I'm thinking of dropping this for a while the comment section is on fire . I'm not even gonna read this chapter. .

Just ignore the comment section and read the story, to save yourself from a headache.. I know that many people love talking about the story (I do too) but there is way too much toxicity in non fluff bl comment sections nowdays. It's just not worth your time to read it and I'm pretty sure that this is the new normal and it won't get better. People that hate these stories will keep on reading them. (I don't understand why but they do) We just gotta live with it or ignore it.

I love reading the comments it's entertaining honestly more entertaining than the webtoon itself atp. I'm just genuinely having a hard time reading this, I'm tired of the same plotline I've got it saved cause its here and it's popular . maybe when it can be binged it will be worth but rn this is just traumatizing me.

Why would I stop reading a work entirely, solely because of what people are saying about it? I'd already had my reservations and the comments that CHP 20 got were just enough to convince me I should come back to this later... for what reason are you defending the dipshit seme in this webtoon? and don't tell me you arent. anyone who disagrees that this is hard to read is in his fictional asscrack . I didn't say I hate the work I didn't beg the author to discountinue.
why is the having and sharing of my experience with this material upsetting you? y'all need to get a grip and be able to affirmatively say to yourself someone is a piece of shit and move on knowing that isn't all they likely are and that as a character they can change and grow.

Hey, whatever you feel about the story is valid. I wasn't necessarily complaining about you. I genuinely misread what your take was and thought the story/comment section upset you and I knew one good manwha that I love and is fluffy so I recommend it to you. I sometimes take a break from reading some stories too until there is more chapters.
I also like asshole semes so I don't need to defend him, it's just a matter of personal taste, if you dislike him, you're free to do so. Other than that I meant no bad blood

I really like this manga so far, it's fucking intriguing. gawd I feel like I'm gonna bawl my eyes out. I wanna see more but ik it may take a sharp turn for the worse when it comes to whatever "time manipulation" is at play here.
Also the shit that goes through Sejin's head is insane, my guy needs therapy asap, genuinely how is he okay????

I got really ambiguous vibes from them that entire time, they r female presenting and answer to her so I'll respect that and I urge others too as well but I'd also like to point out how different Minato has been toward them, even when he met the ex so long ago he wasn't this wary of her, at some point in reading I thought to myself 'why hasnt he gotten over this as yet?' 'why's he so wary of this person?' puppy smiles at everyone, this isn't anything new ? Now we know ig.
I just got this feeling that maybe the character was deeper than the surface level nuances we were being fed.

It's a lot more ambigious in the japanese original, because people don't commonly use gendered pronouns most of the time. I've got the books at home and it doesn't look like the director ever gets referred to in a feminine way or refers to himself as female - after re-reading the last few chapters I actually think the staff knows he's a guy, possibly Shizuma as well (depending on how you read his reaction). I think only Minato and possibly Tatsumi think he's female.

Can authors srsly just find another plausible way to present relationships that may not be the best/lovey dovey hyper fluffy?
People fight all the fucking time they fucking dislike eacother, its just a thing human beings do! !!??
I get wanting to write what is essentially hate to love but y'all this shit is too fucking much I'm tired, I feel like I've got some kind of warped Stockholm syndrome from this shit .
Gawd he's almost as bad as the seme in that really popular bl the boxer one, I forget it's name right now. we are only 18 chps deep and but I cannot take the angst and suffering, I just wanna be happy y'all :(.

It never fails to amaze me the hoards of people who comment that the omega/bottoms are annoying under webtoons.
Please fr the love of everyone who is in a more vulnerable position within their relationship dynamic stfu.
Noah doesn't owe Ian anything in ways of an explanation and he's definitely not a pushover, he's honestly a rare character breed who's trying to seek his own well being and his child's while meeting the demands of a hyper narcissist, his resistance seems small but it's actually huge when you've read as much manga as I have.
Ian is not doing anyone a favor with the way he's acting, he's just another douche seme/alpha that we should resent purely on ethics, even when he gets character development T_T it's so freaking predictable what's gonna happen at this point.
Unless you are new to BL you know how this is gonna go so let's buckle up and hope we don't have to wait too long for the bs to work itself out and Noah doesn't have to suffer too long for the kid's sake and our sanity. I can already see the exhaustion on his face.
nugget of knowledge b4 I go.
You're not supposed to like the seme.... guys.... we all know this is fiction... we all know omegaverse isn't real. we all know that complaing in the comments about the characters won't change what the author has written. And that's how it's supposed to be... you read something and maybe you disagree with certain parts of it... the work introduces a 'villian'.... you dislike the 'villian'. You can read/consume and enjoy media while disliking any number of the characters or simultaneously thinking they all shit gold.
I won't go into the nuances of morally gray characters or discuss how people can be more than just bad because it seems people don't get that...
I'm asking genuinely are readers supposed to fall at the feet of a guy who belittles someone else's feelings? Uses the child he has with this individual to control them? Cuts them off from the one set of people they have been relying on for years? Would it be right to be in the comment section singing the seme's praises? be fucking fr?
he'll get luv when his redemption arc shows up ?? till then take a chill pill and let him do his work of being hated?