People entered this story with the background, he's warned her a thousand times, he has said explicitly how incapable he is of behaving like a regular human BECAUSE HE'S NOT ONE, he's more of a dragon than anything, and any good fantasy story knows dragons are fucking possessive. What do people expect? For him to be all soft and sweet and say "I finally found love, I'm a real boy!" Nah people, there are other really pricks in manhwas that people love for some reason, and they be here hating on the only one that has thrown warnings on all directions. I don't hate him, he's in character through and through. This is the type of character that can get either a happy ending or a massively disastrous one, full of tragedy and pain. And both, if handled properly, could be extremely good.
People really are turning extremely soft and emotional, really not leaving much space for rationality.

The premise was rather entertaining, I liked that he acted like the beast he is without actually being a complete ass. I feel this was well divided, because most authors tend to mix "beast" with "abusive", yeah the dude is an idiot but again that was the plot.
However, right now I feel the story is being dragged waaaay too long, it's been a few chapters now that nothing is happening just the same plot repeating over and over, and now we have these... whatever it were chapters, for a topic that coukd have been covered in half a chapter.
The constant "I'm pregnant??" ... "oh jeez I wasn't" has dragged for too long and doesn't seem to be for a reason.
Editor has started milking this story and that sucks.

What the fuck kinda plot is this??? XD omg... the guy (now I know it's the brother)takes the phone, tells the other person (Kotani) he's taking this person to the nearest hotel, to meet them there, hung up, next scene THEY ARE in the hotel??? No one called back? And everyone went to the hotel just like that???
Sorry if I'm missing something but the moment I saw there was AGAIN a third person meddling, as if people didn't know how to make the story interesting unless there's someone harassing the bottom, I startes to just skip through the chaptera.

Yeee never go with "assuming", this word is the worst you can do when defending a story. Assuming, everyone can do that but the story should be able to defend itself, there has to be facts, truths to sustain, any debate is lost the moment you say "I assume".
And I knew it was the brother, I just said it, it's just awful plot, and it's extremely illogical. Not buying it XD

If you aren't assuming things in a story you read and having your own interpretations of a story, are you really reading a story? Creative works are meant to be interpreted and enjoyed in different ways. Sure this is a little pretentious to say about a gay porn comic but point is, everyone's entitled to their own assumptions about stories. I'm not trying to argue truth, that's why I used that word.
So, how's this "debate" I was so *clearly* invested *deeply* in (sarcasm) holding up?

Why korean people don't know how to be original? Why 90% of webtoon artists need to finish their stories with "historical au"? They're making it as if it's a must and it's not. There are plenty of things they can make AUs from, but nooo, they are brainless followers that only know how to copy.

um its not that serious tho? why are you so mad. i mean its great that they ate actually embracing their culture and ancestors instead of making fun of it yk.
be grateful that you live in a country that a culture. we in taiwan doesnt even have originality since everything was claimed as "made in china"

Then don't read it, tf? Complaining about something so trivial, just because you don't like it doesn't mean your opinion is valid, shitting on someone's work isn't the flex you think it is. Plus, you already knew it was a Historical AU just by the title but you still chose to read it, now you're complaining because you didn't like what you just read? That's like forcing yourself to read what you don't like and then bitching about it. There's a simple solution to this, don't like it? Don't read it.

By the way, about more than 90% of AU are cliché and overdone anyway anyways they’re like that because people like them people enjoyed them. I’ve been looking forward so much to this one. Also remember that you’re reading this in an illegal site. For free I don’t understand what you’re complaining about but still.

i feel like u haven't noticed that this is their third side story... and all of their work is original idk why you would accuse them of copying and bring a follower when korean history is literally in their heritage. you also have choice?? just like how you logged in to your account, chose to read this story, and decided to stay for the historical au - i don't believe that anyone is shackling you to a wall and pointing a gun at your head telling you to scroll. it's so easy to click the homepage button and find a different thing to read then sitting here and crying about an au

Say whatever you want, that's your right as a reader but don't shit on the author for choosing to write the story for all of their fans to read. I love this story and I don't want it to end because I love reading their dynamics. No matter how many AU the author decides to include I'm gonna read it and enjoy the story. That's how much of a fan I am .
If you don't like this story, do us a favour and don't read it. You're not welcomed here

side stories are there to be fun. idk how some ungrateful butches like you get the nerve to complain when side stories are 100% bonus. don't like don't read. they're literally a gift from the author and it's not even like YOU paid for the story in the first place seeing as you're reading here lol. i for one love cliché side stories bc they're not supposed to be groundbreaking stuff. it's just the author having fun with THEIR characters putting them in new situations
so just stfu, nobody likes your stupid opinion as you can see with the 500+ dislikes lol

How come they're not original when they
clearly embrace their historical culture. You might have a valid point to argue if you jse other word but 'original is not the appropriate word to stand as an argument. Their origin (historical au) proves what originality is. Cause this shows how much they're rooted to their own culture, trying to show their origin in this contemporary world. At this point, I don't know what's more appropriate to portray originality than this.

Imagine the author being like "I'll writr a story of a titan and a human, and will have eventually political struggles, but will have sex, lots of sex, and fantasy and... OH BUT WAIT! AN EGG! yeah what an amazing idea, to make an egg the main plot for 20 years and forget everything else I've built. What a masterpiece."
Is she seriously not being edited? I don't think people are too happy with this plot, does she decide to ignore it?

I got no problem with this arc. It ain’t that deep. It’s not like a long damm flashback + we had a little bit of this and that too. It’s not just an egg. It’s something that connects a lot of characters and leads to interesting interactions. Also the political aspect build in and we also learn more about their world

Is it just me or is this actually...boring? XD

Well I’ve been on the website since 2015 and idk if I’m slow at picking up things but there’s not that much of a difference from back then (looks then same). Just back then it was mostly just mangas, but now there’s so much content (manhwas, manhuas). And like actual good translation updates now because it was crazy back then

You mean me?
Ummm I like how "manga search" was organized before, but now it's a lot easier to navigate and to identify titles.
To be honest, those 10 years are filled with lagoons and gaps. I didn't log in daily, and certainly there are years where I don't open this thing, or just leave one manga open and take a whole year to read it, so, I can't share much of an experience.
But yeah, it's pretier now.

See???? Just as I said it, the seme enters in a triumphant display of masculinity, and now they're fighting? And the other dude is crazy and acting like a fully villain. Like, come on!! I liked this author because she managed things differently, she builds the plot, she has fresh ideas and they don't go with that stupid korean drama trend. All their drama is the same, and now this story has fallen there too. First of all this dude, the brown haired one, was so extremely unnecessary: third weels, love triangles, love antagonists, or however you want to call them, are so bad handled almost every time, practically everyone missuses them and always turn them into this evil-needed to be hated-plot driver demon. It's tiresome. Director's idea of "you'll meet new people", could have been tackled differently, he could have learned his lesson in many other ways, but no, here we are stuck with cheap plot. ( ̄へ ̄)

More than that, I feel that writers whom don't have anything else to say about their story shouldn't let themselves be pressured by popularity to extend a story that was finished. There are stories that do give a lot more after the main story has been finished, but each author needs to know and be realistic if their story is like that or not.
I don't like Mu'er anymore XD she directly said "no" and he's like " I won't give up" nah man, she doesn't want you anymore. If he ends up with her I'm going to drop this thing once and for all.
It's turning too messy as it is with three partners, Curtis doesn't want another male there and even less Mu'er, Qingqing doesn't want him either, so if they make him her partner anyways it would be ridiculous, I hope he finally dies with that hole in his stomach hahahaha