fluffy_magnus February 28, 2025 10:18 pm

Even the rival doesn't stand the chance against Tsubaki

    disposable March 2, 2025 3:17 pm

    Tsubaki is just too confident ahagahs

    Urwierdofujoshi March 5, 2025 12:31 am

    brother eugh

    Pilav March 5, 2025 1:58 am
    brother eugh Urwierdofujoshi

    You have no right to claim weirdo fujo in your name, you are not a weirdo nor a freak if you hate shotas, leave and be gone forever

    Urwierdofujoshi March 5, 2025 2:45 am
    You have no right to claim weirdo fujo in your name, you are not a weirdo nor a freak if you hate shotas, leave and be gone forever Pilav

    being a wierdo and pedo/degenerate r two different things....also i made this account back in middle school ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ

    Pilav March 5, 2025 2:59 am
    being a wierdo and pedo/degenerate r two different things....also i made this account back in middle school ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ Urwierdofujoshi

    That’s understandable, maybe meanings have changed but from what i remember calling yourself a fujo AND weirdo meant you were into anything in yaoi including shotas, but you do you anon

    Urwierdofujoshi March 5, 2025 3:14 am
    That’s understandable, maybe meanings have changed but from what i remember calling yourself a fujo AND weirdo meant you were into anything in yaoi including shotas, but you do you anon Pilav

    yaoi and shota are two different things...one is normal and legal and one is degenerative, harmful and illegal (yes loli/shota is illegal in some places)

    fluffy_magnus March 5, 2025 9:18 pm
    being a wierdo and pedo/degenerate r two different things....also i made this account back in middle school ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ Urwierdofujoshi

    Another weirdo harassing others and actively working against actual kids. Good job out there making it hard to identify real predators buddy!!

    Urwierdofujoshi March 5, 2025 10:08 pm
    Another weirdo harassing others and actively working against actual kids. Good job out there making it hard to identify real predators buddy!! fluffy_magnus

    I have no idea what this sentence is even referring to or means

    CALEB! March 6, 2025 3:56 am
    That’s understandable, maybe meanings have changed but from what i remember calling yourself a fujo AND weirdo meant you were into anything in yaoi including shotas, but you do you anon Pilav

    Now I'm just convinced you're actually a fucking idiot. Fujoshi is just a term for girls who like men to men relationships, often as a fucking form of insult but not equivalent to liking fucking shotas and pedophilia, and weirdo is literally just a weirdo. In what fucking earth does your stupid fucking brain live in that you're that fucking stupid. Yaoi ≠ shotacon. You are so fucking sickening and tiresome just fucking off yourself you make me seethe.

    CALEB! March 6, 2025 3:58 am
    Another weirdo harassing others and actively working against actual kids. Good job out there making it hard to identify real predators buddy!! fluffy_magnus

    shut the fuck up amalgamation of failed social construct

    fluffy_magnus March 6, 2025 10:49 pm
    I have no idea what this sentence is even referring to or means Urwierdofujoshi

    it means you calling random people pedos makes it harder for actual predators to be identified, you absolute fucking moron.

    fluffy_magnus March 6, 2025 10:49 pm
    shut the fuck up amalgamation of failed social construct CALEB!

    Projecting much lol

    Pilav March 6, 2025 11:02 pm
    shut the fuck up amalgamation of failed social construct CALEB!

    Let’s take a deep breath together and calm down anon

fluffy_magnus December 29, 2024 12:33 am

it's always the same 3 people hating and telling each other "preach" in the comments lmfaooo I'm glad others are just ignoring it atp

    Enjina December 29, 2024 5:58 am

    I bet my whole life that those three didn't get the attention they wanted from their parents. Ofc they will find a way to get one

    SIOPRO December 29, 2024 7:39 am

    Girl are you actually blind because not only you read this but also not look into the comment section

    How does it feel to be in denial?

    SIOPRO December 29, 2024 7:39 am
    I bet my whole life that those three didn't get the attention they wanted from their parents. Ofc they will find a way to get one Enjina

    No no
    WE get attention from our parents
    That’s why we have basic morality

    I wonder if you guys did

    Squash December 29, 2024 10:41 am

    All i see is that one guy with sylus pfp cooking y'all in the comments it's kinda funny ngl i mean i am still reading this hoping to get a timeskip :3 and i love yu but it's kinda intersting to read the comments 乁 ˘ o ˘ ㄏ

    fluffy_magnus January 3, 2025 2:19 pm
    All i see is that one guy with sylus pfp cooking y'all in the comments it's kinda funny ngl i mean i am still reading this hoping to get a timeskip :3 and i love yu but it's kinda intersting to read the commen... Squash

    cooking? I can assure you all they cooked is their own brain atp but you do you

    SIOPRO January 4, 2025 4:11 am
    cooking? I can assure you all they cooked is their own brain atp but you do you fluffy_magnus

    You CANNOT be talking about cooked brains when you’re the one reading something called shota oni while you rage in the comments without logic or a proper statement against us

    Literally what you wrote is not even true AND it’s ethically wrong
    Sad to be in the losing end isn’t it

    fluffy_magnus January 4, 2025 11:48 pm
    You CANNOT be talking about cooked brains when you’re the one reading something called shota oni while you rage in the comments without logic or a proper statement against usLiterally what you wrote is not ev... SIOPRO

    Where am I raging? am I making multiple comments like you are even when someone is clearly ignoring you? lol when I did comment I presented very good arguments, not my fault you are too stupid to understand it. Enjoy screaming at a wall while the author gets rich off this story

    SIOPRO January 5, 2025 4:27 am
    Where am I raging? am I making multiple comments like you are even when someone is clearly ignoring you? lol when I did comment I presented very good arguments, not my fault you are too stupid to understand it.... fluffy_magnus

    LMFAOOO thanks for proving my arguments right! Really it’s so easy to handle y’all. An entire gathering of low iq people. Clearly we see more hate comments than like, but let’s say “ohh they’re being ignored” to cope!! I’m so sorry isnt it so sad to be you.

    Squash January 15, 2025 5:24 am
    cooking? I can assure you all they cooked is their own brain atp but you do you fluffy_magnus

    Nah girly you seem so offended :3

    fluffy_magnus January 15, 2025 6:08 am
    Nah girly you seem so offended :3 Squash

    if being delusional helps you sleep better at night :3

    SIOPRO January 18, 2025 5:11 am
    if being delusional helps you sleep better at night :3 fluffy_magnus

    You haven’t proved a single argument. Please do it and ask US to be “delusional”.

