In a world where humans and human-like beasts coexist, Yukari comes across an unconscious Shima in t...
- Author: Nanatsuno Wataru
- Genres: Drama / Smut / Yaoi
In a world where humans and human-like beasts coexist, Yukari comes across an unconscious Shima in t...
- Author: Nanatsuno Wataru
- Genres: Drama / Smut / Yaoi
In a world where humans and human-like beasts coexist, Yukari comes across an unconscious Shima in t...
- Author: Nanatsuno Wataru
- Genres: Drama / Smut / Yaoi
In a world where humans and human-like beasts coexist, Yukari comes across an unconscious Shima in t...
- Author: Nanatsuno Wataru
- Genres: Drama / Smut / Yaoi
In a world where humans and human-like beasts coexist, Yukari comes across an unconscious Shima in t...
- Author: Nanatsuno Wataru
- Genres: Drama / Smut / Yaoi
Just once, I wanted to know what it feels to hold hands with the person I like - the person I like b...
- Author: Panco
- Genres: Drama / Slice of Life / Yaoi / One Shot
Just once, I wanted to know what it feels to hold hands with the person I like - the person I like b...
- Author: Panco
- Genres: Drama / Slice of Life / Yaoi / One Shot
Just once, I wanted to know what it feels to hold hands with the person I like - the person I like b...
- Author: Panco
- Genres: Drama / Slice of Life / Yaoi / One Shot
Eunhoo disappeared like smoke after spending a night together. Taeyoon can't forget him, he was...
- Author: Green Grape
- Genres: Yaoi / Romance / Webtoons / Smut
Akuma-san, listen to my song!The boy who was kicked out of the choir and the devil, who became a sin...
- Author: Makoto morishita
- Genres: Comedy / Drama / Mystery / tragedy
Akuma-san, listen to my song!The boy who was kicked out of the choir and the devil, who became a sin...
- Author: Makoto morishita
- Genres: Comedy / Drama / Mystery / tragedy
Akuma-san, listen to my song!The boy who was kicked out of the choir and the devil, who became a sin...
- Author: Makoto morishita
- Genres: Comedy / Drama / Mystery / tragedy
Akuma-san, listen to my song!The boy who was kicked out of the choir and the devil, who became a sin...
- Author: Makoto morishita
- Genres: Comedy / Drama / Mystery / tragedy
A one-shot of Hwim's OC characters Rafael Raymond and Edan Cho....
- Author: Hwim
- Genres: Yaoi / Mature / Adult / Smut / One Shot / webtoons
A one-shot of Hwim's OC characters Rafael Raymond and Edan Cho....
- Author: Hwim
- Genres: Yaoi / Mature / Adult / Smut / One Shot / webtoons
A one-shot of Hwim's OC characters Rafael Raymond and Edan Cho....
- Author: Hwim
- Genres: Yaoi / Mature / Adult / Smut / One Shot / webtoons
A one-shot of Hwim's OC characters Rafael Raymond and Edan Cho....
- Author: Hwim
- Genres: Yaoi / Mature / Adult / Smut / One Shot / webtoons
- Author: Tanmon,탄몬
- Genres: Webtoons / Yaoi / Adult / Smut / Comedy / Drama / Fantasy
- Author: Tanmon,탄몬
- Genres: Webtoons / Yaoi / Adult / Smut / Comedy / Drama / Fantasy