juuulya June 5, 2024 10:10 pm

“No, we have The Grand Duke’s Boy Toy at home”:

juuulya May 9, 2024 10:15 pm

Ik I can’t be the only one whose skin crawls when one of the characters in a “couple” is drawn as a child/toddler/infant… like, genuinely disgusted. Even if it is just a doodle, like, why tf are u imagining a character in a porn as a child? Especially with the “partner” as an adult? Just, like, insanely gross. -1000/10.

    hatdiggitydog May 9, 2024 10:19 pm

    i mean why are you even sexualizing it tho? it's just an innocent scenario of if the characters turned into kids, it's meant to be funny and cute. why are you thinking of the porn aspect of the story when that scenario has nothing to do with it? wdym imagining them as a child, did these characters just spawn into the universe bro?
    they were once kids and grew up, the author's just drawing their kid versions.

    nothanks May 9, 2024 10:25 pm
    i mean why are you even sexualizing it tho? it's just an innocent scenario of if the characters turned into kids, it's meant to be funny and cute. why are you thinking of the porn aspect of the story when that ... hatdiggitydog

    It's just a weird thing to include in a series purely based on sexual interactions. The plot of the story is just a shell for sex, so why have one of your main characters drawn as a child at all? Especially because it will fuel the fantasies of some disgusting people out there.

    blueballerrrs May 9, 2024 10:25 pm
    i mean why are you even sexualizing it tho? it's just an innocent scenario of if the characters turned into kids, it's meant to be funny and cute. why are you thinking of the porn aspect of the story when that ... hatdiggitydog

    Explained what I was going to say perfectly

    Eru May 9, 2024 10:25 pm
    i mean why are you even sexualizing it tho? it's just an innocent scenario of if the characters turned into kids, it's meant to be funny and cute. why are you thinking of the porn aspect of the story when that ... hatdiggitydog

    True. What he/she said just reflects their minds, instead of the author.

    ame May 9, 2024 10:30 pm

    so the other appearances dan made as a child is also disgusting? literally nothing u said make sense, don’t make it weird

    hatdiggitydog May 9, 2024 10:33 pm
    It's just a weird thing to include in a series purely based on sexual interactions. The plot of the story is just a shell for sex, so why have one of your main characters drawn as a child at all? Especially bec... nothanks

    um almost all kinds of media, shows, movies, and animes even include some type of version of main characters as kids. plus whether we like it or not, the story has a plot even if most of the chapters are sex fillers. this illustration was drawn for children's day, which plenty of other artists did the same. it's not weird unless you intentionally make it weird?

    maybe i'm just normal, but when i saw this drawing about the main characters as kids, i thought oh cute and moved on. i'm not sure why you would want to start thinking about the sexual aspect of this story when seeing these kids?? bc then that's called you need to go to jail.

    and in that case, let's just erase any and all types of children's books, shows, movies since those have kids in them and any pedophile can get their hands on it right? that's how you sound like rn....

    nothanks May 9, 2024 10:36 pm

    OP isn't sexualizing anything, this is a porn series, it's sexualizing itself lol. This is a weird choice. They didn't just "draw them as children", they specifically drew some as children and kept one as a full grown adult, that is different than everyone being a child or a flashback. It has weird connotations. Just completely unnecessary and I'm sure will spawn disgusting behavior. OP has every right to feel uncomfortable.

    nothanks May 9, 2024 10:40 pm
    um almost all kinds of media, shows, movies, and animes even include some type of version of main characters as kids. plus whether we like it or not, the story has a plot even if most of the chapters are sex fi... hatdiggitydog

    Pls read what I said again and try to comprehend it this time

    Ezekiel May 9, 2024 10:43 pm
    OP isn't sexualizing anything, this is a porn series, it's sexualizing itself lol. This is a weird choice. They didn't just "draw them as children", they specifically drew some as children and kept one as a ful... nothanks


    hatdiggitydog May 9, 2024 10:44 pm
    OP isn't sexualizing anything, this is a porn series, it's sexualizing itself lol. This is a weird choice. They didn't just "draw them as children", they specifically drew some as children and kept one as a ful... nothanks

    they are 100% sexualizing it tho?? no one who saw this even THOUGHT of any sexual connotations to that drawing. it's not weird? again, the context behind this is about children's day in korea. the whole gist is that they turned into kids on children's day and jaekyung the asshole didn't turn into one so he has to take care of them, it's literally just poking fun at him bc he's an angry person who probably hates dealing with kids. it's not unnecessary and i'm so sorry you seem to be having strange thoughts towards a children's illustration. please seek help if you do...

    venti May 9, 2024 10:45 pm

    ita not that serious lol this whole purity culture is whats actually weird. like theyre fictional characters grow uppp

    hatdiggitydog May 9, 2024 10:49 pm
    Pls read what I said again and try to comprehend it this time nothanks

    oh i can comprehend thank you it's just you seem to be unable to stop sexualizing that one illustration....

    the series isn't sexualizing a children's drawing the way you seem to be trying to make it weird. it has nothing to do with if the story has sex in it or not, it's literally a scenario taken from children's day. your point is not valid lil bro

    nothanks May 9, 2024 10:52 pm
    they are 100% sexualizing it tho?? no one who saw this even THOUGHT of any sexual connotations to that drawing. it's not weird? again, the context behind this is about children's day in korea. the whole gist is... hatdiggitydog

    You are confused. By your logic, anyone mentioning the sexualization of children in media is therefore having inappropriate thoughts about children. Nope, it's actually just called thinking critically. If I had inappropriate thoughts about children, I would have loved this illustration and that is my point exactly. OP was uncomfortable with this post because (critical thinking skills are about to be used) the context of this story is purely sexual. The illustration alone is fine, but the CONTEXT adds a level of weirdness. I, personally, do not like seeing porn characters drawn like this. It's fine if you do, just don't assume everyone who disagrees wirh you is into kids. Weak argument. I hope this helps.

    Eru May 9, 2024 10:53 pm
    they are 100% sexualizing it tho?? no one who saw this even THOUGHT of any sexual connotations to that drawing. it's not weird? again, the context behind this is about children's day in korea. the whole gist is... hatdiggitydog

    I thought the same. Him being hella annoyed but is still carrying/holding them with with proper support.

    Don't blame the author for your perception. That's just how you view that episode, not all is like that. You should really skip some smut manhwas sometimes so you don't incorporate everything as purely sexual. There's so much context you could've imagined, yet you went downhill, all the way who knows where.