    UrAnus Dilisius January 20, 2025 1:01 am
    No noWE get attention from our parentsThat’s why we have basic morality I wonder if you guys did SIOPRO

    It's 2025. Rape victim is all over the places, I'm one of them. And there's more and more teen pregnant. If you think your opinion can change or impacting someone, you should scream it out irl. Let people hear your voice and opinion. I'm not being sarcastic but you should try it. People outside there need you, need you to encourage them.

    UrAnus Dilisius January 20, 2025 1:06 am
    Where am I raging? am I making multiple comments like you are even when someone is clearly ignoring you? lol when I did comment I presented very good arguments, not my fault you are too stupid to understand it.... fluffy_magnus

    It's uncommon for them seeing something like this. It's pretty popular in JP side so you're right about this being popular. There's dozen more worse lolicon and shotacon out there that involved raping and stuff, but they choose the most fluffy one. Why? Let's just ignore them and enjoy.

    SIOPRO January 20, 2025 3:34 am
    It's uncommon for them seeing something like this. It's pretty popular in JP side so you're right about this being popular. There's dozen more worse lolicon and shotacon out there that involved raping and stuff... UrAnus Dilisius

    But this IS NOT fluffy. This is JUST as bad as the ones which show it outright. This JUSTIFIES it. Those tell us “this is bad” already, but here it is BLURRED. I’m grateful that you understand, and I’m grateful that you handled it well, but this doesn’t change my opinion nor will it change my actions.

    SIOPRO January 20, 2025 3:35 am
    It's 2025. Rape victim is all over the places, I'm one of them. And there's more and more teen pregnant. If you think your opinion can change or impacting someone, you should scream it out irl. Let people hear ... UrAnus Dilisius

    We have to do it BOTH online and outside. It’s not that I’ve not done it outside, but people seem to get more and more comfortable online and thus now we get crimes online too.

fluffy_magnus November 6, 2024 4:13 pm

genuinely couldn't give a fuck abt aqua after all the dumb shit Aka pulled but I feel horrificly bad for Kana. Girl got treated like shit by Aka all the other plot wise and was never even given a chance like Akane. I just feel bad for her specifically. Why tease a love triangle and fuck over someone like that. Didn't even get a chance to say I love you to him. :/ idrc abt shipping but she just genuinely rly cared abt him

fluffy_magnus October 26, 2024 7:15 am

it's such a shame nowadays you cant read a FICTIONAL STORY without a bitch in ur ear constantly screaming about morality. Unbelievable the society went backwards 100 years when it comes to censorship, that's the biggest "ick" here.

    Nightmarish October 26, 2024 7:31 am

    Ik ur trying to seem like an intellectual w all this talk of censorship and it being only fiction but maybe u should look up words' meaning before using them lmao; this story isn't being prohibited or suppressed at all so how *exactly* is it censorship? Ppl in the comments r just expressing their opinions which u would think u'd support considering ur anti-censorship stance. And their opinions r right - it's gross that a grown man is "dating" (read: grooming) a minor but nobody said u can't read it so y r u so worked up? Is it bc u enjoy the story but seeing ppl ppint out the issues w it means u end up feeling guilty? Either way maybe ur the bitch that's screaming and not the others (=・ω・=)

    fluffy_magnus October 26, 2024 10:26 am
    Ik ur trying to seem like an intellectual w all this talk of censorship and it being only fiction but maybe u should look up words' meaning before using them lmao; this story isn't being prohibited or suppresse... Nightmarish

    literally a comment below was abt how this shouldnt *exist* so no, I'm definitely not wrong lmfao Do u not have reading comprehension? I wasn't saying anyone is censoring the story but that they are in support of censorship it by saying shit like "this shouldn't exist". Also what's there to criticize? fantasy explored in a fictional setting? what's wrong with it? I would understand if u were saying stuff like the characters are not developed enough" or "the story is very slow" but u are complaining abt a personal squick that U can avoid by not reading the damn story lol why read smth that upsets you and "call it out"? You knew by the synopsis what you were getting into it. U just go into the comments to do what exactly???? To say I don't like it? Sure then what the hell are u doing here? Do u not understand fandom culture that coming into spaces that aren't for U and announcing how U don't like it is just bad manners and makes u an obnoxious person? lol And then when u preach abt how problematic fiction should be erased bc god forbid poor women will be influenced..... Yeah the only bitch here is you actually.

    Nightmarish October 26, 2024 11:02 am
    literally a comment below was abt how this shouldnt *exist* so no, I'm definitely not wrong lmfao Do u not have reading comprehension? I wasn't saying anyone is censoring the story but that they are in support ... fluffy_magnus

    I love how u said I lack reading comprehension but then u go and act like u can't read either lmao

    1. I never said shit abt women being influenced or abt the story being erased so... what's ur point lol

    2. I didn't call the story out, i was calling u out

    3. This *isn't* a dedicated fandom space, it's a comment section where everyone is free to express their opinions so the whole fandom culture thing is irrelevant. Furthermore, even if this *were* a fandom space, what's wrong w pointing out the things that r wrong w the story? It annoying u isn't a good reason btw and it's not smth that makes a story exempt from criticism, esp in cases like this

    4. Saying that the story depicting an adult who is their teacher to boot. grooming a child in a positive light isn't a valid criticism is just plain weird of u and be honest, what exactly would change abt the story if the ml were the same age as the mc?

    5. Fantasy??? FANTASY????? Maybe for pedos lmao but this isn't just some story depicting a kink, this is straight up grooming and while on the topic of "influencing", no I don't think it will influence women but it might influence children. They'll read this romanticised depiction of grooming, and if they don't have anyone in their lives to tell them otherwise, which ppl that r targeted by groomers often don't, they could end up falling for it (and before u get all worked up, no, I'm *not* saying that reading this will result in a child being groomed, I'm saying it just makes them *more* vulnerable to the tactics used)

    6. Ok, u weren't saying the story was being censored, mb ig but tbf that wasn't v clear in ur comment. Also, so what if someone thinks this shouldn't exist? Censorship is a tricky topic to discuss bc of its historic ties to oppressive regimes but a lot of ppl end up supporting censorship in cases where it could lead to harm to vulnerable and/or marginalised groups, LIKE IN THIS CASE

    7. "I knew what i was getting into" - not rlly? I haven't read the story this is tied to and the synopsis is a mess, so maybe this is a sign that tws ought to be done properly. Also, if i don't like it i should just stop reading it is such a cop out to avoid criticism lmao

    fluffy_magnus October 26, 2024 11:39 am
    I love how u said I lack reading comprehension but then u go and act like u can't read either lmao1. I never said shit abt women being influenced or abt the story being erased so... what's ur point lol2. I didn... Nightmarish

    1. Fair, u didn't. I did in other comments. It's still related to the fact women are usually the target of these comments. Somehow no one on the internet posts reviews under CoD saying "this shouldn't exist bc my boy could play it". But Colleen hoover (whose stories I don't like for that matter) is criticized everyday bc "women will get Influenced. these rhetorics have its roots in misogyny in the end.

