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Regress or instructional manual I’m that one person who use his memes / photos everywhere HECK EVEN PRINTED OUT MY BELOVED LEE KIYOUNG PHOTO I don’t think it a hyperfixation . More like an obsession
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I have 2 best friends? One moved, and is rarely active on social media. My other friend is still here, but we just don’t talk much anymore

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What are you people on about??? NOBODY's an asshole for being something. The only way anyone's an asshole is if they ACT LIKE ONE.... Anyone calling you an asshole for simply being the way you are or feeling the way, you do, is actually the asshole!!! As long as you don't actively walk around hurting people on purpose, you're not an asshole - th......
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I’d be a blackhole, they’re so cool and interesting

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School sucks. Teachers suck. I need more time. I’m just very unlucky

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14 02,2025
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Bit of a rant Not a famous author, but I am writing a story about Strix, a non binary person (she/they) who’s actually an eldritch cosmic abomination, and the world (which is sort of sentient) is incredibly afraid of her due to that. So it tries to kill/contain them using natural disasters, isolation, or just plain old murder. But none of it wo......
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I'm curious what everyone's stories/plots would be if y'all were famous authors. It can be a manga, manhwa, manhua, or even a novel. Imagine your comic is being uploaded on the popular reading apps and you have a mass following.

12 02,2025