ave eiler June 12, 2021 9:47 am

Clue spotted hahhahahahaah

ave eiler June 12, 2021 5:39 am

Pervert, maniac , rapist, you know what he's been through and yet you still hurt him, I thought you were different but fuck it, you all are the same I hate you, you really are a fucking son of osiris, like father like son.

I wissh I could just take Seth, I'll treasure him, how dare they hurt him.

    Taemin's mic June 12, 2021 6:12 am

    Idk if you know it or not, but in this side story Seth and Horus never had any interactions, which also means that Horus PROBABLY doesn't even know what happened to Seth :|

    June 12, 2021 6:41 am
    Idk if you know it or not, but in this side story Seth and Horus never had any interactions, which also means that Horus PROBABLY doesn't even know what happened to Seth :| Taemin's mic

    He knows cuz the girl told him everything ( idk her name sry ) so Horus knows what happened to Seth in the past.

    JOSHIRO June 12, 2021 7:32 am

    Its a side story its not related to the main story

    Taemin's mic June 12, 2021 7:38 am
    He knows cuz the girl told him everything ( idk her name sry ) so Horus knows what happened to Seth in the past.

    But that's in the main story, this is just a side story-

    ave eiler June 12, 2021 8:28 am

    Ohh is that so, that's great then , I'd really hate him if it was part of the story

ave eiler June 12, 2021 5:38 am

Pervert, maniac , rapist, you know what he's been through and yet you still hurt him, I thought you were different but fuck it, you all are the same I hate you, you really are a fucking son of osiris, like father like son.

ave eiler June 11, 2021 2:05 pm

Naughty but smart

ave eiler June 8, 2021 9:38 am

I finished this less than 24 hours and now my eyes and heart stings a lot, can't even see properly , fuck it. This has a really awesome plot, I love it, in terms of being a great story time line, plot, scenes, characters their development and all the emotions are super fantastic , I will never be able to forget this in my whole life, but still please end it, my eyes is already dead tired , my heart has burst I don't think I can cry anymore, please happy ending , how long are you gonna make me wait, how much more do you want to squeeze out from us?

ave eiler June 8, 2021 9:34 am

Tang ina , mikeyyy HUHUHUHUH, what the fuck, I thought it's already a happy ending how much tears do you want from me huh, wahhhhhh

ave eiler June 7, 2021 3:26 pm

Is osiris planning to comeback using anubis body in season 2?

Well I think there's a chance that he might, I heard there will be a kiss shared between anubis and Seth on season 2

If osiris uses anubis body he might receive love from Seth, well he was once a god of life then he died I think it's fitting for osiris to become the god of death through anubis

That's just my speculation no offense meant

    gege please June 8, 2021 2:12 am

    fucking hell???? a kiss??? damn osiris stooped so low and reached rock bottom. i never and will never expect anything from him anyways so your speculation might be correct

ave eiler June 7, 2021 3:23 pm

Is osiris planning to comeback using anubis body in season 2?

ave eiler June 5, 2021 4:33 pm

Rip to nise sumairu



ave eiler June 5, 2021 8:16 am

This is such a great manga, the drawings are really great, I'm not really good at evaluating but I specially love the plot of the story , itll make you feel frustrated but I specially love how it got resolve and there was a generous amount of great, peaceful and fluffy scenes before it ends , it made me feel so satisfied it was worth the tears I cried when they separated, I really love it, I hope I could read something with a generous happy ending like this.

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