this hit me like a truck. this mangaka always hits the spot in my heart for me, but with recent situations i've been through, the talk about love and romance just... kind of destroyed me. after living loveless for the 20 years of my life, dropping out of school due to mental heatlh issues and never connecting to anyone IRL, two close friends confessed to me. i am a very romantic person, at least when it comes to fiction and music and i always longed for love, but when i became unable to answer them properly i started to wonder if i wasn't just enamoured with the idea of love instead, like, the concept of it. exploring it in fiction is my favorite, writing about two characters falling i love and using so many beautiful words and metaphors for it is my favorite activity, but when it comes to me... i'm not so sure anymore. the thought of being aromantic crossed my head but i'm still not sure and in my indecision i ended up hurting both of my friends. maybe i just need some more time to actually think it deeper and understand if i really want to grow these seeds or if i am unable to.
small vent but i feel better. this mangaka always gets to me.