I don't know what the fuck is wrong with yawhi but he keep dragging my boy jooin. And jooin there's something fucking wrong with is brain and heart like come on. Cain I don't know about Cain. I like Cain but like sometime he can be scary but I think he just a little bit overprotective to the person he likes and care for
Alright hear me out. if you were in there and you would have to chose which one you would like to stay with will it be Alex or that blonde hair I chose Alex actually I will run to Alex if I had too. You guys would hear in the background she a runner she a track star
I don't know what the fuck is wrong with yawhi but he keep dragging my boy jooin. And jooin there's something fucking wrong with is brain and heart like come on. Cain I don't know about Cain. I like Cain but like sometime he can be scary but I think he just a little bit overprotective to the person he likes and care for
I totally get you.... We're both on the same page here