Alyuh wicked wii hmmmm
Really! (Don't stop) is I the last thing he says before they END the chapter
Hello! Well shit look trouble
I could say the same about these chapter endings “ they really know how to drive someone crazy! ”
Alyuh serious? As soon asshit start to get real! Oh fuck man!!!! Tearing my hair OUT
I accidentally down voted you(too) I meant the other one
That ass in the last page…oh gezz
lol I literally thought "DAAAAAAYUM" look at that butt!! ヾ(☆▽☆)
Oh fuck, man! Why allyuh doing it. At least give us the bsex sf me nah oh gosh!
Omg my heart's on the edge
But A A… look trouble now lol doh say “Why don't we also get ourselves into trouble”
Hii. Didn't expect to find another Barbadian here who loves this manga too
Sorry I issa Trini/ Trinidadian I juz have this as an alias… well we're both islanders
Lolokay then. Why though
Cause I like their accent & I always wanted to visit
well our doors are always open to you then
Lol lol thank you Jajamadam
Alyuh wicked wii hmmmm