it just a theory guys, idk why i think the story path seems like lead us to the first time line of si xu. and im afraid that the demon that trapped in forbidden area is (the one in shang yun body) is ruyu in the past, or ruyu anchestor or probably someone like ruyu. i mean.. the way the monster said that he would never stepped on the forbidden land if its not because of si xu tell us that both monster and si xu might know each other and the way ruyu said that he will follow si xu anywhere till death is kinda twisted for me. when si xu said he learned spatial magic at his first time line which mean he indeed ever had a friend from chaotic blood at that time and also when his father said that chaotic blood could be righteous or evil depend on heart and nature make it more make sense to me if he trapped inside forbidden place too long, he could absorb demonic energy and get influenced by it as the time goes. si xu also said he took seven days to survive. idk man, it just a lilbit theory of mine, don't take it too far ya

Could be... interesting theory!!
You got me thinking that it could potentially be ruyu/someone from the first timeline as time could work differently while sealed... and si xu's power has been drained each repeat ... maybe there's a reason it's drained like still powering the original seal despite the timeline repeating
it's high it's so high ur ass