    Breathe in and out yow, give yourself a bigger aspect or perspective on life.

    nothanks May 9, 2024 10:53 pm
    oh i can comprehend thank you it's just you seem to be unable to stop sexualizing that one illustration.... the series isn't sexualizing a children's drawing the way you seem to be trying to make it weird. it h... hatdiggitydog

    Please read it again, maybe you'll get it this time

    macherieberry May 9, 2024 11:09 pm

    that is a YOU problem for sexualizing a frigging doodle lol

    hatdiggitydog May 9, 2024 11:12 pm
    Please read it again, maybe you'll get it this time nothanks

    nah i'm good ik i'm normal for not immediately jumping to sexual thoughts about the series when i saw that drawing. you and op are strange people and everyone agrees as you can see anyway. have a good day

    hatdiggitydog May 9, 2024 11:14 pm
    I thought the same. Him being hella annoyed but is still carrying/holding them with with proper support. Don't blame the author for your perception. That's just how you view that episode, not all is like that. ... Eru

    you're so rightttt

    nothanks May 9, 2024 11:16 pm
    nah i'm good ik i'm normal for not immediately jumping to sexual thoughts about the series when i saw that drawing. you and op are strange people and everyone agrees as you can see anyway. have a good day hatdiggitydog

    I am deeply concerned about your level of comprehension. I should not have expected anything more from a fan of this series, so that's on me. Please stay in school. Have a great day.

    hatdiggitydog May 9, 2024 11:20 pm
    I am deeply concerned about your level of comprehension. I should not have expected anything more from a fan of this series, so that's on me. Please stay in school. Have a great day. nothanks

    lmaoo i'm not a fan that just goes to show what a weird conclusion you came to. now who's the one who bad comprehension skills huh? don't try to argue a losing point lil bro i'm sorry i will never agree with what you or op are saying.

    nothanks May 9, 2024 11:26 pm
    lmaoo i'm not a fan that just goes to show what a weird conclusion you came to. now who's the one who bad comprehension skills huh? don't try to argue a losing point lil bro i'm sorry i will never agree with wh... hatdiggitydog

    What happened to have a good day? Don't wear yourself out, you can stop responding now.

    mint May 9, 2024 11:53 pm
    What happened to have a good day? Don't wear yourself out, you can stop responding now. nothanks

    I get what op and other arguments r saying how turning the characters of a purely smut based story so far can be seen as weird, but this trope for children’s day has been similarly used in other BL stories that have smut and has been usually seen as cute. I think that it’s because of the context of the story with the whole yk thing going on with Dan and Jaekyung it makes it seem a lot less cute if you take 2 more seconds to analyze the context. But for the most part the picture is supposed to be a fun little doodle turning your loved characters into kids with no evil motives.

    VolcanoFan1 May 9, 2024 11:59 pm
    that is a YOU problem for sexualizing a frigging doodle lol macherieberry


    juuulya May 10, 2024 12:11 am
    It's just a weird thing to include in a series purely based on sexual interactions. The plot of the story is just a shell for sex, so why have one of your main characters drawn as a child at all? Especially bec... nothanks

    Precisely. Even if they meant it innocently, it’s still just so disturbing given the context.

    juuulya May 10, 2024 12:15 am
    I thought the same. Him being hella annoyed but is still carrying/holding them with with proper support. Don't blame the author for your perception. That's just how you view that episode, not all is like that. ... Eru

    The pedophilic apologist in this comment section need serious help. If someone drew Sasha Grey as a toddler and had her sitting on the lap of an adult Mandingo within the setting of a porn, would it not be gross? These are characters in a SMUT series. There is no outside context…. Besides, if this was just an innocent, fun little drawing, then ALL of them would be children. This is just so disturbing.

    juuulya May 10, 2024 12:20 am
    that is a YOU problem for sexualizing a frigging doodle lol macherieberry

    They are characters in a PORN. An adult character exclusively in a porn being drawn as a child while still in the same setting that said porn takes place is insanely disturbing? The idea of children being involved rightfully makes any sane adult gag.

    I’ll ask again: if someone drew Mia Khalifa or Sasha Gray as a toddler and had them sit on the lap of an adult Johnny Sins or Mandingo, would that be an ok thing to make? If you say yes, then PLEASE seek medical help.

    nothanks May 10, 2024 12:23 am
    The pedophilic apologist in this comment section need serious help. If someone drew Sasha Grey as a toddler and had her sitting on the lap of an adult Mandingo within the setting of a porn, would it not be gros... juuulya

    Thank you. Some people are missing the point that having one character stay and adult completely changes the scenario. This is porn and it bugs me when people act like it isn't just because it's illustrated.

    juuulya May 10, 2024 12:29 am
    Thank you. Some people are missing the point that having one character stay and adult completely changes the scenario. This is porn and it bugs me when people act like it isn't just because it's illustrated. nothanks

    People on this site love to pretend that yaoi isn’t porn. It makes them feel better about themselves to think that they’re “just reading a story”, I think. Like porn isn’t the literal definition of the word…. This story is porn. These characters are porno characters. Them being drawn as toddlers interacting with an adult porno character is so insanely inappropriate and disgusting. I can’t believe I even need to explain my thought process here lol

    mafuyu May 10, 2024 12:33 am
    People on this site love to pretend that yaoi isn’t porn. It makes them feel better about themselves to think that they’re “just reading a story”, I think. Like porn isn’t the literal definition of th... juuulya

    god forbid someone who has sex interacts with a child? which is basically everyone in the fucking world LMAOOOOO

    nothanks May 10, 2024 12:39 am
    god forbid someone who has sex interacts with a child? which is basically everyone in the fucking world LMAOOOOO mafuyu

    Nope, you missed the point! Porn isn't the real world.

    anon May 10, 2024 12:47 am

    get a life lmao

    snoods May 10, 2024 12:47 am

    bruh how tf do you have like more than 40 bad likes, this world is fucked up. so many pedo in this world

    juuulya May 10, 2024 1:01 am
    god forbid someone who has sex interacts with a child? which is basically everyone in the fucking world LMAOOOOO mafuyu

    That is not what is happening here, and it’s insane that you’re even trying to pretend that it is lmao this is not a multidimensional human being. This is a character in a porn who exists solely to be in porn. Again I will ask, is it a-ok if someone draws Mia Khalifa as a toddler sitting on the lap of an adult Johnny Sins? Not the actors, but explicitly the characters Mia Khalifa and Johnny Sins.

    juuulya May 10, 2024 1:02 am
    get a life lmao anon

    Wow, great contribution to the conversation. I’m sure you’re very popular at parties.

    juuulya May 10, 2024 1:04 am
    bruh how tf do you have like more than 40 bad likes, this world is fucked up. so many pedo in this world snoods

    Bc this site is infested with pedophiles who feed off this type of content. If they make people who object look crazy, then more people will accept their own insanity as normal.

    juuulya May 10, 2024 1:05 am
    Nope, you missed the point! Porn isn't the real world. nothanks

    Notice how nobody will answer my question about pornstars being drawn in this same situation? Telling lmao

    nothanks May 10, 2024 1:17 am
    Notice how nobody will answer my question about pornstars being drawn in this same situation? Telling lmao juuulya

    Did you see them try to call me a pedo for being upset about it? Lol

    juuulya May 10, 2024 1:22 am
    Did you see them try to call me a pedo for being upset about it? Lol nothanks

