OnyxGoesMoo January 14, 2019 2:07 am


    pip ♡ January 15, 2019 4:21 pm

    The real question is... is your mom a guy

    OnyxGoesMoo January 15, 2019 10:46 pm
    The real question is... is your mom a guy pip ♡

    I read that as “is your mom gay” and immediately thought “which mum”

    And I never thought about that, smh what if that guys mum was a fellow tranny

OnyxGoesMoo January 6, 2019 5:02 am

I can’t stop crying it’s 4:16 am and I’m crying my eyes out they recognise eachother omg I want a 12.5 just to know they’re happy

OnyxGoesMoo December 21, 2018 2:26 am

I love how heesu tells seung-won everything, usually they would keep secrets so it doesn’t “hurt the other person” but they’re so open and genuine and pure and I love them so much and esp when the first year comes to heesu and you think he’ll blackmail him but he’s actually really nice and needs help, I love how this author takes tropes and basically flips them to be good, it’s a nice thing to read and it makes my day when a new chapter comes out

OnyxGoesMoo November 27, 2018 12:20 am

I regret it now because we got in a lot of trouble for it I won’t go into detail but I’m gay af and when I was dating my boyfriend we were too lovey Dovey and people reported it to the teacher and the whole school knew and the school was pretty chill, my boyfriends parents knew but mine didn’t, my mum found out this year and I was forced to move schools tho but I still love him a lot even if I can’t speak to him or contact him ^^

    Ching Chong November 27, 2018 7:46 am

    I'm so sorry that happened to you...
    I was in a similar situation except with my girlfriend except both our parents were against it..
    I hope that you're doing okay.. know that there are people who support you, including me who is a stranger..

    youraedthiswrogn November 27, 2018 5:12 pm

    Wow that sounds terrible... Have you explained that, factually, changing schools isn't going to change your sexuality? What are they expecting? Anyways, i really hope things start to go better for you and him, maybe keep trying to talk to your parents now that it's out of the bag? What's left to worry about now?

    Rex November 27, 2018 7:46 pm

    That's harsh, especially if you can't even get in contact T~~T

    OnyxGoesMoo November 27, 2018 11:08 pm
    I'm so sorry that happened to you...I was in a similar situation except with my girlfriend except both our parents were against it..I hope that you're doing okay.. know that there are people who support you, in... Ching Chong

    thank you <3 and aww I’m sorry that happened to you and yea this manwha is one of the only things that bring me joy now Lolol

    OnyxGoesMoo November 27, 2018 11:10 pm
    That's harsh, especially if you can't even get in contact T~~T Rex

    Yea it’s been like 6 months since we have been able to talk and I’ve forgotten his face and smile and hug and it makes me really sad

    OnyxGoesMoo November 27, 2018 11:11 pm
    Wow that sounds terrible... Have you explained that, factually, changing schools isn't going to change your sexuality? What are they expecting? Anyways, i really hope things start to go better for you and him, ... youraedthiswrogn

    Yea they don’t wanna talk about it till I’m legally allowed to leave the house and an adult to make my Own decisions and yea they don’t want me under the influence of LGBT people because they’re “putting things in my head” and manipulating me even tho I’ve felt like this for a long time but I’m doing better now and all these comments made me happy ^^

    youraedthiswrogn November 28, 2018 1:59 am
    Yea they don’t wanna talk about it till I’m legally allowed to leave the house and an adult to make my Own decisions and yea they don’t want me under the influence of LGBT people because they’re “putt... OnyxGoesMoo

    Tell them to speak with any therapist/health expert and ask if sexuality is something that can be helped. Here is a link to actual professional medical and psychological information regarding this from the American Psychological Association: https://www.apa.org/helpcenter/sexual-orientation.aspx

    youraedthiswrogn November 28, 2018 2:01 am

    Honestly, a simple google search will show that psychologists don't view sexuality as a choice or changeable, it's why "straight camp" is no longer a thing.

