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2021-03-18 16:26 marked
2021-03-05 15:42 marked

I’ve read both spanish and russian versions to be sure of what happens. Basically, Seth loses, and a trial is held to judge him. Horus wants to help in some way, so he frees Nephtys (Seth’s wife) and brings her to the trial. She tries to take some responsibility of what happened, but Ra doesn’t buy the bullshit and tries to stir things even more up. Seth sees that if the conversation keeps up, the fact of him being raped by Osiris and that being the reason to killing him will be revealed, and because he doesn’t want that, he tells Maat to just punish him. They come to a conclusion where Seth will try to save the soul of every human he killed (or something like that). He is stripped of his divinity too, and he leaves on a journey to do this work. Horus becomes king as accorded. Also, in the process of the trial, it is revealed that Anubis is not Seth’s biological son, and upon hearing this, Anubis’s last hope fades, making him go crazy with despair. As he dies? he is reborn as a complete god, finally letting go the affection he had for Seth, his father.
From photos of the previous for the second season, we can see Seth with the greek character together (when Seths face is revealed after Maat strips him of his divinity, the greek dude is like he hot damn) so I guess he will be his companion on the journey?
2021-02-26 21:26 marked
2020-12-25 19:05 marked
I have a question