    The usual pedophilia apologist tactic. “iTs JuSt A dRaWiNg WhY aRe YoU mAKiNg iT wEiRd”. As if having basic critical thinking abilities and understanding nuance is suggestive… It’s just pathetic.

    nothanks May 10, 2024 1:28 am
    The usual pedophilia apologist tactic. “iTs JuSt A dRaWiNg WhY aRe YoU mAKiNg iT wEiRd”. As if having basic critical thinking abilities and understanding nuance is suggestive… It’s just pathetic. juuulya

    Yeaahhh I'm worried about them and their media literacy. I hope they take their hands out of the pants long enough to form a coherent thought lol

    hatdiggitydog May 10, 2024 1:57 am

    aww are you still crying about this? just admit you've sexualized something that doesn't need to be sexualized. god forbid you come near any kids. you and your dickrider are tryna make each other feel better but literally everyone has proven you wrong. everyone has called you weird and wrong. somehow that's not enough for you. seek help bruh

    nothanks May 10, 2024 2:06 am
    aww are you still crying about this? just admit you've sexualized something that doesn't need to be sexualized. god forbid you come near any kids. you and your dickrider are tryna make each other feel better bu... hatdiggitydog

    Here's this again since you seem too scared to respond:

    You are confused. By your logic, anyone mentioning the sexualization of children in media is therefore having inappropriate thoughts about children. Nope, it's actually just called thinking critically. If I had inappropriate thoughts about children, I would have loved this illustration and that is my point exactly. OP was uncomfortable with this post because (critical thinking skills are about to be used) the context of this story is purely sexual. The illustration alone is fine, but the CONTEXT adds a level of weirdness. I, personally, do not like seeing porn characters drawn like this. It's fine if you do, just don't assume everyone who disagrees wirh you is into kids. Weak argument. I hope this helps.

    juuulya May 10, 2024 2:11 am

    Lmao I’m not going to engage with a pre-teen over the morality of drawing children in porn. Anybody with a fully developed frontal lobe have any contribution to the conversation?

    nothanks May 10, 2024 2:13 am
    Lmao I’m not going to engage with a pre-teen over the morality of drawing children in porn. Anybody with a fully developed frontal lobe have any contribution to the conversation? juuulya


    juuulya May 10, 2024 2:19 am
    lmao nothanks

    I wish there was a browser setting of some kind where I could block all people who are younger than my yahoo email account. Like, if I wanted to interact with children I would just go play Roblocks or something.

    Eru May 10, 2024 9:53 am
    The pedophilic apologist in this comment section need serious help. If someone drew Sasha Grey as a toddler and had her sitting on the lap of an adult Mandingo within the setting of a porn, would it not be gros... juuulya

    How are you able to come up with these ideas? Seriously... It's so interesting how your brain can create vile thoughts over something with a context "Children's day". I can only see an annoyed Jaekyung looking after transformed adults, but you went and dug a deep shithole.

    Apologist my ass, don't lump me in with your corrupted mind. If you can still call that a mind? What a sad argument you're trying to win here. Get a move on.

    Eru May 10, 2024 9:57 am
    god forbid someone who has sex interacts with a child? which is basically everyone in the fucking world LMAOOOOO mafuyu

    Fucking everyone is making porn in their lives. Husband and wife makes sex and they interact with children. If you convert their interaction as disturbing that's your fucking mind playing dirt all over head. Why fcking explain that to everybody and convince it's inappropriate. Fck, not all have dirty minds like that. These people seriously.

    Eru May 10, 2024 10:01 am
    Notice how nobody will answer my question about pornstars being drawn in this same situation? Telling lmao juuulya

    Cause no one even thought about?! Fcking I'm not even familiar with those people! Again I've said this earlier, breathe in and out to get a bigger aspect of life. Fcking Manhwa or yaoi is not entirely a porn front. If that's the only thing you got out of the whole story, then basically all the other stories with smut are porn to you?? What an interesting mind you really have there.. Oh my god. Are you only reading yaoi genre? Or are you a beginner at all to not be able to separate fiction setting??

    Eru May 10, 2024 10:06 am
    aww are you still crying about this? just admit you've sexualized something that doesn't need to be sexualized. god forbid you come near any kids. you and your dickrider are tryna make each other feel better bu... hatdiggitydog

    Justifying their vile thoughts by calling out people who didn't had the same thought process as them.

    What kind of logic.. I wasn't going to retaliate like this you know, but fcking called me pedo apologist, cause I don't meet their heads halfway. I have children. I read all sorts of genre be it yaoi, shojo, josei. Do I lump what I read and incorporate them in my real life? Fucking no. Is that my problem that you were able to come up with disturbing thoughts because I couldn't? Because I'm sane enough to separate this and that?? Heck, that's seriously a you problem..

    What a dickhead.

    macherieberry May 10, 2024 10:08 am
    They are characters in a PORN. An adult character exclusively in a porn being drawn as a child while still in the same setting that said porn takes place is insanely disturbing? The idea of children being invo... juuulya

    if a children's day drawing is making some of yall think of child sasha grey or whatever, then YOU should be the one getting checked for pedophilic tendencies because YOU are the one having thoughts like that

    macherieberry May 10, 2024 10:14 am

    it's so funny how ppl are bringing literal porn actors into this conversation and forcing others to think of those ppl as children like ????? maybe consider we did not have those thoughts in the first place bc we arent weird like you????? and if yalls critical thinking points to pedophilic stuff then again, those are YOU problem icb yall just admitted to thinking of pedophilia upon using critical thinking skills like damn

    Eru May 10, 2024 11:01 am
    it's so funny how ppl are bringing literal porn actors into this conversation and forcing others to think of those ppl as children like ????? maybe consider we did not have those thoughts in the first place bc ... macherieberry

    Hahahahhaa... Used a fucking critical thinking skill to a vile, corrupted thought.. Crazyyyy

    I'm a critical thinker for one at work, but gosh, they're something else. It's weirdly laughable.