    2. I wasn't specifically talking only about you but about everyone who makes these type of comments plus you.

    3. It's an illegal manga site, it definitely counts as a fandom space.

    4. Ok so in ur view taboo topics should only be presented in a bad light with a clear statement "this is bad" and u cant enjoy a fantasy in a safe fictional setting in a "what if" situation. Who exactly is hurt in these stories? It's lines on paper or pixels on screen. Adults know what is right or wrong. What u are getting at is completely mental. Take Hannibal TV series for example. Hannibal is a cannibal and a killer and yet we ROOT FOR HIM and his incredibly TOXIC relationship with Will. Bc it's drama, bc it's interesting and fascinating, bc it's fun, bc it's not real. And the show completely supports their relationship. So what now? Criticize it for showing toxic relationships? Obviously no adult would think it's okay irl. Why can't we explore taboo topics in fictional settings? It's the perfect place for it. No one is hurt. For example, I used to have crushes on teachers and was very into "teacher/student" fiction. Am I wrong to enjoy my own fantasy while being completely aware it's not okay irl? So we criminalize thoughts now or smth? U think I will go and do smth irl? I dislike kids for christ sake, u won't willingly see me next to one.

    5....... children shouldn't read adult stories. This is not marked for kids. It's the PARENTS' job to monitor what kids do, not authors who write their stuff WHICH IS NOT FOR KIDS LMFAO Do u rly not see that you are basically a reactionary bringing back moral panic bc "oh my good think of the children!". If you are not able to see taboo topics as taboo then it's on YOU. If you don't monitor your kid's presence on the internet then its on YOU. Not on fiction and definitely not on random people who create it. Otherwise we have to ban fiction with murderers and video games shouldn't have violence in it. What if my kid gets influenced by it and shoots up a school, am I right?

    6. what marginalized groups???? ADULTS??????????????????????? Again, are u in support of banning video games bc it's more common a depressed teen shoots someone at school than an adult gets influenced by a niche bl manga with a teacher/student dynamic lol Normal people don't get influenced by mddia to the point they do harm to others. U can't expect fiction to cater to everyone, what you need to do is curate ur space better so u don't see what u don't like. Sites are very heavily moderated now, u can literally ban and mute words U don't like.

    Also, about your groomer comments, u should do more research. It's very common for predators to be in "clean fandom spaces" where it's supported that only good fiction should exist bc they present themselves as "the good guys". Meanwhile, they are the most horrible abusers. You should see if the rhetoric u are preaching is not actually bringing people who will hurt you bc they are a safe adult. Take Kyle Carroza for example.

    Nightmarish October 26, 2024 1:08 pm
    1. Fair, u didn't. I did in other comments. It's still related to the fact women are usually the target of these comments. Somehow no one on the internet posts reviews under CoD saying "this shouldn't exist bc... fluffy_magnus

    1. Bro, pls just stop w the comments abt women. If ur arguing w me then y r u bringing up stuff that I haven't said. It seems to me that ur treating ppl w the opinion that this story is wrong as a monolith, which isn't v conductive to an actual discussion, but I digress. Either way, to address it anyway, I agree that it's misogynistic that women r being infantilised to the degree that stories geared towards them have ppl criticising them for not being morally perfect. It's a good point but violent video games did have moral panics around them and those r not the only criticisms of CH's books, just as women being influenced by this manga isn't the only criticism. The fact u keep clinging to this argument shows me u don't rlly have any others, like u know, an argument abt y u want this manga to contain grooming so badly?? I'm genuinely perplexed lmao

    2. I direct u to the first part of point 1 (ur arguing w me, not everyone else who shares my opinion, and I never said that so...)

    3. I didn't mean that mangago isn't a fandom space, I meant that it's not a fandom space specifically for this manga, so ppl aren't invading it and being obnoxious by commenting that they dislike the manga

    4. I don't think every "taboo topic" needs a big disclaimer in capital letters that "THIS IS WRONG" or whatever ur imagining my opinion is. What I think is that things like grooming, abuse, sa, etc. shouldn't be presented as a NORMAL part of a relationship. I don't understand y u'd want these topics to be presented in a positive light to begin w or y this is "completely mental" lmao. Again, i think ur going and assuming things abt me and then trying to attack me based on those things but then ur completely wrong so to me it just sounds stupid lol. Also, I never said I had anything against morally bad characters. Like, my fav characters r complete pieces of shit objectively, e.g. the mc of myst, might, mayhem. They're super entertaining, but they wouldn't be if they were predators, which should be obvious??? Sexual crimes r a super sensitive topic for a lot of ppl, even more so than things like murder, bc of the lasting impact they have on the surviours, so they take the fun out of a story and that's not smth to mock, like ur doing. As for u saying "I'm not gonna do anything irl", yh? Ofc? I didn't accuse u of diddling kids sweetie. Ur just oversimplifing the connection between the media u consume and ur actions/thoughts; it's not u read the story and bam, now ur a criminal lmao, it's a gradual desensitisation towards these topics but ig u wouldn't care abt that since "I'm criminalising thoughts" lmao. We're not in 1984 (the book) babes. Some things r just wrong, but I never said we should jail ppl for thinking them, though I wouldn't feel safe around someone who had thoughts abt saing ppl or the like

    5. Yh, they shouldn't but we both know they will and chalking it down to the parents' responsibility is plain annoying. Do u think every kid is lucky enough to have parents who give a shit or have time for them? And even if they do, it's not that easy to restrict access these days. Either way, my point wasn't "think of the children" or that we ought to have a moral panic over one yaoi manga lol. I was just pointing out which group could be affected by smth like this but obviously it wouldn't be a good solution to just make everything rated g. This kinda thing is tricky to deal w and u trying to strawman my valid concern is just immature (and before u get the wrong idea *again*, I'm a childfree person who never wants to interact w one, and not a christian soccer mum ok?)

