy the characters more than their interactions so the romance not romancing is fine for me. im reading raga now and i feel like their storys actually cuter than ilay and taeuis tho not sure cos perhaps i just didnt predict theyd be adorable in a way. especially gable. hes pretty lovable as a narrator. as for chris i dun rlly like richard and their interactions r far far worse to digest than iltaes so i skipped them and thats why i dun feel much attached to chris. is their story worth it tho? i mean richard and chris. if so maybe id try reading about them again. but i rlly rlly hate it when rape is written in books. webtoons r still tolerable but actual novels r rlly uncomfortable for me

    Danieka March 7, 2025 6:44 pm
    u have a point but tbh i did actually enjoy the more docile interactions between ilay and taeui in suite lmao. but ofc that does not overshadow ilays horrible treatment in earlier chapters. like i said i enjoy ... Jinivia

    No, I suggest not reading it. I feel like Chris is a sympathetic character who suffered an incredible amount of abuse only to be pushed into their ultimate abusers bed because “this is the only one who will see and love you.” This novel really contributed to why I hate Tae so much as it brought to light his false saint aura and bystanderism as he constantly acknowledged the rape/abuse taking place and went “well, that’s not good but I guess that’s how it goes. Let me do a pointless action so everyone knows I’m not one of the bad guys even though I won’t comfort Chris, tell him it’s not his fault/this isn’t right, or do anything to prevent these events happening to someone that considers me their only friend.” Very similar to how Tae tends to watch Ilay get attacked and when Ilay defends himself (albeit very bloodily) he starts screeching and preaching about not hurting others. The author goes so hard and heavy on making Tae liked by everyone when he has no redeeming qualities outside of neutrality (that isn’t actually neutral since at the end of the day he always folds for what Ilay wants.) but I can see what you mean in those little moments of vulnerability Ilay shows, it plays to the feeling of seeing the beauty in a beast which I also enjoyed. It was just SEVERELY overshadowed by the putrid amount of rape and Tae being absolutely useless as a narrator despite apparently having military training and the God of luck in his blood. I genuinely wish it had been Ilay POV I hate being in Taes head.

    Danieka March 7, 2025 6:44 pm
    u have a point but tbh i did actually enjoy the more docile interactions between ilay and taeui in suite lmao. but ofc that does not overshadow ilays horrible treatment in earlier chapters. like i said i enjoy ... Jinivia

    Also, thank you as I stand corrected, I do enjoy Gable individually, he’s a sweetie

    Jadeswan March 8, 2025 9:59 pm
    Back up, so #1. G and Xinlu will get together but Xinlu is still obsessed with MC and tries to get him? Based on your: “But that doesn’t stop Xinlu from trying to be a whole—“.Ugh…not the “you’re ... UUta0

    No, not at all. Xinlu and Gable get together because Xinlu genuinely fell for him (Yuri fell first, Xinlu fell harder) Xinlu’s obsession was less of Tae, and more of RIEGROW (Xinlu absolutely hates that he took something that Xinlu wants) but even then, his love for Yuri overshadowed all that.

    UUta0 March 9, 2025 12:33 am
    No, not at all. Xinlu and Gable get together because Xinlu genuinely fell for him (Yuri fell first, Xinlu fell harder) Xinlu’s obsession was less of Tae, and more of RIEGROW (Xinlu absolutely hates that he to... Jadeswan

    Thank you!! And oh so Xinlu wasn’t 100% in love with mc?

    Jadeswan March 9, 2025 1:36 am
    Thank you!! And oh so Xinlu wasn’t 100% in love with mc? UUta0

    I posted this a while back:

    Yuri was the one who fell for Shinru first, though still maintaining his professionalism. Later on in the novel, Shinru took his time but he falls HARDER for Yuri (it’s a case of ‘one fell first, the other falls harder’.) Shinru’s character development ties in very closely with his relationship with Yuri, and they explore even questions like ‘does Shinru really like Taeui or was he just pissed Ilay stole something from him.’ Something Shinru was seething over because Yuri asks questions that hit straight at his areas of weaknesses. Shinru can’t hide anything from Yuri but Yuri himself can’t hide from Shinru as well. Well later on, it doesn’t really matter because Xinlu was focused on Yuri by then.

