i love uncle and redhead but SO HELP ME..if it cuts away from yangyang and lihuan in the next chapter..i’m burning the entire world down.

are you talking to me?? i sure hope not unless you’re dumb. cause that was my whole point. smh. i was saying i love uncle and redhead but i wantt my main story back. we finally reach a chapter where it’s back to them so if they cut away i’d be mad as hell. i know who the MC’s are. i’ve been reading this since before redhead was even introduced.

henry is shamefully thoughtless. i love seth, but let’s be honest there was never one second where he was anything more than an afterthought or excuse to henry. just choose sam and get it over with. this is on the verge of dangerous territory where it will be doing nothing but going in circles. smh.

or at least grew to. yes, he could only tell lies, but he could weasel his way around his words.. he always made a point to use “love” instead of just saying he liked him as far as i can remember. on the bus, when he said i love you out loud it was like he was trying to confirm he hadn’t fallen in love because if it was true he wouldn’t be able to say it anymore. then during the fireworks, his forced “ive been telling you to truth this whole time” was almost like he was wishing that it was actually the truth. after the kiss the next morning there’s the panel of him like thinking while touching his lips. i feel like everything that happened during that time made him have to escalate his plan before he changed his mind. he wanted a different life, even at the cost of hurting the person who loves him. he didn’t wanna change his mind. if he’s gonna go through with changing their fates he might as well be the full on villain in the end. but maybe that’s not the case? i’m personally enjoying this Jinsol backstory and hoping to see his perspective on Saegye.
this is...i can’t even... I’M-