    6. "What marginalised groups?" u ask. Do u think poc or queer ppl, for example, aren't marginalised just bc they're adults? Like it's pretty clear what I meant by that so idk y ur acting like you've never heard the term. To further explain y i mentioned marginalised groups tho, say there's a piece of media where the mc is racist or queerphobic but they never have their beliefs challenged and in the end they become successful (extreme example, ik, but I'm trying to clearly illustrate a point so go w it, also, yes, u said "normal" ppl but the same kinda thing can occur w normal ppl just less extreme and also racism and queerphobia r horrificly common so). Is that ok? Would there be no harm done bc it's "just fiction"? Even though there r ppl out there who already have those thoughts and seeing someone else think the same things without negative consequences, even getting rewarded, could strenghten their beliefs or further radicalise them? Social learning theory and social influence are topics that are quite prominent in psychology but it'd take too long to explain properly so search them up and then try to argue w me if u wanna do this properly (or ask me if u can't be bothered but it'll be a long message lol)

    To conclude this essay, bro ur a clown who doesn't know how to argue properly. I didn't say shit abt banning *anything* so stop acting like ur scoring a point by constantly bringing it up. Also, I didn't say kids would be groomed if they joined a fandom like the one for this manga. What i said was that the way grooming is portrayed in this manga would make them more susceptible to grooming tactics. Y is that so difficult to understand? Maybe u should take a reading comprehension course bc even when i break things down u still can't seem to get it. (P.S. sorry abt the ad hominum but get ur head out of ur ass already xoxo)

    fluffy_magnus October 26, 2024 3:01 pm
    1. Bro, pls just stop w the comments abt women. If ur arguing w me then y r u bringing up stuff that I haven't said. It seems to me that ur treating ppl w the opinion that this story is wrong as a monolith, whi... Nightmarish

    It's such a waste of time to argue with such a clown that you are.

    Yeah sorry to break it to you but stuff marketed at adults shouldn't be altered to be kids friendly. It's not obnoxious to make parents responsible for their own kids. That's their job plain and simple. The world won't bend bc kids are somewhere where they aren't supposed to be.

    You are blaming fiction and random people for problems that marginalized people struggle with due to governments abandoning them and education being at all low at schools. Media is there for entertainment. Not to shape every decision in your life. I'm sorry you are such a delusional person that you think a fictional romance will influence you.

    Maybe it's time to get YOUR head out of your ass cause you keep bringing children into it when talking about media for adults.

    Honestly this is my comment that you responded to. I can talk about whatever I want to expand on it and yes add the context that your preachy talk is rooted in misogyny as well. It was a very simple comment that criticized someone below basically begging for censorship and U come in here, mock me, call me a bitch, misunderstand the very basis of the comment to which you admitted to (ur claim that I was somehow saying the story is being censored) and go on a moral crusade in more comments to insult me some more. But I'm the weirdo and a clown here huh.

    You keep talking abt psychology and then somehow completely forget taboo fiction is part of how many people cope or vent through it. But I suppose that shouldn't be a thing bc such media existing is a bad thing for the children and marginalized ppl.

    Also your comment abt being uncomfortable with standing next to someone who thinks abt saing people is such a weirdo moment. Where the absolute fuck did that come from I have no idea.

    I will ask again, how is your argument different from ppl blaming violence on video games? I don't think it was mentioned in your long ass essay but maybe Im wrong.

    No matter how much u wanna try to deny it you are simply blaming fiction for the lack of resources some ppl might have due to poor education, bad parents or lacking government. And you are pushing that responsibility on creators who just wanna write whatever the hell they want. This media was not created to teach you about anything, it doesn't include such topics as racism to infringe on someone's freedom, it's a romance story with forbidden themes for pure entertainment. Tons of them out there and somehow people are fine. The same argument you can spin in the other direction. Do "fairy tale" romance stories teach you to be delusional abt romance? No, it's a fantasy and yet no one criticizes them for being too perfect. Because we are all aware such thing doesn't exist. Using fiction as your moral compass or an educational book is your first mistake in this whole conversation.

    All in all you are vehemently trying to deny it but u do just want a squeaky clean fiction and if there is a forbidden theme in it, the story should always demonize it and we aren't allowed to fantasize about it. You say you are not saying it but you are basically saying that. You do you. I had good arguments to which u didn't respond to and just picked some phrases you wanna nitpick to call me dumb or something. But if that helps you sleep at night then that only speaks about you.

    Nightmarish October 26, 2024 3:46 pm
    It's such a waste of time to argue with such a clown that you are. Yeah sorry to break it to you but stuff marketed at adults shouldn't be altered to be kids friendly. It's not obnoxious to make parents respons... fluffy_magnus

    I literally said in my comment that making everything for a general audience isn't a solution??? I didn't say it's obnoxious to make parents responsible, i said that many aren't and that it's naive to think otherwise. I didn't blame fiction for the problems marginalised groups suffer, I said that the media ppl consume can radicalise ppl into being even more racist, queerphobic, etc. Look at the manosphere if u want an example. I also didn't say that it will shape every decision in ur life. Where r u getting this shit from? As i said before ur strawman-ing my arguments and then acting like ur so smart for debunking that. Furthermore, my "preachy talks" aren't based in misogyny, I never said anything abt women being influenced and that's y i told u to stop bringing it up + I agreed w u that infantalising women like that is misogynistic so what more do u want? Should i fall at ur feet and admit my defeat?? Also if someone is preachy it's u. U keep hiding behind advocating for women while defending grooming, fictional or not. I didn't forget that ppl cope thru taboo media btw i mentioned psychology so u could understand y i said that media could influence some ppl. Also, have u thought that other ppl could be triggered by stories like this. No u haven't bc u don't actually care, u just brought up coping mechanisms to try and make it seem like I'm some bad person trying to take others' coping mechansim away. My comment abt being uncomfortable around someone thinking abt saing someone wasn't a "weirdo moment" and wasn't even what i actually said; it was in relation to u saying i was criminalising thoughts, to give an example of a time when even if u don't act on it, it's still not smth that is ok to think. And again, i NEVER said I wanted media to be censored, i said I enjoy media w fucked up characters just not ones that commit SEXUAL CRIMES what abt that is so hard to understand??? The reason i "keep bringing up children" is bc u keep misinterpreting (that's my nice way of saying it) what I'm saying and telling me that i actually said smth else which is WHY I KEEP HAVING TO FUCKING EXPLAIN IT. And yh sweetie u r wrong, i did explain y my argument was different but as is evident from ur reply u clearly didn't read what i said. Another thing u got wrong, i never said fiction should be ur moral compass, I just said that i didn't want to see things like grooming portrayed in a positive light and I told u y. Finally, regarding my "wanting squeaky clean fiction" (not true but whatever), y do u so badly want this story to contain grooming? I've already asked this twice and u keep avoiding it

    Beka October 26, 2024 4:04 pm

    Agree, I understand leaving you comment but don't try to change someone else opinion, is annoying.