OnyxGoesMoo November 5, 2018 2:59 am


OnyxGoesMoo September 29, 2018 9:33 pm

*gay gasp*

OnyxGoesMoo September 3, 2018 11:06 pm

They better be second cousins or something like HECC not bout that incest

    Leta Cent September 4, 2018 1:07 am

    Just a question but what is sooo wrong about incest? I get that its a social and reproductive taboo but I still dont get why people make it seem like a crime? I would love to hear your opinion. ( I am not shaming, I just really would like to know)

    youraedthiswrogn September 4, 2018 1:14 am
    Just a question but what is sooo wrong about incest? I get that its a social and reproductive taboo but I still dont get why people make it seem like a crime? I would love to hear your opinion. ( I am not shami... Leta Cent

    It's also a moral thing, if you think incest is fine, it's because you aren't building a proper familial bond with your family members. You don't view them as "family", but as people you really care about and as romantic partner candidates. It's literally just not a thought that pops into the head of someone who really views their family as family. They trust you not to look at them sexually, it's not even a thought in their head, so for you to be looking at them like that while they're comfortable around you is a problem.

    Leta Cent September 4, 2018 2:50 am
    It's also a moral thing, if you think incest is fine, it's because you aren't building a proper familial bond with your family members. You don't view them as "family", but as people you really care about and a... youraedthiswrogn

    Not to be pushy, but I can't count the view of "family" as reason enough, cause I don't get why second cousins can legally get married despite being family, yet step ones( who aren't even related by blood) can't. I have never been in love with a family member but my parents and religion talk about how it's fine for second cousins who are also family are able to get married and that belief is everywhere. I know quite a few of my second cousins cause in mexico you get to know everyone of your relatives and you are taught to treat them all as family. I honestly don't even treat them any differently then my first cousins. Yet I can get married to my second onces even though I see them as family, and I most likely wouldn't be judged. I think incest is just a way of pushing a taboo onto others without really justification, cause if it was really an issue there wouldn't be exceptions as I think second cousins are. Heck I might be related ( by blood) to everyone that lives in close proximity to me ( The ranch I was born in I mean). I think of them all as family and they think of me as one too, yet I can get married to most of them, since the family bond by blood is far. They are my family mentaily but not by blood so the governmnets and religion gives there ok despite yur "family trust". So I don't get your point. Also that idea of "morality" should be fine as long as they never meet right, so if seperated family members fall in love it should be moral right since they don't have family trust. ( There is a case of half siblings falling in love in Europe and they never knew they were related until after the wedding, yet they get treated badly anyways). On another note, does that also make neighbor's falling in love immoral, cause I am way closer to my neighbors then some of my family and we know way more about each other so I can say we have a big bond. Does that mean the "trust and moral idea" makes anyone that falls in love that way immoral as well? Also that moral thing annoys me a bit since it reminds me of the same excuse people use for LGBT relationships cause it's about trust right. I trust them not to fall in love so they shouldn’t ( that reminds me of the friend zone too if you think about it, I guess all I guys that are my friends and confessed to me are immoral cause as friends I trusted them not to fall in love…..) My point is I STILL don't see a real issue with insect but its seen as taboo socially and that's it. Love is love and you can't really control it. ......................................( ALSO I WAS TRIGGERED TO REPLY CAUSE you better have not have implied that I don't see my family as such or that I don't have a family relationship just cause I am ok with incest cause you DO NOT KNOW me. As a proud latina I am very close to everyone in my family and I have a fine line about those I treat as them, so yes I think family can even transcend blood. My family is my support and the people I consider closest to me, once again they don't have to be blood related and yes I know the difference between family love and romantic love. So don't turn that into a reason why people believe incest is ok.

    youraedthiswrogn September 4, 2018 2:58 am
    Not to be pushy, but I can't count the view of "family" as reason enough, cause I don't get why second cousins can legally get married despite being family, yet step ones( who aren't even related by blood) can'... Leta Cent

    There is a difference between something being "legally okay" and something being "morally okay". Why do you think anyone would be okay with you marrying your 2nd cousin just because it's legal? Whether it's legal or not, the MORAL issue still stands that they're your "family" and trust you not to look at them that way.

    youraedthiswrogn September 4, 2018 3:00 am
    Not to be pushy, but I can't count the view of "family" as reason enough, cause I don't get why second cousins can legally get married despite being family, yet step ones( who aren't even related by blood) can'... Leta Cent

    Laws are so fucked too, there are really old laws being changed all the time. "legality" is hardly a good argument.

    youraedthiswrogn September 4, 2018 3:02 am
    Not to be pushy, but I can't count the view of "family" as reason enough, cause I don't get why second cousins can legally get married despite being family, yet step ones( who aren't even related by blood) can'... Leta Cent

