I grew tired of these two stupidly fast. 1 - FL trying to set the ML with the nurse, the nurse that is ENGAGED with the othet doctor. That's shitty, because she keeps asking for help to the othet doctor while she tries to break their engagement??? Wtf is that reason, if any. 2 - I hate ML who are only plot device, no personality, they give nothing to the story but a means to keep it going with misunderstandings and ambiguous acts. Classic that he's unable to muster two or three coherent words, no, they have to act like children with emotional problems. 3 - FL like this one who makes everything in her head. I HATE stories that "develops" in one of the main characters' mind. They never confirm anything and they take for a fact their reasons, against a cheap way to keep the misunderstandings going. 4 - Why is it always this scenario?? "Why I must be with this person who I hate so much" and they really have no real reason to hate them. He wants to buy the store?? But he's never really been rude, and the parents already admitted they would sell if she was married. Now she doesn't take two seconds to tell him "this place is important to me for this and that reason."
And I honestly can keep going, this is so awful and boring. So this is the last straw, I needed to rant and leave this, because the frustration was building up. Drooping this.

Fr I can't understand her logic especially when she's about to break the connection only to run away bc she likes her F buddy then gets upset that he's her F buddy (again it's all in her head). He hasn't done anything wrong other than being rude & her making up stuff that never happened to make her hate him. If he's so bad she should've went through to break their connection with the higher alpha & be done with it. Like you said everything would've been solved if they actually had a full on conversation. They're both at fault for not doing so already
Sadly it's boring. Too much spite, too much conspiracy, too much misunderstandings, too much rage, too much confrontation, too much silence. And the worst thing is that there's really not a plot. Seme-dickhead winning/losing? As if I cared/like the character enough to care what happens to him. Dan getting his grandma treatment? It was ages ago that stopped to matter, the grandma is too old and too sick, most of us know where that is going. Their "romance"??? HAHAHAHA what a joke. So, nope, I don't find a plot. It turned now so boring.