    Nightmarish October 26, 2024 4:14 pm
    Agree, I understand leaving you comment but don't try to change someone else opinion, is annoying. Beka

    I'm assuming ur agreeing w the op so lemme just say, if it's annoying that *I'm* "trying to change someone else's opinion" then y can they complain abt other ppl's opinions? That's kinda hypocritical of u. Also I'm not trying to change their opinion, I'm just tryna argue w someone bc I'm bored and they seemed like the kinda person who'd argue back lmao

    fluffy_magnus October 26, 2024 5:33 pm
    Agree, I understand leaving you comment but don't try to change someone else opinion, is annoying. Beka

    I wasn't trying to change anyone's opinion. People can think it's ew, bad etc. that's totally fine. The issue I was calling out in general starts where they think they are progressive and woke but instead spew the same conservative bs the far right does.

    Beka October 26, 2024 5:39 pm

    It wasn't about you I actually agreed with you.

    fluffy_magnus October 26, 2024 5:39 pm
    I literally said in my comment that making everything for a general audience isn't a solution??? I didn't say it's obnoxious to make parents responsible, i said that many aren't and that it's naive to think oth... Nightmarish

    talk to a wall lol but to answer ur question abt me supposedly wanting this story to contain grooming - > simply, idgaf what it contains. this could have the most vile and graphic content and i would still be here saying it's allowed to be created. I would comment the same thing if it was under a shota manga or smth. I saw ur other comment abt just being bored. Just further speaks volumes about what type of weirdo you are. And no amount of preaching will ever change that. (︶︿︶)=凸

    Beka October 26, 2024 5:47 pm
    I'm assuming ur agreeing w the op so lemme just say, if it's annoying that *I'm* "trying to change someone else's opinion" then y can they complain abt other ppl's opinions? That's kinda hypocritical of u. Also... Nightmarish

    We can agree and disagree/comment/ give out opinion of a piece of media, but people who go so far to make someone change their mind aggressively, are, to me, the annoying ones, like, they only want to have the upper hand/feel morally superior in a random manga/show or whatever.
    I'm the type of person that usually just says my opinion but don't go to other people spaces where they enjoy something I don't, I just let them be, unless they ask my opinion about the issue specifically, I don't bother them.

fluffy_magnus October 18, 2024 10:46 pm

The brother plot was a wasted opportunity. What u did in ur previous life shouldn't determine ur current one imo. He was cursed to remember but he has lived many new lives already so I feel it's a bit unfair lol Getting a similar punishment to that Eunuch despite wildly different things they did was a choice kekw He did nothing wrong in this life so for his brother to cut him off bc in their past lives he was wronged is.... an interesting approach ig And if he didn't retain his memory then what? MC would just randomly say fuck you bc centuries ago u were obsessed with me??? Idk if I like how this was resolved

    memelixxa October 18, 2024 11:02 pm

    he literally sent someone to kill the mc… ur saying he did nothing wrong?? im glad the mc cut that weirdo off bc he ruined mc and ml lives in the beginning. also just bc the guy feels bad abt it now doesn’t mean the mc doesn’t have the right to cut him off, it’s his life anyway and he gets to choose who he wants in it okay thx

    Red October 18, 2024 11:09 pm
    he literally sent someone to kill the mc… ur saying he did nothing wrong?? im glad the mc cut that weirdo off bc he ruined mc and ml lives in the beginning. also just bc the guy feels bad abt it now doesn’t... memelixxa

    But he didn't send anyone to kill MC, the eunuch did that himself. The king was obsessed with MC and wanted to keep him by his side forever. The king actually killed himself when he found out MC was dead (and he felt responsible for it).

    KooksVII October 18, 2024 11:18 pm
    But he didn't send anyone to kill MC, the eunuch did that himself. The king was obsessed with MC and wanted to keep him by his side forever. The king actually killed himself when he found out MC was dead (and h... Red

    regret after the mc died doesnt make it better? he was still hella toxic when it mattered. people like that dont deserve second chances and its totally up to the victims to decide if they want to give the abusers the opportunity again

    ChipzWithAZ October 19, 2024 12:37 am

    Yeah, I agree. I can appreciate that the present version of him took rejection in stride, but I feel like his many lives served as penitence for his first live's actions. I would have liked for them to get along in this life as simply brothers.

    And to the person who commented below, this user is correct: The eunuch was the one who sent the assassin, since he thought the ruler wouldn't have any reason to obsess anymore if his "beloved" were finally out the picture.

    yuyuyu October 19, 2024 1:09 am

    despite him not having a direct fault in mc's first death, it was definitely because of him and his obsession that drove mc to suffer and eventually meet his fate. he rightfully deserved punishment, but i do agree w u that the constant reincarnation is too cruel for someone who's learned his lesson. he knows now that his obsession was unhealthy and drove both of them to untimely demises and just wanted to live happily with mc. despite that, its not his choice whether or not mc decides to forgive him or not and i think its valid that he wasnt forgiven but still let off with proper closure

    yuyuyu October 19, 2024 1:13 am

    plus, mc did not say "fuck you for being obsessed with me centuries ago" he's cutting ties and placing boundaries because he knows that them interacting will only bring about misfortune. they cannot have a normal relationship after everything thats happened and thats okay and how it should be imo. plus, his obsession wasnt "centuries ago" bc hes still obsessed w him as we JUST saw in this chapter. he waited several lives just to see mc again like

    fluffy_magnus October 19, 2024 7:11 am
    regret after the mc died doesnt make it better? he was still hella toxic when it mattered. people like that dont deserve second chances and its totally up to the victims to decide if they want to give the abuse... KooksVII

    u do realize that was a previous incarnation right? this is not the same person lol that's the issue. it's smth he did centuries ago in a PREVIOUS LIFE

    fluffy_magnus October 19, 2024 7:13 am
    plus, mc did not say "fuck you for being obsessed with me centuries ago" he's cutting ties and placing boundaries because he knows that them interacting will only bring about misfortune. they cannot have a norm... yuyuyu

    read what I wrote again. "And if he didn't retain his memory then what? MC would just randomly say fuck you?" it's a what IF the older bro didn't retain his memory.