    Eru May 10, 2024 11:12 am
    Nope, you missed the point! Porn isn't the real world. nothanks

    Pfft.. I just read this... Porn isn't the real world but fucking created a scenario out of real people who are the literal porn actors... You sound not convincing at all not consistent pfft

    macherieberry May 10, 2024 12:01 pm
    Hahahahhaa... Used a fucking critical thinking skill to a vile, corrupted thought.. Crazyyyy I'm a critical thinker for one at work, but gosh, they're something else. It's weirdly laughable. Eru

    right??? and they're trying to convince us to see their point and think of pedophilic stuff to? idk what to tell OP but im sorry my mind is not as fvckd up as theirs, thoughts and prayers to them tho bc someone who immediately thinks of pedophilia upon seeing a child with an adult should not be allowed near one (and this art is literally just a child dan with jaekyung. it did not have sexual connotations but OP can't see that bc their "critical thinking skills" is making them apply jinx's porn plot on literal children. i still cant believe they can't see how weird their thought process is)

    nothanks May 10, 2024 1:12 pm
    I wish there was a browser setting of some kind where I could block all people who are younger than my yahoo email account. Like, if I wanted to interact with children I would just go play Roblocks or something... juuulya

    No literally lmao. No use in arguing because they apparently can't grasp the concept.

    nothanks May 10, 2024 1:12 pm
    How are you able to come up with these ideas? Seriously... It's so interesting how your brain can create vile thoughts over something with a context "Children's day". I can only see an annoyed Jaekyung looking ... Eru

    You are confused. By your logic, anyone mentioning the sexualization of children in media is therefore having inappropriate thoughts about children. Nope, it's actually just called thinking critically. If I had inappropriate thoughts about children, I would have loved this illustration and that is my point exactly. OP was uncomfortable with this post because (critical thinking skills are about to be used) the context of this story is purely sexual. The illustration alone is fine, but the CONTEXT adds a level of weirdness. I, personally, do not like seeing porn characters drawn like this. It's fine if you do, just don't assume everyone who disagrees wirh you is into kids. Weak argument. I hope this helps.

    nothanks May 10, 2024 1:13 pm
    it's so funny how ppl are bringing literal porn actors into this conversation and forcing others to think of those ppl as children like ????? maybe consider we did not have those thoughts in the first place bc ... macherieberry

    You are confused. By your logic, anyone mentioning the sexualization of children in media is therefore having inappropriate thoughts about children. Nope, it's actually just called thinking critically. If I had inappropriate thoughts about children, I would have loved this illustration and that is my point exactly. OP was uncomfortable with this post because (critical thinking skills are about to be used) the context of this story is purely sexual. The illustration alone is fine, but the CONTEXT adds a level of weirdness. I, personally, do not like seeing porn characters drawn like this. It's fine if you do, just don't assume everyone who disagrees wirh you is into kids. Weak argument. I hope this helps.

    macherieberry May 10, 2024 3:32 pm
    You are confused. By your logic, anyone mentioning the sexualization of children in media is therefore having inappropriate thoughts about children. Nope, it's actually just called thinking critically. If I had... nothanks

    you said it urself that the illustration is fine. and i agree because it's not sexual in nature. but you also said yourself that the context adds a level of weirdness and that is exactly my point. why would you add a sexual context to illustration knowing that it would be weird?? why couldn't you just see it for the children's day illustration that it is ? i never said everyone who talks sexualization of children is a pediphile. however, when something is not inherently sexual, just like a children's day drawing that this is, and you give it a sexual context, you think of it in a sexual context rather than separating it from that and viewing it as an illustration on its own, then that's where the problem lies and that's exactly why ppl keep saying that yall who perceived this as weird are the ones who are the problem.

    macherieberry May 10, 2024 3:36 pm
    You are confused. By your logic, anyone mentioning the sexualization of children in media is therefore having inappropriate thoughts about children. Nope, it's actually just called thinking critically. If I had... nothanks

    also, OP assumed ppl here who disagree with them are pedophile apologist despite us explaining our side, so since they can assume that, then im also gonna assume whatever the hell i want about them for concluding that a children's day drawing is sexual even though its supposed to have been an innocent doodle and separate from sexual context of the manhwa. i dont care if u think my argument is weak, dont tell me what to do lol

    nothanks May 10, 2024 3:57 pm
    you said it urself that the illustration is fine. and i agree because it's not sexual in nature. but you also said yourself that the context adds a level of weirdness and that is exactly my point. why would you... macherieberry

    You cannot separate this illustration from the source material. The characters are the same. It is uploaded right next to graphic sex scenes. Click the previous chapter button a few times and you'll see porn. If this was different characters and a different story, it would be perfectly alright. It's fine if you like this image and this series as a whole, but don't discredit people for being uncomfortable. I do not believe the artist had bad intentions and the image itself is not sexual, but I am allowed to examine that within the context of this story, it's weird to see them drawn like this. It makes me uncomfortable because I know images like this can spawn disgusting behavior and fuel fans who are already fucked up in the head. I know what Children's day is, but the author could have chosen to draw them all as kids but purposefully left one as an adult. This was likely done for comedy but the imagery it invokes is unsettling. I fear for the content/ fantasies fans might develop after this post. If you thought it was cute, you're not a pedo. Some people will think it's more than cute, and I wish there was less content fueling those people in the world. It's just unnecessary to be included in a series where people who are already prone to consuming sexual content are reading. Please don't force this idea that people uncomfortable with this are the freaks. That is counterproductive, because there are real freaks who will enjoy seeing this illustration for horrible reasons and that makes me sick. Again, it's fine if you like it, just don't act like this series is some heartwarming fluff. It's porn, and people have every right to not want to see a porn character drawn as a child being held by their adult partner. You don't know everyone's situation and the reasons they have for being uncomfortable with art like this.

    nothanks May 10, 2024 4:44 pm

    "nsfw shota dan special next ?!" <-- Real comment a user called Mari left under this chapter. Are yall not seeing the point? Art like this feeds sick people. OP is right to be uncomfortable.

    Eru May 10, 2024 8:23 pm
    You are confused. By your logic, anyone mentioning the sexualization of children in media is therefore having inappropriate thoughts about children. Nope, it's actually just called thinking critically. If I had... nothanks

    Pfft, copy paste cause you can't say anything else to match your so called logic? Damn, how about you open a legit book for once to get more vocabulary for yourself. Hope this helps.

    Eru May 10, 2024 8:37 pm
    "nsfw shota dan special next ?!" <-- Real comment a user called Mari left under this chapter. Are yall not seeing the point? Art like this feeds sick people. OP is right to be uncomfortable. nothanks

    If you are sick of the thought, then don't entertain it by making it obvious. But here you are with the other person making out scenarios to prove your point. Your brain is making corrupted thoughts already and you entertain it, drawing other people in it, now it becomes a hot topic when it shouldn't be.

    Justifying you were uncomfortable by explicitly making out scenarios and thinking outside of the box. How is that us invalidating your point when you are the ones catering evil whispers in your head? And you wish us to "comprehend" your thoughts when clearly we are normal enough not to engage disgusting thoughts.

