Iryz created a topic of Beauty and the Beasts

I don't like Mu'er anymore XD she directly said "no" and he's like " I won't give up" nah man, she doesn't want you anymore. If he ends up with her I'm going to drop this thing once and for all.
It's turning too messy as it is with three partners, Curtis doesn't want another male there and even less Mu'er, Qingqing doesn't want him either, so if they make him her partner anyways it would be ridiculous, I hope he finally dies with that hole in his stomach hahahaha

People entered this story with the background, he's warned her a thousand times, he has said explicitly how incapable he is of behaving like a regular human BECAUSE HE'S NOT ONE, he's more of a dragon than anything, and any good fantasy story knows dragons are fucking possessive. What do people expect? For him to be all soft and sweet and say "I finally found love, I'm a real boy!" Nah people, there are other really pricks in manhwas that people love for some reason, and they be here hating on the only one that has thrown warnings on all directions. I don't hate him, he's in character through and through. This is the type of character that can get either a happy ending or a massively disastrous one, full of tragedy and pain. And both, if handled properly, could be extremely good.
People really are turning extremely soft and emotional, really not leaving much space for rationality.

The premise was rather entertaining, I liked that he acted like the beast he is without actually being a complete ass. I feel this was well divided, because most authors tend to mix "beast" with "abusive", yeah the dude is an idiot but again that was the plot.
However, right now I feel the story is being dragged waaaay too long, it's been a few chapters now that nothing is happening just the same plot repeating over and over, and now we have these... whatever it were chapters, for a topic that coukd have been covered in half a chapter.
The constant "I'm pregnant??" ... "oh jeez I wasn't" has dragged for too long and doesn't seem to be for a reason.
Editor has started milking this story and that sucks.

What the fuck kinda plot is this??? XD omg... the guy (now I know it's the brother)takes the phone, tells the other person (Kotani) he's taking this person to the nearest hotel, to meet them there, hung up, next scene THEY ARE in the hotel??? No one called back? And everyone went to the hotel just like that???
Sorry if I'm missing something but the moment I saw there was AGAIN a third person meddling, as if people didn't know how to make the story interesting unless there's someone harassing the bottom, I startes to just skip through the chaptera.

Iryz created a topic of Work Love Balance

In what universe?????
Man, I'm going to drop this and make as it never existed

Iryz created a topic of Work Love Balance

I thought they had finished with the flashbacks, it's unnecessary to remember every little thing with a whole scene and a whole chapter. This is awful AND boring :/

Iryz like topic of Surge Looking For You

Why korean people don't know how to be original? Why 90% of webtoon artists need to finish their stories with "historical au"? They're making it as if it's a must and it's not. There are plenty of things they can make AUs from, but nooo, they are brainless followers that only know how to copy.

Iryz created a topic of Surge Looking For You

Why korean people don't know how to be original? Why 90% of webtoon artists need to finish their stories with "historical au"? They're making it as if it's a must and it's not. There are plenty of things they can make AUs from, but nooo, they are brainless followers that only know how to copy.

Iryz created a topic of The Titan's bride

Imagine the author being like "I'll writr a story of a titan and a human, and will have eventually political struggles, but will have sex, lots of sex, and fantasy and... OH BUT WAIT! AN EGG! yeah what an amazing idea, to make an egg the main plot for 20 years and forget everything else I've built. What a masterpiece."
Is she seriously not being edited? I don't think people are too happy with this plot, does she decide to ignore it?


Is it just me or is this actually...boring? XD

Iryz created a topic of Work Love Balance

See???? Just as I said it, the seme enters in a triumphant display of masculinity, and now they're fighting? And the other dude is crazy and acting like a fully villain. Like, come on!! I liked this author because she managed things differently, she builds the plot, she has fresh ideas and they don't go with that stupid korean drama trend. All their drama is the same, and now this story has fallen there too. First of all this dude, the brown haired one, was so extremely unnecessary: third weels, love triangles, love antagonists, or however you want to call them, are so bad handled almost every time, practically everyone missuses them and always turn them into this evil-needed to be hated-plot driver demon. It's tiresome. Director's idea of "you'll meet new people", could have been tackled differently, he could have learned his lesson in many other ways, but no, here we are stuck with cheap plot. ( ̄へ ̄)

Iryz created a topic of Love Is An Illusion

WTF With this retarded people.
They think people don't grow or something? If your mind can't transition or change switch from "baby Byul" and this being, what? 20 years later and a "grown up Byul" and just not imprint one on the other, you guya are too young to even be reading smut, or you're way too immature, and the problem is you.
If Fargo decides to include smut, it has nothing wrong but your minds, as it's not a baby Byul, it's a grown up.
I can't believe I need to clarify this, you guys have seriously something wrong up there.

Iryz created a topic of Work Love Balance

Do authors need to do whole ark for unimportant characters every time they try to make a point?? come on... with a simple "I thought he loved me but he was only interested in his old girlfriends" that's it!! I don't need more than that... also, I don't care about this fucker....

Iryz created a topic of Work Love Balance

I always get frustrated with scenes like the one in the apartment, why is every MC a wet blanket? Why no-one is able to get angry and just push the other away? Why they let things like " oh, are you getting angry for such a little thing?" Like, yeah! Fuck off, and leave. No one does things differently, because if it's not the "ok I can stay a little bit" it's the "no get away!" girly push like they were being raped or something, or the "triumphant " entrance of the seme, out of nowhere, to save the situation. i hate the MCs suddenly loses all character and bravado just because.

Iryz created a topic of Work Love Balance

Aaah you fickle bunch. Weren't you all ranting about this couple?? XD where are you now the ones that said they are not a good pair?
I rest my case, even healthy couples have angry sex once in a while, and that doesn't mean they don't love each other.
Mr Kang is learning too what it is to love and attach to someone, and someone younger to top it all
Let him try to be a grown-up and fail miserably instead.

Iryz created a topic of The Titan's bride

I never minded when sex plot stories extend the plot part and reduce the sex, never has it bothered me... when it's done correctly, because I'm also a fan of coherence, and to be honest, if the story had started this political and world building-y, I would have read it with gusto,because world building is done at the beginning and then you stay to enjoy the plot. When you start with a seemingly fast passed story and then you slowed it down because you had a revelation and now you want the story to be deeper and more meaningful... eh... you're taking away the reason why the people started reading it, so having the world build in the middle is really not the best course.
Normally, like here, the story loses sense and and can be too overwhelming because you want what you were given the first dozens of chapters.
This manga reached, for me, the point of "no read until it's finished" By then I will know what to skip without really losing any important part of the story.

Iryz created a topic of Fucked by My Best Friend

hahahaha oh hell nah! That was crap

Iryz created a topic of Work Love Balance

You all need to separate "rape" from "angry sex" not everything will be soft, slow paced, romantic sex in a relationship, sometimes you just need to take some frustration off with sex, and if the other person enjoys it, it has nothing wrong. I'm first row on the "non-con is a big no no" show, but this is not "non-con" not even "dub-con", you all either are too young, inexperienced or plain delusional if you don't believe things like this happen in relationship, and no, it's not abuse, is just rough sex.

Iryz created a topic of Sekaiichi Hatsukoi

This is worse than the two hours for Namekku-sei to explode.

Iryz created a topic of Limited Run

Whoa! That was incredibly... boring...
The whole story was like an interrupted sneeze.