    yuyuyu October 19, 2024 7:30 am
    read what I wrote again. "And if he didn't retain his memory then what? MC would just randomly say fuck you?" it's a what IF the older bro didn't retain his memory. fluffy_magnus

    ok so now im even more confused. what was ur point in saying that??/genq

    KooksVII October 19, 2024 4:45 pm
    u do realize that was a previous incarnation right? this is not the same person lol that's the issue. it's smth he did centuries ago in a PREVIOUS LIFE fluffy_magnus

    yes, im aware. regardless he doesnt change the fact that he did do it. i can appreciate the time he took to regret everything he did and caused. however, it still isnt up to the king to decide that theyre okay or not thats the mcs choice no matter what

    fluffy_magnus October 20, 2024 12:40 am
    ok so now im even more confused. what was ur point in saying that??/genq yuyuyu

    my question was just how this would be handled if the older bro didn't remember. would the MC continue to see him and pretend or cut him off as well

    fluffy_magnus October 20, 2024 12:47 am
    yes, im aware. regardless he doesnt change the fact that he did do it. i can appreciate the time he took to regret everything he did and caused. however, it still isnt up to the king to decide that theyre okay ... KooksVII

    my point is I don't equate previous lives with the current ones bc they are different people. How is it sane to blame someone for what their previous incarnation did? The current self has no power over the past. If I was a murderer in a previous life should I pay for my sins in the current one? That's not exactly fair imo. Have u ever played a gacha game called honkai star rail? there is a character there whose whole arc is abt how he shouldn't be punished now for what his past incarnation did in a previous life. That's where I'm coming from. The author chose to present them all as the same ppl and that reincarnation doesn't really matter ig which is fine. I'm personally of a different view and that's why I was commenting that it's an interesting approach that I disagree with.

    KooksVII October 20, 2024 4:52 am
    my point is I don't equate previous lives with the current ones bc they are different people. How is it sane to blame someone for what their previous incarnation did? The current self has no power over the past... fluffy_magnus

    what are you yapping on about? honkai whadda what? that has nothing to do with this topic and contrary to what you beliave they ARE the same people. the king waited for the same person (mc) to reincarnate for him and regardless if his desires were no longer toxic he still had the same wishes as his previous incarnations because unlike how you believe they are the same soul, same person.

    ChipzWithAZ October 20, 2024 12:43 pm
    what are you yapping on about? honkai whadda what? that has nothing to do with this topic and contrary to what you beliave they ARE the same people. the king waited for the same person (mc) to reincarnate for h... KooksVII

    It's insane how quickly this simple point got derailed. You're taking the phrase "different people" far too literally; I'm positive OP is aware it's the same soul.

    The point (which has been washed down the drain atp) is that the dude remembers his first life, remembers the harm he's done, and therefore shouldn't have to suffer the consequences of his first life's actions after having been given enough time (and lives) to repent.

    Yes, he did indeed wait for OP to reincarnate, and - yes - old habits die hard; however, he took OP's rejection of any further relationship with him with dignity by walking away, which is a very clear indicator of his growth compared to his first life.

    It's fine to debate whether or not the author should have chosen to salvage the relationship between brothers or not, but can we please not be dense about OP's very clear discussion point?

    KooksVII October 20, 2024 4:16 pm
    It's insane how quickly this simple point got derailed. You're taking the phrase "different people" far too literally; I'm positive OP is aware it's the same soul.The point (which has been washed down the drain... ChipzWithAZ

    I completely agree with everything you've stated, so what are you discussing? My point was that the MC does have the right to decide whether or not they (the king and MC) save their relationship because regardless of how he feels not, it doesnt change that the MC was wronged. I can appreciate the character growth, but it isnt up to him if he's given forgiveness or not.

    fluffy_magnus October 20, 2024 8:39 pm
    I completely agree with everything you've stated, so what are you discussing? My point was that the MC does have the right to decide whether or not they (the king and MC) save their relationship because regardl... KooksVII

    u are so aggresive and for what lol purposefully misunderstanding the point and then getting even more annoying when I clearly stated my opinion. there is no abuser/victim in this life lol there is no forgiving anything here. at least it SHOULDN'T be but the author wanted it to be so shrug. I will repeat it one more time. A simple example, u were an abuser in ur previous life it's insane to think in ur current life you are an abuser and have victims lmfao no u fucking don't. This is simply where I and the author disagree. So why tf do u keep yapping if u disagree

    KooksVII October 20, 2024 10:08 pm
    u are so aggresive and for what lol purposefully misunderstanding the point and then getting even more annoying when I clearly stated my opinion. there is no abuser/victim in this life lol there is no forgiving... fluffy_magnus

    Aggressive? Purposely misunderstanding? If anything you are the one getting aggressive, and I've been restating my points because I AM confused; I'm not doing it just to be a bother. None of the points, nearly anyone in this thread has made, have been connected to their point clearly, so I'm merely lost. You DIDN'T clearly state your point, which is why I was confused. Thank you for clearing that up, by the way. I wasn't saying the king was an abuser now, but he was before. It's not outlandish to think as such. He may not have new victims, but he certainly had some before, in this case, the MC. I respect your opinion about your disagreement; you're different people, so it's normal to think differently. If anything, all I'm trying to do is understand the different perspectives on this discussion. However, you're separating the lives, which is completely correct if the characters thought as well. The author paints the characters as the same people before and now. The MC still regards the dragon the same way. The dragon still loves the MC the same way because they are the same people in the context of the story. I didn't believe it to be so difficult to comprehend.

    fluffy_magnus October 21, 2024 4:42 am
    Aggressive? Purposely misunderstanding? If anything you are the one getting aggressive, and I've been restating my points because I AM confused; I'm not doing it just to be a bother. None of the points, nearly ... KooksVII

