I know that jinyoung and that pale demon guy have such a toxic relationship but I low key kinda ship them fr like the pale dude actually likes jinyoung but just doesn’t know how to show it properly. I really want to see them solve their problems together and then fall in love…am I the only one…?

agreed. i can tolerate toxic but these two??... NAHHH, jinyoung is a victim it hurts and i fckin pity to see him in that position.. he deserve away better and to be free but watch the author find a way to manipulate the readers into liking it maybe it’s personal preference but rape -> love stories aren’t it

Dude, I get what you mean and I agree with you but what I meant in my previous comment is that I think they look good together, like, I think they would look good together if they weren’t in the situation they were put in or in the situation Sid forced on them. I in no way agree with what Sid has done to Jinyoung. I however am still getting those “Sid likes Jinyoung but doesn’t know how to show it or doesn’t even know what the feeling of liking someone is” but like you said it is completely unacceptable. I just can’t get over how the appearance of the characters go well together (maybe it’s just me and yeah I know that sounds a bit shallow) but no way do I support what Sid is doing and isn’t Sid like working with the bad guys or something…? Well, go off sis and tell it how it is (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

There's no way they could solve all the abuse and trauma that's happened, its beyond toxic and no good rship for them could come of it.
As many have said, usually rapey/toxic/abusive stuff has the victim feeling some kind of nice way towards the perpetrator but Jinyoung has not even an iota of positive feeling towards Sid at all, idk how he could after all the torture and trauma and even if he did then that would show how soooooo messed up and damaged he'd become through the trauma and abuse there'd be no chance of a healthy rship anyway

Bro, what if Yohan is like writing out his lines or his vows because he wants to marry Soohwa?!?!!!? (I now nothing about marriage or how to propose to someone) when Yohan saw Soohwa in that suit he might have been thinking how he wants to see him in a suit on his wedding day. That would be such a great way to end this series (tho I really don’t want it to end) (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

Am I the only one who actually likes Jihyun?? Like I know he’s all psychotic and junk but I feel like he could really change. I’m kinda hoping that in the end Chiwoo and Jihyun will meet in college and Chiwoo will see how much Jihyun has changed and then they get together. Idk why I just really hate Chiwoo and Kyujin together.

He literally raped the man...y’all sick

Oh wow. Lemme help you lol.
- Chiwoo’s bare legs, his pants were down. ( http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/back_to_school/uu/iur_chapter-41/pg-30/)
- And here Chiwoo puts on his full pants back again, with blood dripping from the back of his pants/legs (also ass) even though he didn't get glass shreds in that area. Clearly that blood was from being raped.
( http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/back_to_school/uu/iur_chapter-19/pg-2/)

And dat proves he raped him? So you think Jinhyun was just forcefully kissing chiwoo (sexually assaulting Chiwoo which is not as bad as raping someone according to you) but for some weird reason had the need to pull chiwoo's pants down and make him bottom naked during "only kissing"? At that situation?
Honestly, if I still need to spell it out for you then let it be. Some of ya'll are just way too desperate for Jinhyun and it shows. At this point it's easier to agree that ya'll still support him despite him being a rapist and believe me that's nothing new here lol. But it just sounds way too hilarious when the evidence is right infront of your eyes and people be like "iTs mY oPinIOn it dIDnT HapPen".

what nigga ? u gonna get on me for liking dio brando as a character bc he killed ppl and a dog in a fictional fucking story ? bc "iTs mUrdEr aNd aNiMal aBuSe !!!!!!!11!1!1" nigga shut the hell up ppl are allowed to enjoy characters IN A FICTIONAL STORY without it making them a bad person. obviously i dont condone rape, murder, or fucking burning dogs alive in incinerators irl bc of a fucking FICTIONAL CHARACTER. get off ur high horse and shut the fuck up bitch. u dont know me and u dont know any of these other ppl. just read ur fuckin manhwa and keep it pushin if ur gonna be a bitch over this shit.
Uhhh where is chapter 9???
i think some one else deleted it’s gonna be a lil while before i can put chapter 9