Why I am getting the feeling that Lim is ma woojin
See! I finally found someone who thinks the same! I was suspecting it from the start, why would they keep mentioning a character who hasn't shown up yet? The purpose of the story is for Taekyung and Siyeon's journey in their love life, but also to figure out where that bastard "Ma Woojin" is and finally know who "Lim" is. In this industry, "stage names" are often used to keep their identities secret, just like how it was mentioned in the story. They've each got "Stage names" for work.
I found Lim’ face well, he is not Ma Woojin sorry to disappoint you guys
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I really get frustrated when I see mangas where gays are bashed,bad mouthed and bullied..I mean I guess there are people who cant stand gay people..but being all alone??can't even find even a single supporter?As someone straight I actually enjoy talking with gay people!Really...there less of this propose failed friend tropes (︶︿︶)=凸
What the fuck is this fuckable shit