I honestly think that there's more to Chanwoo's situation we aren't getting yet... it felt like he was scared about dating MD? And I'm not 100% sure the abuse is exactly how he told - that it's always from different boyfriends. Maybe there is one constant person in his life who is hurting him and dating MD would mean either getting this person mad or putting MD in a risky situation. I dunno, I feel like this would make more sense seeing Chanwoo behavior

AH I get what you mean. He does feel like something else is hindering him from dating md. But I think it may come from his belief that maybe his love lives don't work out (or that md might reveal his "abusive true colors" like the other partners he's had). It's like, MD is the only one who he doesn't want to risk that with. Wich is adorbale, but alos upsidedown beacuease he doesn't trust MD while feeling the most comfortable and safe with him as well.

I have to say, this a very valid take. It could be that Chanwoo fears MD will turn abusive as his other partners had and he doesn't want to lose the trust he has in him when it comes to their sexual relationship. In this case I'm curious about how MD could show Chanwoo he is worthy of trust outside the bedroom... if he really is.

I see people complaining about the name change, but as a person who is studying translation theories and such, I think the translator made a good choice here!! I doubt that so many people would have realized there was a change if the translator didn't mention it :D
The translator choice in this was logical and it makes sense. Violet is a feminine name and has a feminine connotation, but that doesn't happen in the original language. It would have been wrong to translate it as Violet not because the translator has smth against a male character with a feminine name, but bc the creator didn't intend to give the character a feminine name, so this choice is closer to the original in terms of the kind of impression the name gives.
Translators do this all the time!! When Harry Potter came out in Italy, Dumbledore was translated as "Silente" (meaning "silent"), McGonall as McGranit ("granito" is marble). They aren't close to the original, but it portrays the kind of impression j.k. rowling wanted to give with those names :D If you are an english speaker is difficult to understand, since you rarely have to translate stuff :)
(sorry for the rant but the complains were irking me a bit askjhfkjsd)

I really like where this manga is going. The clique of the seme that treats the uke like shit but then everything is okay just because he shows that he "really loves him" is toxic and not very interesting. At this point in the story DG has realized that Alex has a really shitty behavior and he's slowly becoming able to get over his infatuation; on the other hand Alex, the one who wanted just a sexual relationship no string attached, is getting more and more annoyed by the fact that DG has become exactly what he wanted: a one-night stand, a booty call. It's the first time I read a yaoi where the MCs already had sex and I look forward for the next time because I know their feelings will be completely different! And I love seeing Alex suffering and DG getting his payback >:)
I've always thought there was more to Soo-won than we could see and while I understand his character better now, I won't be able to forgive him so easily and I hope Yona won't as well. Yona trusted him, was infatuated with him, and he killed her father and almost killed her, too (in the first chapter, Yona was chased by a shadow before king Il was killed, so I guess the plan was to kill her before the king). I guess most of his actions can be explained by the fact that he wanted the throne for the sake of the kingdom and he had a time-bind because of his illness, but that doesn't mean the way he obtained that was right. From his own words in the first chapters, Soo-won's father was killed by King Il when he was 8 yo so that's the moment he started to think about revenge (not plan, but at least think about it). He could've been cold to Yona: King Il was suspicious of him anyway, so that didn't help him in that sense. Of course, it could be that he got attached to her and Hak, but he definitely used her feelings for him; the moment she confessed, he spurred her on and fed her delusion more.
He definitely hesitate when it came to the point of killing Yona, but in the end he chose the kingdom over his friends and we still don't know exactly why was it so urgent that Soo-won had to take the kingdom in such a way. Was King Il's reign so awful?
I think the main thing is that Soo-won could've been a beloved king, but he chose to take the throne with betrayal and involving innocent people who trusted him like Yona and Hak. It probably boils down to how urgent it was to him to take the throne and to the belief that only him could do a good job as a king. Maybe if he trusted and advised Yona as she rose to power, there could've been an happy ending for him too.
this was a mess but to sum it up Soo-won had his reasons to do what he did but I'm not going to be like "oh poor baby he did nothing wrong ;__;" bc he DID some bad stuff and I hope Yona keeps that in mind.
I agree!! To be honest, when it came to actively hurt Yona and Hak he did the bare minimum not to arise suspicion. He was always very "lazy" in pursuing Yona, even if the people around him were urging him to get rid of the princess. Even now that Yona is in his castle, he's not doing much except keep her and the dragons separated. So yeah, he definitely isn't going to go crazy and kill everyone out of nowhere -.-"
I like Soo-won as a character. I think he was forced by the circumstances to do a lot of the bad stuff he did. I hope him and Yona will be able to talk (him and Hak too) and I think the princess will forgive him, but I also hope that Yona won't cave in easily just because she discovered he's sick.
Also I'm team Hak so I hope Yona won't get any resurfacing feelings for Soo-won xD
I'm just worried about how Yona, who is always trying to save anyone she meets, will react to knowing Soo-won's past. I like the fact that the author has repeated, during the story, that both Yona and Hak still think about Soo-won and that they were devastated by his betrayal. It's realistic considering how close they were. I'm just hoping Yona won't go fully "nurse mode" on him and ignore the dragons and Hak ahaha. But I'm very curious about how Hak will react!!
To be honest? Yes I'm pretty sure Soo-won will die ╥﹏╥ before I was still wondering what would happen to him, since he's the" villain" of the story, but with the story of the illness... I think he could sacrifice himself for Yona or something in the future. In that way he would redeem himself and then Yona could rise to the throne more "peacefully". What do you think about it?
Exactly what I was thinking! The illness will clearly be fundamental to how Soo-won's story ends and I think him sacrificing himself would be the perfect way to make Yona and Hak (him especially) truly forgive him. You have a really good point with the whole "he has someone in mind to replace him" thing and I'm wondering who could it be and what Soo-won's plan really is... I think we aren't seeing the whole picture yet and I'm eager to find out
Yeah I have a feeling that his death will be heartbreaking ╥﹏╥ especially since he'll probably die while the other characters still think him as the villain or are just starting to see his true colors ╥﹏╥ if Hak cries I will cry too for sure ahaha I'm kinda curious about how they will handle his death too. Also, I have the feeling that Soo-won might get closer to Zeno and that could be really sad, to see Zeno lose another person ╥﹏╥
Absolutely!! I'm having a lot of fun sharing ideas (⌒▽⌒) I feel like with Soo-won people either hate him ferociously or try to excuse everything without acknowledging his faults... It's a shame because he's such an interesting character and the author clearly put a lot of thought in creating him so it's sad when people look at him so superficially ( ̄へ ̄)