    As far as the family members not knowing each other and falling in love, no, that's where the argument of biology comes in. It isn't JUST a moral argument, i just gave you the moral argument, hence me saying "there is also a moral argument".

    youraedthiswrogn September 4, 2018 3:08 am
    Not to be pushy, but I can't count the view of "family" as reason enough, cause I don't get why second cousins can legally get married despite being family, yet step ones( who aren't even related by blood) can'... Leta Cent

    Using your friends and "family" that aren't blood related aren't valid comparisons... Your friends aren't related to you and the people you consider family outside your bloodline aren't blood related to you, you know, literally the 2 reasons people have an issue with incest? "these people who aren't blood related to me who aren't even in my family tree aren't considered incest, so what is incest?", no shit. You're trying to argue that incest is just the feeling involved.

    youraedthiswrogn September 4, 2018 3:14 am

    As far as you not agreeing about the familial bond, unfortunately for you, "family" doesn't look at you sexually outside an awkward observation before moving on, when you sit there lusting after an immediate family member it's incest. In other words, whether you like it or not, "romantic love" and "familial love" are two separate things. You tried to disregard this argument, but it's exactly the one that needs to be said because you don't know the difference. "family" wouldn't fuck you, it's not just a "social thing", it's a fundamental. People feel gross when they think of fucking someone they truly consider family. It's a reflex.

    youraedthiswrogn September 4, 2018 3:21 am

    You need to clarify your stance, when you say "i'm okay with incest" it sounds like you're saying you'd be okay with doing it yourself, which yes, WOULD mean that you aren't properly looking at them as family since you aren't okay with fucking your family. Again, "familial love" and "romantic love" don't mesh.

    youraedthiswrogn September 4, 2018 3:28 am

    The reason incest is such a guilty experience isn't just because of the social stigma, it's also because they feel something inherently "wrong". They look at their sibling as family, but lust after them and it gives intense bad feelings. This is what i mean by "familial love" and "romantic love" are exclusive. The feelings clash and create a guilty experience.

    Leta Cent September 4, 2018 4:34 am

    There is something "inherently wrong" about sooo many relationships out there yet we dont see them as immoral or illegal so you are still not making your point. Love is not all sexual, and you normally dont look at someone at first glance and just want to have sex and the fact you believe so makes me worry about your future relationships. Just continue to follow what society tells you. Also on your point on "you'd be ok with doing it yourself" I am ok with same sex marriage yet I am not gay so I still dont see your point. Love should be about feelings, personality, and comfort but its people like you that make same sex marriage and age gaps seem like sin. I still dont see any issues with it and I am majoring in biology and psychology. Have fun being mentally closed you prick.

    Artemis September 4, 2018 4:45 am

    Why are you even commenting on this manga if you hate incest..... go away

    massregrets September 4, 2018 7:09 am
    Why are you even commenting on this manga if you hate incest..... go away Artemis

    It’s just that user, I’ve seen them troll a bunch of boards. Don’t pay them any mind.

    youraedthiswrogn September 4, 2018 8:51 am
    There is something "inherently wrong" about sooo many relationships out there yet we dont see them as immoral or illegal so you are still not making your point. Love is not all sexual, and you normally dont loo... Leta Cent

    What? Sexuality and incest aren't the same thing, lol. If you're done making invalid comparisons, feel free and address literally anything i said. Fyi, i'm a gay male, i have no prejudices towards almost anything either... Incest, i feel, is stigmatized for a reason. That reason being everything i just said. You don't get to just say "you aren't making your point" without actually countering anything i said sweetie, that's not how this works.

    youraedthiswrogn September 4, 2018 9:03 am
    There is something "inherently wrong" about sooo many relationships out there yet we dont see them as immoral or illegal so you are still not making your point. Love is not all sexual, and you normally dont loo... Leta Cent

    Also, did you just imply that there is something "inherently wrong" and "immoral" about gay relationships and marriage? You're the only one in this conversation who thinks of those as "inherently wrong" and "immoral" on thought, you actually categorize them with INCEST? I don't feel guilty about being gay and it's a known fact that being gay is normal. It's not the NORM, as we're outnumbered by the straights, but it's normal. "gay" is one of the 3 scientifically acknowledged sexual orientations. Incest, again, is something guilt invoking.

