No amount of smut is worth reading this. The family drama would have been bad enough, but Noah's sister is drugging and severely sexually abusing him, even going so far as to have her two hulking lackeys rape him! And the dude that discovers this is just like "let's pretend I never saw this" and doesn't fucking help him?! I don't care if he has a reason or not, that's where I rage quit this shit
Their names all sound like horse names. Especially Aquasteed. Though his kind of makes me laugh cuz its literally water horse, which is another name for a kelpie, which is a kind of faerie horse that lives in water and drowns people to eat them, leaving behind only their entrails.
So now you know how my messed up mind works. Have fun with that information lol
Hold the fuck up. Are we just gonna gloss over the fact that Ryota apparently brings girls to clubs to get them drunk and possibly gang raped??!! And he might've done that to Iori?! I think the conversation about Sota's hair and Iori's tits can take a back seat