It's not that there are a bunch of characters. They just almost all look alike. LaughingAardvark
They're honestly fucking identical. LOL The two black haired characters look like twins and then the blonds are a little easier to discern, BUT NOT BY MUCH.
I think he just meant "I won't bone you" xD I mean, he kept his word if that were the case. He doesn't want to break Nakyum with his dick rendering him bedridden for another week lol. At least not yet.
I wouldn't say that giving someone a blowjob when seeing him erect is really laying a hand on him ^^ I mean it definitely is not traumatic, especially when you start to feel trembling and burning insides for certain somebody ( ̄∇ ̄")
This seme is so insecure and pitiful. So unsexy imo... at least the uke is hot, I guess?