Why is it that the guy who is saving the girl always accused of being a pervert? It gets annoying after awhile.

I guess it's just the theme that is irritating for me, you are right about her realizing and chilling out. It just gets tiring and I want to stop reading stories about girls calling a guy who isn't attracted to them a pervert because the girl is usually at fault for exposing themselves. Or they get jealous and hit the guy for the actions of someone else. I've been looking for good story's without that crap and I think this is a good story, but the girls usually ruin it for me.

ah, you and me both. i'm trying to see the positive side of it I guess but it would be a stretch to say I'm not tired of it. i did make a list called 'favorites' if you wanted to check it out, and I put small descriptions of stories I think are all pretty good. maybe you can find something good you haven't read yet in there

With that high risk being he suffers the same injuries as his avatar...what the hell did he just do?!

This is a bit a late to an explanation but what I believe was that she was trying to make it so that there’s an “actual” risk so he wouldn’t act so reckless. Basically if you know, nothing is going to happen to your real body, he would have a much easier time to mutilatie himself rather than thinking he has an affect on his real body. This puts him in the mindset of the actual person whereas the consequence of his action will continue on as he live. The reason why he didn’t kill himself straight up was because he wanted to get the highest level satisfaction. By making the head assassin suffer as King of Assassin is ruined. Although he can pass with just losing an arm and assure that he won’t be the King of Assassin anymore. The MC needed the money. This is just my thought on it.

Kari Pan November 7, 2019 12:28 pm
Scenes like this is enough to make me cry. But seeing the seme also had a cut it made me think really how come he did not see his cut? Now I'm curious to his story
I didn't notice the cut until I read your comment and went back and re-read it. I think now it makes better sense. Perhaps the friend thought by bringing them together they would fall in love and in so doing he could save them both.
I love this guy!!!