I think Emma's going to soon have a pivotal change about her wavering feels about the demons.Since everything has been seemingly on the brighter side, something bad is bond to happen.I'm assuming two things.. maybe the demons will massacre Emma's family due to Norman's goal to genocide the demons, or two Norman is working for the Ratri Clan and the Demons to bring all the cattle children back to eat / annihilate (which I believe it's the second).I believe Emma will no longer have these naive thoughts after something drastic occurs, so I can't wait to see what this awesome manga has in-store for us. (⌒▽⌒)
I just read a spoiler and ya know Madoka is like an attention seeking bitch, didn't you leave? Why don't you crawl back to the hole you can from.You divorced Ryuu get on with your fucking life already and Ryuu isn't making it any better either.How come Madoka can openly be jealous, yet when Koharu is..she's 'filthy' and 'evil'
Overall I still like this manga nonetheless and want to see Koharu truly happy without all the bs. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
Now I'm listening to sad songs
Lauryn Hill's Killing Me Softly acoustic covers on youtube does the trick