    Again, know when to separate the media is feeding you. It's hard, I know, because anything that you ingest basically becomes a part of you. But don't go to the point that you would have to create and imagine scenarios, even try to convince other people to see it for themselves. It's disgusting as it is already. Don't abandon the thought of us calling you out by stopping you to think about it more cause really, it's vile. Get it out of your system.

    nothanks May 10, 2024 8:43 pm
    Pfft, copy paste cause you can't say anything else to match your so called logic? Damn, how about you open a legit book for once to get more vocabulary for yourself. Hope this helps. Eru

    Copy and past because you all make the same incorrect point. It's tiresome to type it out repeatedly to people who don't bother trying to understand. How about you actually respond to what I said instead of complaining about copying a message? Lmao.

    nothanks May 10, 2024 8:49 pm
    If you are sick of the thought, then don't entertain it by making it obvious. But here you are with the other person making out scenarios to prove your point. Your brain is making corrupted thoughts already and... Eru

    I'm sorry, this doesn't make any sense. If you don't like the conversation just mute it. If the topics of this conversation gross you out, mute it and stop responding. I'm not "drawing people in" to corrupted thoughts. Hello?? "If you are sick of the thought, then don't entertain it by making it obvious." If you're telling me to shut up because I have an issue with something then you do not understand what a comment section is lol. Comment sections are to express your opinions on something. I don't want to be mean be I genuinely don't know what you're trying to say.

    BaileyBot May 10, 2024 8:57 pm
    "nsfw shota dan special next ?!" <-- Real comment a user called Mari left under this chapter. Are yall not seeing the point? Art like this feeds sick people. OP is right to be uncomfortable. nothanks

    Everyone knows mari is a ragebait troll. I wouldn't take them seriously. You should be more worried about the actual predators on this page:

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 11, 2024 12:51 am

    ^ BaileyBot aka a debunked rage bait cyberstalker. I wouldn’t take the cyberstalker seriously as they have been debunked for their frame job. She is the real predator and the ones she stands with have claimed to be a pedophile as they hide behind their targets impersonating them.

    We have been determining if this topic was a bait or catfish again. It has been turned into a bait if it wasn’t.

    BaileyBot is the actual predator. She is not the victim. She is the aggressor. Those in the albums are her targets.

    BaileyBot May 11, 2024 1:01 am

    ^ Ewwww, this is the alt of the pedo creep stalking me. How gross that he was keeping an eye on this thread because he saw that it was about pedophiles. Eewww he probably loved the new chapter eeewwwww

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 11, 2024 1:03 am

    So first there are four accounts that looks like this one.
    One is the real one. That is not me. I am impersonating the real one bc of the cyberstalkers that are impersonating them. One of the cyberstalkers is BaileyBot. They have said this themselves.
    BaileyBot album and actions have been outed. She is basically just running around saying the earth is flat and hoping you would believe her lies.
    If critical thinking is important to you than you will see BaileyBot is gaslighting you and using her other account that is impersonating the real user. She tried to frame him. They keep changing and adding to it. It is all a lie.

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 11, 2024 1:07 am

    We don’t know to say something or not. We felt like this was a bait from the cyberstalkers again to get our attention.
    This topic has been interesting because if real, it shows haters will go against each other over an opinion. There is no loyalty and haters will just tear each other apart.

    In this scenario, no thanks and juuulya is Hatdiggitydog (HDD) and HDD is us. I hope HDD will open their eyes to what they are doing to us as they have experienced the same thing they do to us.

    juuulya May 11, 2024 1:28 am
    You cannot separate this illustration from the source material. The characters are the same. It is uploaded right next to graphic sex scenes. Click the previous chapter button a few times and you'll see porn. I... nothanks

    This is masterfully said. Nobody is responding because they have no rebuttal other than “no u >:(“ lol

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 11, 2024 1:30 am

    Juuulya, I understand your frustration.

    This is a doodle for children’s day. Many authors did this.
    The reason JK isn’t a child is because he is already bratty enough

    Mingwa : 재경인 이미 애샛키라 더 어려질 수 없다는 것
(Teddy bear emoji and heart emoji)

Translation by a online translator: Jaekyungin is already a kid so he can't get any younger (teddy bear emoji and heart emoji)

The bratty part is from someone’s translation as they explained the word she used.

This is from her X (twitter) account.”

    Have you watched Sailormoon? Usagi was changing into a kid and chibausa was changed into an adult. They stayed with Mamoru during that time. They could not go anywhere else.
    I have not watched it but case closed.

    Yaoi is not porn. Jinx while close is not porn. There is a difference between the two. There is no pretending it is not porn. Look it up. It is not porn. These characters are not porno characters.

    It's important remember that everyone is entitled to their own perspective and opinions, but it's not okay for anyone to attack or name-call based on differences in understanding or interpretation. It might be helpful to calmly and communicate your viewpoint and boundaries to the other party, and if you continue to attack others, it may be best to disengage from the conversation with you.
    others for what they are to hide themselves. Please be mindful of what you are saying to others about yourself.

    What is need is a conversation and to explain different perspectives. I don’t agree with your views but I can understand why you are saying what you are saying. But I am having troubles understanding your points and why you have to insult others. I would understand your reasoning better if the doodle was sexual or sexualizing it.
    You shouldn’t be calling people a pedophilic apologist because they don’t share your views.
    You are the one changing what the doodle is about and you are relating to porn actors and reality.
    So yes picture of someone as a toddler on adult in a porn setting would be beyond gross. How does that relate to this doodle? It doesn’t. Your question about porn actors doesn’t apply here. Stop burring reality with fiction. And even porn isn’t real. You are making it pedophilic when it is not.
    You are allowed to feel disgusting or disturbed. How you are treated others has me feeling the same way about you. How you related to porn and porn actors was disturbing.
    The author did not mean it as you took it.

    juuulya May 11, 2024 1:33 am
    right??? and they're trying to convince us to see their point and think of pedophilic stuff to? idk what to tell OP but im sorry my mind is not as fvckd up as theirs, thoughts and prayers to them tho bc someone... macherieberry

    Please come back to me on this topic when you are old enough to comprehend it and your IQ is higher than room temperature.

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 11, 2024 1:42 am
    You cannot separate this illustration from the source material. The characters are the same. It is uploaded right next to graphic sex scenes. Click the previous chapter button a few times and you'll see porn. I... nothanks

    You are doing a lot of ad hominem attacks. You are focused on your opponent and attacking them. Learn this is not porn. It is two different things. You say “don”t discredit people for being uncomfortable” but you have went out of your way to discredit others. How you treated others makes me feel uncomfortable with talking to you. Your comments are disgusting behavior. You need to remember that jinx and the characters are fake. The users here are real. You are attacking real people because they have a different opinion. You have discredit them. You have insulted them. You made everyone a fan here. There are more active haters on this page. Your showed your target is Jinx fans ans you want to degrade them.
    You are forcing your ideas on people and not listening to them.
    Yes if they think it was cute and understood the doodle they are not pedos but why are you attacking people for just that? I don’t like how HHD treats us but you had no right to attack them as one when you know they are not one as you said here. You even made them a fan of the series.
    Take your frustration and start trying to put pedos behind bars. Not focused on a doodle where you are not doing anything to change the world. There is a lot of sick people out there. It does makes me sick. It is not porn. And he is holding Potato too. It is not sexual. If this was sexual I would be right there with you but I would not be attacking anyone and making this porn. I would listen too.
    I would do something about it instead of complaining here. What are you trying to accomplish here? I just see you forcing your views and discrediting others. You are not having a conversation here.