UUta0 March 6, 2025 5:07 pm

I’m wondering if he ends up with the cute coworker, is he going to continue with this way of work where he takes advantage of his sexual (no, rape) encounters?

UUta0 March 5, 2025 5:26 pm

What happened in chapter 24?

    i.f02 March 5, 2025 5:48 pm

    Raw chapter? On the next chapter(ch.25) he's gonna get rape by 4 of them. Warden and a few students also rape him.

    UUta0 March 5, 2025 6:14 pm
    Raw chapter? On the next chapter(ch.25) he's gonna get rape by 4 of them. Warden and a few students also rape him. i.f02

    What the fuck. Author Is going ham .
    4 of them as in all of the guys in the cover? Then they let a warden and some other students rape him?


    i.f02 March 5, 2025 6:25 pm
    What the fuck. Author Is going ham . 4 of them as in all of the guys in the cover? Then they let a warden and some other students rape him?Why? UUta0

    Why? Hmm I can't give a specific answer either. But what I do know is that Hugh and George want to make Raymond a dog. A dog that always follows his master's orders. As for Simon, he wants to punish Raymond because he said Raymond rejected his love. As for Jerome, (SPOILER ALERT) he just followed Hugh's order. Chapter 24 was the last time Jerome touched Raymond, until the club arc (when they were 33)

    UUta0 March 5, 2025 6:27 pm
    Why? Hmm I can't give a specific answer either. But what I do know is that Hugh and George want to make Raymond a dog. A dog that always follows his master's orders. As for Simon, he wants to punish Raymond bec... i.f02

    How old are they now?
    Does Ray get sexually assaulted until 33? Why?

    Also, I appreciate your answers!

    i.f02 March 5, 2025 6:36 pm
    How old are they now? Does Ray get sexually assaulted until 33? Why? Also, I appreciate your answers! UUta0

    In this arc, all of them were 20. Next arc (campsite arc), the were 25, at that time Raymond had retired from the army. 3rd arc, 8 years later they were 33. In the 3rd arc, Raymond want to get revenge on Jerome and Simon. But somehow, Raymond got himself involved in a club held by Hugh's brother, Timothy. The club was like an orgy club for people with rape fetish.

    i.f02 March 5, 2025 6:37 pm
    How old are they now? Does Ray get sexually assaulted until 33? Why? Also, I appreciate your answers! UUta0

    Sorry for my bad eng tho

    UUta0 March 5, 2025 6:42 pm
    In this arc, all of them were 20. Next arc (campsite arc), the were 25, at that time Raymond had retired from the army. 3rd arc, 8 years later they were 33. In the 3rd arc, Raymond want to get revenge on Jerome... i.f02

    Did he get raped there? Jesus, Ray is surrounded by freaks. What arc is the last time Ray is raped? I really hope he wasn’t raped continuously even after leaving school.

    UUta0 March 5, 2025 6:42 pm
    Sorry for my bad eng tho i.f02

    It’s okay, it sounds good.

    i.f02 March 5, 2025 6:46 pm
    Did he get raped there? Jesus, Ray is surrounded by freaks. What arc is the last time Ray is raped? I really hope he wasn’t raped continuously even after leaving school. UUta0

    Last time? 3 arc i think in the club (SPOILER) while being watched by his mother :'( f u simon

    UUta0 March 5, 2025 6:52 pm
    Last time? 3 arc i think in the club (SPOILER) while being watched by his mother :'( f u simon i.f02

    What the hell and why do people like Simon I see it all over twt.

    Also with the school raping Ray, is that only one time in one arc?

    So ray gets raped for 3 arcs? How many chapters are there and where can I read them?

    i.f02 March 5, 2025 7:05 pm
    What the hell and why do people like Simon I see it all over twt. Also with the school raping Ray, is that only one time in one arc? So ray gets raped for 3 arcs? How many chapters are there and where can I re... UUta0

    Simon pretty indeed but i hate his fuck up mind. In the first arc, he mostly get rape by hugh, george, simon and school warden. He got raped by the warden because it's like a payment from hugh to keep quiet.

    You can read it here, this is where the recent manhwa chapter stop:

    But you need to auto translate it to read it. If you use chrome browser, you can click on the triple dot on the right and select translate. Some of the translate word doesn't make any sense, so you need to focus while reading it.

UUta0 March 5, 2025 3:50 pm

Where is the raws link? Even if I have to buy.

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