    Nah u were aggresive until I finally stopped playing nice myself. Just reread ur damn responses. I did state it clearly. Somehow the other person could understand it. as I said, I'm just repeating myself atp. I literally said over and over again that I DO UNDERSTAND what the author had in mind. I just don't agree with their take on reincarnation. That was one of the main fucking points.

    yuyuyu October 21, 2024 9:35 am
    my question was just how this would be handled if the older bro didn't remember. would the MC continue to see him and pretend or cut him off as well fluffy_magnus

    well, then the narrative would be completely different, wouldnt it? im not exactly sure why ur coming up with hypotheticals to make a point. ur creating scenarios that dont exist for problems ur creating on ur own. the fact of the matter is, he made bad decisions, paid for it, repented, and was given closure but was not forgiven. i feel like thats a pretty solid ending, idk ab u. like did u expect him to be forgiven and for them to become besties?? after he confined his own brother out of selfish obsession that eventually led to both of them dying?? ok...

    yuyuyu October 21, 2024 9:39 am
    my point is I don't equate previous lives with the current ones bc they are different people. How is it sane to blame someone for what their previous incarnation did? The current self has no power over the past... fluffy_magnus

    im gonna stop u at ur first sentence there. let me make this clear- they ARE the same person because, despite death, his conciousness, stream of thought, personality, memories, and previous decisions were all retained with his soul. u comparing dan heng/dan feng to this character is completely misconstrued because they r so different. dan heng DOESNT retain dan fengs ego or memories and is determined to move on from the past, opposed to this character who stubbornly holds onto the past

    yuyuyu October 21, 2024 9:48 am
    my point is I don't equate previous lives with the current ones bc they are different people. How is it sane to blame someone for what their previous incarnation did? The current self has no power over the past... fluffy_magnus

    like theres a whole segment about the eunuch experiencing psychological torgure bc he experiences several different lives while keeping his past memories. its like experiencing immortality, building a new life wtih new people, only for it to be taken from u by death, experiencing it over and over again. the reason its so agonizing for him is because he retains those emotions, thoughts, memories, consciousness, and basically everything that makes you, you. its because he remains the same person in a different body that makes it so debilitating

    yuyuyu October 21, 2024 9:57 am
    It's insane how quickly this simple point got derailed. You're taking the phrase "different people" far too literally; I'm positive OP is aware it's the same soul.The point (which has been washed down the drain... ChipzWithAZ

    just because he repents, doesnt mean he should automatically be forgiven thats for the mc to decide and he made a very clear decison and boundary that he is not forgiven and that is VALID. if someone had traumatized u as a kid and it completely changed ur life, ur allowed to not forgive them as an adult even if they sincerely apologize and repent because that is ur right as the person who was wronged. just bc they died and were reborn doesnt make them different people and that doesnt erase the pain and trouble caused. mc cutting things off is whats best for both of them.

    KooksVII October 21, 2024 10:44 am
    Nah u were aggresive until I finally stopped playing nice myself. Just reread ur damn responses. I did state it clearly. Somehow the other person could understand it. as I said, I'm just repeating myself atp. I... fluffy_magnus

    I did reread, and I wasn't being aggressive, not once. How you misunderstood confuses me. If anything, you've been rude and aggressive in ALL your responses. (Is it possible you confused the all caps as aggressive? [If you didn't know, that's a common writing technique to emphasize certain phrases or words]). Well, I'm also not aware how you don't know this, but we’re different fucking people and different fucking people happen to comprehend things differently. I won't apologize for being aggressive or confused because, in the end, I wasn't aggressive, and being confused isn't something that anyone should apologize for. Your “main fucking point” wasn’t clear, what you believed yes, but how you supported it? No. You were way too out of context from the story and were taking things out of the narrative, so no, again, you weren't clear. I didn't understand how your points supported your claim and if you aren't helping your point, even now. I recommend taking some ELA classes. They help with creating followable evidence and commentary for your thesis.

    fluffy_magnus October 21, 2024 6:41 pm
    I did reread, and I wasn't being aggressive, not once. How you misunderstood confuses me. If anything, you've been rude and aggressive in ALL your responses. (Is it possible you confused the all caps as aggress... KooksVII

    Taking things out of narrative? please I took NOTHING lmfao show me where exactly I did any of the sort. I mentioned another piece of media where a similar concept was implemented and u immediately started being aggresive for some weird reason lol All I did was respect the author's choice but disagreed with their philosophy and take on it. You came in here telling me I'm somehow wrong for it. Why exactly I have no idea. Because again, this wasn't abt the structure of the story or characterization, it was an opinion abt reincarnation as a whole. So what the hell man. Also nice job insulting me when somehow other ppl could understand what I was saying but only you had an issue and that's somehow on me???? I had perfectly good examples and evidence. You started going on abt abusers and victims when I made a clear distinction. My main point was a "I don't equate past lives with current lives" statement. If you are confused after I repeat that very simple sentence 3 times then sorry but that's on you.

    KooksVII October 21, 2024 7:12 pm
    Taking things out of narrative? please I took NOTHING lmfao show me where exactly I did any of the sort. I mentioned another piece of media where a similar concept was implemented and u immediately started bein... fluffy_magnus

    Just as you said you took another piece of media; that is quite literally out of narrative. I haven't been aggressive at all, despite what you've stated. In any case, a state where I've been aggressive since that seems to be something we can't agree on. Not once have I been rude. I've stated my opinion and why I believe your reasoning to be flawed, why is that wrong? To state your opinion? I believed this to just be a discussion between two points. YOU are the one who’s taking this too sensitively. Thank you for your acknowledgment of insulting you; it wasn't my intention but regardless, I didn't make it YOUR fault. If anything, it wasn't anyone’s fault. Not mine for not understanding, nor yours for not connecting your points. While I agree with “I don't equate past lives with current lives", this isn't a normal scenario. In the context of the story, the characters are painted as the same people throughout their incarnations with the same desires and thoughts. Much time has passed; character growth is clear. However, in the narrative, they are the same people as before, just with development. That is something you don't seem to comprehend. If the author had painted them as characters with simple memories of something of another life, I would agree with you full-heartedly. However, that isn't what’s happening, which is where the argument falls. Not arguing what-ifs, but staying within the context. Therefore, the reason I talked about abusers and victims is because that's what's occurring. That is the way the characters are constructed; I'm simply staying in the narrative.