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 11, 2024 1:50 am
    Please come back to me on this topic when you are old enough to comprehend it and your IQ is higher than room temperature. juuulya

    Ad hominem. Have you looked up what using ad hominems means?

    You have stop talking about your view or their view to focus attacking your opponent.
    You are showing your true colors.
    You are showing you have no argument.
    You are trying to make them look bad to your peers to make you look better.

    You are showing you can’t handle a conversation or criticism. You are saying that you have lost here. You know you are wrong but you don’t want to admit it.
    You do have a vaild reason. I would be there with you if it was sexual. Your feelings are legit. But how you are treating people is beyond cringe. It is toxic behavior. What you are standing against is about the same with how you are treating people. You are making your words lose meaning by attacking others and misusing terms.

    juuulya May 11, 2024 2:00 am
    Juuulya, I understand your frustration. This is a doodle for children’s day. Many authors did this. Also, The reason JK isn’t a child is because he is already bratty enough

Mingwa : 재경인 이미 ... I love Morning Diamonds aka me

    There’s so much wrong here… Sailormoon is not porn? This story is porn. Its purpose is to display men having sex with a very loose string of plot to tie it together. Its genre is smut and yaoi. Yaoi by definition is “a Japanese term for manga that features sexual romance between men, specifically as created by and for women.” Sexual romance. It actually insulting that you’re even trying to pretend that this story is not a yaoi and not smut when it literally says as much on the publisher’s website.

    I, nor any other sane adult, will ever, EVER “calmly” communicate with pedophiles or people who pander to/apologize for them.

    These characters exclusively exist in a SMUT story (again, as stated explicitly by the publisher). There is an explicit smut scene in almost every other chapter for no reason other than to be smutty. Said characters being drawn as children while one character is left as an adult is, at the best, in incredibly poor taste.

    Honestly, I don’t care if YOU find it innocent or cute. It’s the fact that this type of content can be so easily and obviously abused, and that people are so joyously feigning ignorance to it. “Uwu why are u making it weird” because there are people who do “make it weird”. A mother posting a picture of her naked toddler bending over towards the camera is just posting it because she finds it innocently funny and cute. Does that make it ok? Does that protect the picture from disgusting people who use it for sinister acts? No.

    Also, the point about porno characters still stands tall given that, again, this story IS porn. Again I will ask, is it ok if someone draws a toddler version of Sasha Gray on the lap of an adult Johnny Sins? They just drew it innocently to celebrate Children’s Day!,!!,! It’s just a fun little doodle? Yes, Sasha Gray and Johnny Sins are characters in a porn, but isn’t little Sasha just so darn cute as a baby being held by Johnny? Nobody will ever look beyond their cute, innocent intentions, right?

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 11, 2024 2:01 am

    I love that BaileyBot showed she is a rage-bait cyberstalker.
    I am not her target. I never said my gender. She twisted the facts for her dumb narrative.

    BaileyBot is obsessed with MD. She is obsessed with making him and anyone who defends him a pedo and him.

    She says she is 16. By definition pedophila is 13 and younger. She has claimed to being a pedo on her other accounts and stands with other one.
    She tried to frame the real MD with an impersonator.
    For her to use that debunked album bring up where MD was answering a question and she gas-lighted that comment to make him a pedo when he was objectively reporting.

    16 years old can be diagnosed with being a pedophile. BaileyBot is 16 and obsessed with pedos to where she will try to frame someone that blocked her before she made up her lie on them. BaileyBot is attacking people to being a pedo and hiding that she is a pedo herself.

    juuulya May 11, 2024 2:07 am
    Ad hominem. Have you looked up what using ad hominems means? You have stop talking about your view or their view to focus attacking your opponent. You are showing your true colors. You are showing you have no... I love Morning Diamonds aka me

    Your core argument is that this pornographic story is not porn, even when a graphic rapey sex scene happens in every other chapter lol your entire point falls apart with even the slightest bit of context. Porn is a concert that isn’t exclusively videographic. It’s any media that almost exclusively appeals to people’s sexual taste.

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 11, 2024 2:19 am
    There’s so much wrong here… Sailormoon is not porn? This story is porn. Its purpose is to display men having sex with a very loose string of plot to tie it together. Its genre is smut and yaoi. Yaoi by defi... juuulya

    Yaoi is not porn.jinx is not porn. Sexual romance is not porn. Having sex in a story does not make it porn.
    You are not listening and tried to gaslight.
    Jinx is yaoi. Jinx is smut. Yaoi is not porn.
    You are the one pretending it is porn.
    It seems you are forcing me into a position to attack me. Are you sure you are not one feigning ignorance? You are ones of the ones making it beyond weird.
    You are relating to real life situations again. A picture of naked toddler should be reported and has nothing to do with yaoi or draws.
    You are trying to get a yes there to prove your argument is right. Manipulation. A yes to a real situation does not equal a yes.
    If you want to protect REAL toodlers. Do something about it instead of complaining about a draw that is unrelated.
    Your point about porn does not stand. I have already acknowledged and answered that. You ignored my words. This is not looking good for you.
    This is not porn. And you are relating to real life porn and people who actors. Do you not see the problem? Dan and JK are not real. They are not real. There will be no children’s day picture. Who ever draw that in a porn setting with porn characters probably doesn’t have innocent intentions. But to match this situation, Sasha Gray would had to turn into a child not a draw. So when can an adult be changed into a child? So this would make this a fantasy world to fit. Your point does not stand.
    If you make this about a hentai that has the woman turn into a child then you have a better argument but it shows how different yaoi and smut are to a hentai. This doodle does not show anything sexual. If it did it would be wrong. You are overreacting, overthinking, and not listening. You are blurring reality with fantasy and what porn is compared to yaoi. You had to gaslight me too. You are not here to understand. You are here to impose and manipulate others.

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 11, 2024 2:20 am
    Juuulya, I understand your frustration. This is a doodle for children’s day. Many authors did this. Also, The reason JK isn’t a child is because he is already bratty enough

Mingwa : 재경인 이미 ... I love Morning Diamonds aka me

    I said yaoi is not porn. Jinx is not porn. I don’t see where I deny jinx being yaoi?

    BaileyBot May 11, 2024 2:20 am
    Your core argument is that this pornographic story is not porn, even when a graphic rapey sex scene happens in every other chapter lol your entire point falls apart with even the slightest bit of context. Porn ... juuulya

    That person is a pedo/pedo defender. They have dm multiple people with inappropriate and strange messages. The reason they're so upset with you is because they're projecting themselves into your conversation. They see you calling someone else a pedo as you calling them a pedo. They're just a sad waste of space waiting for their chance to victimize themselves.

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 11, 2024 2:23 am

    Yaoi and its abbreviation BL (ビーエル, bīeru), is a genre of fictional media originating in Japan that features homoerotic relationships between male characters.

