I found it very... Mature, raw about humans. It gives me the same feeling banana fish would and as it progresses rather slow, at a natural feeling pace compared to most other yaoi it becomes a more serious piece giving you the time to get attached to the characters. I'm not going to comment on the content of the story on itself since personal opinions differ a lot and here in the comments it becomes very obvious. It is a nice written novel/manhua, I give kudos to the author for being able to make you all feel agitated over each of the characters, it made me personally think a lot too. Sure things like mafia and porn industry may sound cliché and maybe it's a story that combines too much of those themes, but then again look at our world and see that it's actually not too farfetched. It is incredible that nine out of ten people I've talked to have had different experiences in some point of their life which make you want to cry, be angry or throw up. The dark side of society is actually waiting just around each corner. Prejudices, bullying and verbal abuse are something very present in our everyday lives and we don't even notice it anymore. Every now and then we get angry about it, but all of these don't seem to actually bother us. Until we are faced with them ourselves and see, that even if we're not being tortured, raped or extorted, our family put into danger, the pain you feel is not a joke. You won't really know the disgust you feel towards the molester and yourself until you've been harassed. You won't know how devastated a mother feels when her kids are in danger until you find yourself in that situation. And even then, every human has a different way of coping with stuff, better or worse. A rape victim might one day get over the trauma and feel empty towards it at some point, whereas another one takes his life over a bullying at school. Good God you read all this way? I strayed a bit from the manhua... This may all sound pretentious and pretty words to you as it does to me. Or maybe not. But the manhua is what made me think of us humans once again. It was able to touch me in a way I didn't want it to and made me feel suffocation. *Bow* Thanks for reading.
You Pikachu.