    fluffy_magnus October 21, 2024 7:33 pm
    Just as you said you took another piece of media; that is quite literally out of narrative. I haven't been aggressive at all, despite what you've stated. In any case, a state where I've been aggressive since th... KooksVII

    And you still don't get it even after repeating it 30 damn times. Sure I used a different media bc u clearly couldn't understand my example so I tried paint a clearer view. U still refused to listen. You are stating my reasoning for reincarnation is flawed as if it's my whim and not an actual "teaching" let's call it lol There are two views on reincarnation, neither is wrong or flawed. You are basically acting as if I'm factually wrong when I'm not.

    fluffy_magnus October 21, 2024 7:36 pm
    Just as you said you took another piece of media; that is quite literally out of narrative. I haven't been aggressive at all, despite what you've stated. In any case, a state where I've been aggressive since th... KooksVII

    clicked post accidentally. To add on what I wrote. I am. perfectly well what the author did and somehow U are under the impression I don't understand it lol I do. I just disagree with that interpretation of reincarnation that's it. i will say it one more time bc clearly you constantly try to miss the point. I understand perfectly well what the author did and I disagree. is that simple enough for you or are U gonna try to explain the story to me one more time lol

    KooksVII October 21, 2024 9:38 pm

    Okay, as I was saying you didn't state it “30 times” only a few. I understand your claim. That is clear, and I’ve said this before, what I don't understand is your evidence and support. You are not the one understanding now. I understand your claim, but not your evidence. I wanted clarity on your EVIDENCE. I'm not saying your claim is wrong. I'm saying the way you support it is wrong. I've stated already that I agree with your “past lives don't equate current lives” or something like that statement; I've stated it “30 times” (obviously less) when its outside of the narrative. Do I need to state it again? I understand your claim. I don't understand your evidence. Therefore your point is flawed because it's supported incorrectly. I understand you comprehend the author. Never did I make that assumption, so listen carefully. If you take notice, rarely do I repeat the same context, when you don't understand MY POINTS (not the authors) is when I repeat statements. You keep talking about how I don't understand your points, but what I've been arguing is against your evidence and commentary, not your claim.

    fluffy_magnus October 22, 2024 5:01 am
    Okay, as I was saying you didn't state it “30 times” only a few. I understand your claim. That is clear, and I’ve said this before, what I don't understand is your evidence and support. You are not the on... KooksVII

    What a pointless discussion lol What evidence was wrong? I'm basing my claims on the philosophical idea itself. You keep saying I'm wrong and basing it on the story. You are misunderstanding me on a fundamental level. Coming in here claiming my idea of LIFE is basically wrong bc of what exactly??? Don't bother responding, not interested in someone acting dumb and arguing just to insult me further.

    KooksVII October 22, 2024 12:09 pm
    What a pointless discussion lol What evidence was wrong? I'm basing my claims on the philosophical idea itself. You keep saying I'm wrong and basing it on the story. You are misunderstanding me on a fundamental... fluffy_magnus

    I’ve been arguing that you've been using the wrong evidence. Frankly, I don't care about anything you've been saying on the discussion because all you've been doing is taking this sensitively when all I want to do is understand your evidence, but I agree this was a stupid discussion with someone who won't open their mind to see the points of the opposition. I've not been acting dumb, I've been genuinely confused. If that's so hard to understand, respectfully, you aren't worth the time any longer.

    yuyuyu October 31, 2024 6:18 pm
    What a pointless discussion lol What evidence was wrong? I'm basing my claims on the philosophical idea itself. You keep saying I'm wrong and basing it on the story. You are misunderstanding me on a fundamental... fluffy_magnus

    whether u agree or disagree with how the story ended, u literally cannot refuse the fact that he is the same person from his previous incarnations bc that os literally how the story was written and why it ended the way it did. it is not up for philosophical interpretation like how ur doing. if the brother had not regained his memories/never retained his memories, the whole brother subplot would mean literally nothing and would fall even more flat with trauma and feelings left unresolved. if thats the kind of ending u wanted, thats fine, but u cannot deny that in this story, u r the same person even through reincarnation if u retain ur memories

fluffy_magnus September 30, 2024 10:46 pm

Man, fuck Brandon but he is so hot in this chapter whew

fluffy_magnus September 7, 2024 12:04 am

I kinda wanted to gauge ppl's reaction to this before reading and i was preparing for the worst but.... it rly wasn't bad. Like yeah, it sucks so much that Ryuji's feelings were not reciprocated but it has been obvious since the very beginning Aoi will help Makoto accept himself. She was the one doing the heavy lifting when it came to helping him and accepting himself. It was pretty clear.

Not to mention I rly rly don't fuck with people claiming the author baited them or did x queer theme badly bc they ended up a gender or sexuality ppl didn't want. Like, him choosing to identify and present as a boy in the end (at least from what I've heard) doesn't invalidate his journey. It's not a cop out. Sometimes people change their minds or discover things abt themselves. It's very disheartening to see ppl act like such ppl are frauds or whatever lol

    Peachyfile October 11, 2024 3:46 am

    I think people were mislead all by themselves! You are speaking facts!! since the very beginning the story is clear about Saki and Makoto as the main couple and the story is as queer as a story can be people are obsessed with labels but not everything has to be named or so I think after all they are still discovering themselves and Makoto decided to be themselves (/TДT)/

    BIG DADDY October 25, 2024 10:04 pm
    I think people were mislead all by themselves! You are speaking facts!! since the very beginning the story is clear about Saki and Makoto as the main couple and the story is as queer as a story can be people ar... Peachyfile

    Totally agreed, hate it when people whant ti label everything

fluffy_magnus August 23, 2024 5:16 am

Honestly, personally I think they both done fucked up. So tired of comments just blaming Matthew for everything. Even when Matthew got drugged out of his mind and had sex with Jin ppl were saying He raped him (even tho Jin consented lol).

fluffy_magnus August 18, 2024 8:21 am

"can't they just be happy" why do y'all just want some boring shit for 100+ chapters

    kona August 18, 2024 10:36 am

    i would read it.

fluffy_magnus August 12, 2024 4:58 am

Every time I read comments on mangago I lose hope in humanity lol

    Merry12 August 12, 2024 5:47 am

    Yes but sometimes they are funny but indeed you are correct

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