I never minded when sex plot stories extend the plot part and reduce the sex, never has it bothered me... when it's done correctly, because I'm also a fan of coherence, and to be honest, if the story had started this political and world building-y, I would have read it with gustoļ¼because world building is done at the beginning and then you stay to enjoy the plot. When you start with a seemingly fast passed story and then you slowed it down because you had a revelation and now you want the story to be deeper and more meaningful... eh... you're taking away the reason why the people started reading it, so having the world build in the middle is really not the best course.
Normally, like here, the story loses sense and and can be too overwhelming because you want what you were given the first dozens of chapters.
This manga reached, for me, the point of "no read until it's finished" By then I will know what to skip without really losing any important part of the story.