Iryz's feed

People entered this story with the background, he's warned her a thousand times, he has said explicitly how incapable he is of behaving like a regular human BECAUSE HE'S NOT ONE, he's more of a dragon than anything, and any good fantasy story knows dragons are fucking possessive. What do people expect? For him to be all soft and sweet and say "I finally found love, I'm a real boy!" Nah people, there are other really pricks in manhwas that people love for some reason, and they be here hating on the only one that has thrown warnings on all directions. I don't hate him, he's in character through and through. This is the type of character that can get either a happy ending or a massively disastrous one, full of tragedy and pain. And both, if handled properly, could be extremely good.
People really are turning extremely soft and emotional, really not leaving much space for rationality.