    OnyxGoesMoo September 4, 2018 7:26 pm
    Just a question but what is sooo wrong about incest? I get that its a social and reproductive taboo but I still dont get why people make it seem like a crime? I would love to hear your opinion. ( I am not shami... Leta Cent

    I’m not saying it’s wrong but I just personally find it weird, because it’s like dating your sibling, like 3rd cousins over I can like deal with or just distant cousins but idk I just can’t deal with dating your close family, also biologically with heterosexual relationships if you have a child with your cousin , sister or close family it leads to a lot of problems so it’s just a personal opinion but in the science type sense it’s just not supposed to be Done, and you could argue about how it happened in the past but I still just personally dont like the thought of it, Im not arguing but there’s reasons on why it’s not done (birth defects and death) like hell even plants have a thing in them to prevent incest but it’s a gay relationship in this so that’s doesn’t matter but just people find weird to be in relationships with first family

    OnyxGoesMoo September 4, 2018 8:35 pm
    It’s just that user, I’ve seen them troll a bunch of boards. Don’t pay them any mind. massregrets

    well even then answering their questions I just read anyway cuz the fact of cousins isn’t gonna stop me from reading something and i wrote this BEFORE reading the manwha because unlike some people I’m able to block out certain parts and not get triggered even if they aren’t second cousins or 3rd cousins or like people barely related to you so I just wrote it not expecting this long feckin convo with people I just made a comment and I just said that i hope they’re 2nd cousins if not idc lads I can block that part out and it’s only fiction but irl DEPENDING on the situation I wouldn’t care

    Leta Cent September 4, 2018 11:51 pm
    I’m not saying it’s wrong but I just personally find it weird, because it’s like dating your sibling, like 3rd cousins over I can like deal with or just distant cousins but idk I just can’t deal with da... OnyxGoesMoo

    I am sorry for causing your comment to go to shit. I really appreciate this answer. I was hopping not to argue, but I just felt too triggered by the other user. I mainly try to point out a few exceptions since I feel like most people think incest only happens with psychotic and idiotic individuals ( as the other users points seem to point out), so I just like to check what people think about it. I am not arguing that incest should become a new sexuality and that it should become as normal as dating the same sex or someone of a deiffernt religion/race, but I dont like how the few that is happens too get looked at badily. I dont think incest happens often as yaoi and manga make it seem, which as you pointed out is good due to inbreeding and disease. I just like to show that when it does happen, we should look at why it happened ( the reasons they decided to go for there relative) and not look at the person involved like an animal. I feel like people have there reasons for it. Once again this was the type of answer I was looking for and sorry for what you had to read.

    youraedthiswrogn September 5, 2018 1:01 am
    I am sorry for causing your comment to go to shit. I really appreciate this answer. I was hopping not to argue, but I just felt too triggered by the other user. I mainly try to point out a few exceptions since... Leta Cent

    I can agree with what you said here, these were just my thoughts on incest itself, the concept. It gets a lot more complicated when you involve actual people. I know that there're gray areas. That's why i was talking about specifically the non-gray areas. It's not like i'd be an asshole to the guy just because he fell in love with someone, i just wouldn't do it (fuck an immediate family member) myself. The problem with using the gray areas in an argument is that those specific scenarios aren't the ones people are bitching about.

    OnyxGoesMoo September 5, 2018 6:42 pm
    I am sorry for causing your comment to go to shit. I really appreciate this answer. I was hopping not to argue, but I just felt too triggered by the other user. I mainly try to point out a few exceptions since... Leta Cent

    No it’s ok!! I just didn’t expect this many people to reply and it was getting confusing, also I hope my reply made some sense lol I was kinda late sorry about that!
    I was tired when replying and I didn’t want to make it TOO long but i hope you were satisfied with my opinion lol but depending on the situation I don’t mind being with someone slightly related to you but I don’t wanna go into further detail <3

    SayerSong October 4, 2018 3:33 am

    Believe it or not, some states in the US allow first cousin marriage.

OnyxGoesMoo September 2, 2018 3:06 am

This fecker reminds me of kirito lmao he’s hella over powered and the story is too crammed in my opinion And it’s harder to understand and he’s too, over powered and like a lone wolf so he isn’t very interesting and this is a really good idea just not executed that well but I like zombie movies and anything zombie related so i read it anyway even though i think it was too rushed and the author could have took the story a bit slower lol

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