    From a friend.
    Yes hentai where it is mostly sex is porn. Jinx does borderlines but there is a difference. And draw hentai is different from real-life porn, at least, I would image.

    "Porn seeks to lower, erotica to elevate. Porn is imposed, violent, debasing. Erotica celebrates sex within an adult, and with the genre of ‘erotica romance’ catching on, increasingly intense, romantic relationships."

    " But if pornography is about sex, it is not the only area that deals with this topic. Erotism is about sex too but there is a lot of differences between these two themes. The main difference is that erotism involves feelings, while pornographic does not. '

    What is pornography?

    Pornography is considered as an act whose sole purpose is to stimulate sexual desire. According to Oxford dictionary, pornography is describing or showing naked people and sexual acts in order to make people feel sexually excited, especially in a way that many other people find offensive."

    What is erotica

    Erotica is any artwork that deals with stimulating or sexually arousing subject matter. This includes painting, sculpture, photography, drama film, music or literature. Erotica is considered as an artistic viewpoint of an individual and whose sole objective is to appreciate the art.


    In Depth: Pornography vs Erotica: Is it time to stop shoving them under the same umbrella?






    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 11, 2024 2:29 am

    BaileyBot the cyberstalker’s sock puppet used for rage bait is the pedophile. They are trying to frame their targets with gaslighting. I am not upset. Where did she get that? Haha what a joke.

    BaileyBot is not the victim here. She is gaslighting people.
    The cyberstalkers have claimed they are trolling and we are hypersensitive troll victims but she is not a troll. She is one of those cyberstalkers trying to frame her targets by making them all on person. She is gaslighting you and using fake rage-bait for you to hate her victims. 99.9 % is all a lie. It is part of their “troll” aka harassment on a few people.

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 11, 2024 2:40 am
    Juuulya, I understand your frustration. This is a doodle for children’s day. Many authors did this. Also, The reason JK isn’t a child is because he is already bratty enough

Mingwa : 재경인 이미 ... I love Morning Diamonds aka me

    So you know sometimes a person can attack others for what they are to hide themselves. Please be mindful of what you are saying to others about yourself.

    BaileyBot is a great example. She is attacking her victims for what she is.
    Are you doing the same?

    juuulya May 11, 2024 2:51 am
    That person is a pedo/pedo defender. They have dm multiple people with inappropriate and strange messages. The reason they're so upset with you is because they're projecting themselves into your conversation. T... BaileyBot

    I’ve now gathered as much lol the same “it’s just a drawing” tired logic used by neckbeards across the internet. It’s just sad and so gross.

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 11, 2024 2:59 am
    I’ve now gathered as much lol the same “it’s just a drawing” tired logic used by neckbeards across the internet. It’s just sad and so gross. juuulya

    Now instead of having a real conversation you stand with a cyberstalker who has admitted to being a pedophile and has tried to frame someone for being a pedo when she is a pedo. Why are you standing with what you claim to hate? You were standing against a doodle trying to make it pedophila and calling others a pedo. Now you stand with a pedo with debunked claims. No wonder why you tried to make that doodle a pedophila. You wanted it be. Disgusting

    Safety Advocate May 11, 2024 5:53 am
    Now instead of having a real conversation you stand with a cyberstalker who has admitted to being a pedophile and has tried to frame someone for being a pedo when she is a pedo. Why are you standing with what y... I love Morning Diamonds aka me

    Okay So this topic was bait. To go that easy with a lie either shows this person was rage-baiting since the beginning for anyone or this was aim for the targets.
    They seen how you replied here. https://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/16035551/
    and https://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/16035952/
    then set this up. What else to go with gaslighting of a pedo that easy.
    They know TM or one of us would want to talk to someone and share how this is not porn. They know TM and friends will step in when someone is being attacked. When nothing was working Baileybot only comments to the topic about her lie. Or it was changed into a bait for TM and friends.

    This is another catfish for the cyberstalkers since TM only block that new account with another method without saying a thing.

    You think HDD is genuine. I don't. HDD did say the truth, yes. But I think HDD help create this because HDD has been standing with them and hates us because of that one view that is similar to HDD but minus one thing. Juulia pushed too hard on that view point which i know is rage bait and catfishing for us on another fake profile.

    https://www.mangago.zone/home/photo/34570590/ Here is where Cyberstalker 1 is saying Cyberstalker 2 is the real Baileybot. Which after a thread last week I think Cyberstalker 1 is Baileybot.

    Cyberstalker 1 and 2 have admitted to being a pedophile as they impersonate their targets. https://www.mangago.zone/home/album/383191/ (This is not the real users that they are impersonating)

    She is the one with pedo friends. She is trying to frame someone for being one while claiming many people are that one she tried to frame. She can't stop talking about pedophilia. Look at what she did here and changing our behavior to fit hers. She is attacking us as a pedo to hide that she is a pedo.

    In all honesty, she emailed herself and asked for a picture. No one can be a pedo from that action. The real one blocked her after two comments and never DMed her. He has provided numbers showing he is innocent, where Baileybot can't unless it is photoshopped. Her age "16" and being a "minor" was revealed after he blocked her and maybe before she even emailed herself to try to frame him.
    Pedophile is 13 and younger. She is misusing pedophile and making her words have no value. This is said to debunking her claims. She will claim it is to excuse what she is accusing him of but it is to show how ridiculous she looks. We have been simply clarifying the situation and show how problematic her claim is while she is twisting the facts and manipulating the situation to her advantage.
    It is like she is claiming "you are a male because of how you write." The person says " A male is a person with XY chromosomes usually has male sex and reproductive organs, and is therefore usually assigned biologically male. A female is a person with XX chromosomes usually has female sex and reproductive organs, and is therefore usually assigned biologically female.
    She comes back saying you are excuse yourself and justify yourself as being a male.
    When she says "I am 16 and so-so dmed me for pictures that makes them a pedo"
    She can't claim someone is a pedo when she emailed herself, asking for a picture which could mean a headshot, and that she is 16 when pedophile is 13 and younger. The fact is she was able to email that other account and she said gross. in the threads she said she was a minor and she was not able to tag him because he had to her block. Most of her albums are gaslighting.

    She targets never emailed her. She emailed herself with the accounts she has impersonating us. She has admitted to being a pedo many times. She is a cyberstalker.

    BaileyBot May 11, 2024 8:13 am
    I’ve now gathered as much lol the same “it’s just a drawing” tired logic used by neckbeards across the internet. It’s just sad and so gross. juuulya

    He brought his other account to argue now. He thinks everyone here is working together to bait him into answering. He's delulu.

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 11, 2024 2:30 pm
    Your core argument is that this pornographic story is not porn, even when a graphic rapey sex scene happens in every other chapter lol your entire point falls apart with even the slightest bit of context. Porn ... juuulya

    I just seen this. That is not my core “argument”.
    I am sharing you the truth. What I am saying can’t fall apart. Your “argument” is what fell apart.
    Just because someone shares something with you it does not make it a fight or debate. Yaoi is not porn. Yaoi is a fantasy to where you are making points about something entirely different. You had no real “argument”. Your entire argument here has fallen apart even before you made it. I hope you read what I post about porn. You are confusing different media to being the same thing. Yes you can have negative views about a doodle. But you need to stop pushing your narrative and listen to people.

