why is everyone being so dramatic? jaewon isn’t even that bad. r we not going to talk abt how seoin is using yeongwoon for his sick little revenge ploy?? i love him but that’s too far man srsly

BRO SEOIN ARE NOT THAT HORRIBLE. At least seoin didn’t abuse yeongwoon to the point he seeing psychiatrist like JAEWON does. seoin IS JUST OBSESSED with yeongwoon cause he is literally his first love?? he maybe manipulative cause like wdym he will act like normal person when his household literally fcked up

this has got to be one of the most boring bls ever. reading this is like torture, couldnt even get past the first few chapters. idfc abt the gamer shit its lame as hell.

they do interact? just say you want them to be more romantic man. yes this is a rough read and definitely not one of my favorites but if you don’t like the story at the point it’s at now, you’re not going to enjoy it even with the romance moments. they are very awkward and slow and suck at communication, it’s not like an average story here where they find a way to love each other immediately and have the best sex. in fact the sex scenes are more of a fluff moment of them trying to figure out how to embrace one another instead of some big ‘hot’ scene. if this story isn’t your thing, it’s just not your thing but for a lot of people we enjoy the slow crawl pace of their relationship. the novel goes even slower paced than this lol.
on everybody’s soul ts is peak
girl why did u have to curse us like that (I can’t stop reading)
on everyone's soul except mine