This yaoi is just a fetish compilation we love to see it
I was bawling then the time skip happenedand immediately stupid hosik made me laugh goofy :’)
MY FAVOURITE OF ALL TIME HAS A SEASON 2?!?!?!!??!, 2020 is saved
what I don’t get is if he’s a coach why he would show up in a suit every time he visited the brother brothel place doesn’t he get way too dressed up
Lol getting dressed up to see your crush at the brothel they work atBut probably he goes when he doesn't have swim club? Or maybe it's just a regular business suits since teachers do wear suits in Japan sometimes
jaeyoungs fashion sense is wild thoughred on red on red on red on red on r-
ONLY 4 MORE CHAPTERS??!?!? is it going to end in a sad way
they will have a happy ending in present time
who tf and why tf and how tf did this get on popular manga section
Because people like us click on it out of curiosity and even leave a comment.
omgggg can you s e e the internal conflict !!! aaaaaa my heart burnnnsss
Sorry totally meant a thumbs up
hehe I do the same thing all the time
i ADORE misunderstandings
This yaoi is just a fetish compilation
we love to see it