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 11, 2024 2:52 pm
    Okay So this topic was bait. To go that easy with a lie either shows this person was rage-baiting since the beginning for anyone or this was aim for the targets. They seen how you replied here. https://www.mang... Safety Advocate

    I love how BaileyBot is supporting us.
    She is making many people the same person, her target.

    About me: “this is the alt of the person I tried to frame.” I am putting what she meant.

    About you: “he brought his other account to argue now.”
    Argue? How is this arguing?

    We are clarifying the situation and correcting the lame lies to the truth.

    She is making many people to be her target. Many people are called a pedo for her trying to set up one.

    BaileyBot sets up A with fake accounts on event A
    B comes in. BaileyBot claims they are A and tries to frame them on event A.
    C comes in. BaileyBot claims they are A and tried to frame them on event A.
    D comes in. BaileyBot claims they are A and tried to frame them on event A.
    E comes in. BaileyBot claims they are A and tries to frame them on event A.
    So there are 5 people who the pedo cyberstalker claims to had done the same event when only one can which was her emailing herself to frame her targets as she makes them one person.

    That does show it is a lie.
    I am sorry she has no respect for non-binary people.
    She must had missed when you asked to be called Safety or ze.

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 11, 2024 3:05 pm
    Your core argument is that this pornographic story is not porn, even when a graphic rapey sex scene happens in every other chapter lol your entire point falls apart with even the slightest bit of context. Porn ... juuulya

    I read what I said compared to what you said to me. I am sorry you went for that route and dismissed most of what I said. I think you don’t really care about this doodle but here to harm others to feel better about yourself. That is why you are focused on attacking them than talking about the views or what is ACTUALLY said. You reduce what I said because you know you’re wrong. And you knew before you posted. I am not talking about your feelings on the doodle. You are just trolling here to hurt others, the topic doesn’t matter to you. Attacking someone is. Even if they are an ally in other views. Your actions here give yourself away. This is not an argument in this topic. It is your rage-bait to harm others. Vomit.

    tongtong May 11, 2024 8:05 pm

    R u a drug addict????

    Safety Advocate May 11, 2024 8:21 pm

    Ignore Morning diamonds. He is a rape apologist and pedophile for believing the age of consent is 13. He owns more than a dozen alt accounts because even after 2 years of arguing, no one backs him up.

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 11, 2024 8:55 pm

    That safety is a cyberstalker using fake debunked rage bait. They are talking about themselves. They are blaming their actions on their targets.

    Safety Advocate May 11, 2024 9:14 pm
    That safety is a cyberstalker using fake debunked rage bait. They are talking about themselves. They are blaming their actions on their targets. I love Morning Diamonds aka me

    They are so desperate. I thought they quit their full-time jobs in harassing MD and us.

    Eru May 11, 2024 9:15 pm
    That safety is a cyberstalker using fake debunked rage bait. They are talking about themselves. They are blaming their actions on their targets. I love Morning Diamonds aka me

    I loved your "arguments". Thank you! And, you dropped this.

    BaileyBot May 12, 2024 12:54 am
    I loved your "arguments". Thank you! And, you dropped this. Eru

    Girl, you just crowned a well-known pedo who dms minors for pics on mangago.


    Safety Advocate May 12, 2024 1:12 am
    I loved your "arguments". Thank you! And, you dropped this. Eru

    I don't think they seen this. I will tell them.
    and I know you read this thread but baileybot is a cyberstalker.
    Baileybot is a cyberstalker.
    She is trying to frame others.

    https://www.mangago.zone/home/photo/34570590/ Here is one cyberstalker saying to the other cyberstalker is baileybot.

    https://www.mangago.zone/home/album/383191/ and both of them has admitted to being a pedo as they impersonate their targets.

    She has been debunked. That is not her target. She can't tell the difference before the one defending her target to the real one.
    IF you look at her "Evidence" is gaslighting. She is impersonating MD on another account and emailed herself. The real MD showed the numbers. They can't unless it is photoshopped. In the picture she only asks herself for a picture. That is not what a pedo is and they making that word have no value.
    She is talking about herself as she has claimed she is a pedo on her other accounts as she impersonates her targets and tries to frame them.

    Safety Advocate May 12, 2024 1:57 am

    I only said the age of consent is 13 and below. Why did everyone get pressed? Bailey is 16 so it's fair game for me. I am 37 years young.

    Safety Advocate May 12, 2024 2:03 am

    That Safety Advocate May 12, 2024 1:57 am is a
    Cyberstaker impersonating me pretending to be their MD account with gaslighting rage bait trying to harm me.

    Safety Advocate May 12, 2024 2:05 am

    ^ gaslighting

    Eru May 12, 2024 11:03 am
    Girl, you just crowned a well-known pedo who dms minors for pics on mangago. https://www.mangago.me/home/mangatopic/15965478/ BaileyBot

    I don't really care who's who. I didn't even know there is something like this in Mangago. I'm only an Anime lover and novel reader that eventually took interest in manga.

    I had to thank those who can explain it in a more detailed and more effort than me.

    Those arguments I can comprehend. There was no need to convince me to understand it. I am only looking into points of the talk cause I can't rest easy having all these confrontation not being addressed properly..

    Anyway, I wish Mangago has its own moderator or something. But actually, these are more of users action. So everybody should really be careful. I just wish to go back enjoying my reads here.

juuulya April 12, 2024 12:17 am

Mother please. We are starving.

juuulya April 10, 2024 12:22 am

Another generic toxic relationship. Raging narcissist top bullying doormat bottom into rape. Boring. Like, don’t people get sick of writing the same dumb shit over and over again? Authors can’t seriously expect people to keep reading this brain rot, right?

juuulya January 24, 2024 1:11 am

How on earth does this series keep getting worse…….. every time I think it can’t get lower, I am fooled yet again…… what the actual fuck

juuulya December 30, 2023 11:55 pm

Bad people don’t get happy endings.

    Smutty! December 31, 2023 2:10 am


juuulya December 23, 2023 3:15 am

Water is wet

juuulya December 3, 2023 10:09 pm

The anatomy….

juuulya November 2, 2023 10:52 pm

I can’t stand that I’m this way but y’all comments got me too curious. People be giving Jinx 5 stars and saying it’s great in the comments so wtf goin on here… I’m gonna venture in. This better be good.

    juuulya November 2, 2023 11:03 pm

    I’ve never played? Read? Genshin Impact so idk wtf is going on but this is just boring. I was hoping it would be messed up or funny or sum smh.

juuulya October 7, 2023 7:10 pm

Even google translate is more competent than this train wreck lol

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