THIS WAS SOOO FREAKING GODODD I JUST WISH tHEIR YAOIING IT UP SCENE WAS LIEK. Idk it was too fast. It was like i like u ikkei… and then he starts sucking ON HIS FREKAING BALLS TWO SECONDS LATER FUCKKKK okay ahyways ig was really good miki a little dumb but i love this aegi and wataru baddie i wanna hate him so bad but hes such a baddie IM DIGGIINNNN IN. HIKMMM i feel like it was lowkey rela when wataru realized miki is slipping away from his hands after YEars Hes suddenlt in love with miki and starts liking men. I LOVE IKKEI SO BAD AND IM SO HAPPY THAT ITS HAPPY I JUST WISH IT WAS LONGERR. THE DRAMA AND MISUNDERSTANDING AND EVERYTHING WAS PEAK THO