..if the main character was Ken.
In most cases we take the MC's side because we put ourselves on their feet and understand them, and can even take their side when they make dumb choices because we know the reason behind that.
Kirara is dumb, bratty and has a sharp tongue, but he's cute, kind and brave... AND is the MC. We know him. Even when we have a glimpse of Ken's inner thoughts, it hurts to see him mistreating Kirara. The story is at ch. 25 and a lot of people still hate Ken.
It'd be fun for me too see the same story but with Ken as the MC. When I started reading the manga, Ken was a mistery to me, I only found out that he likes Kirara at ch. 5 when it showed him seeing Kirara with his brother and getting mad, and then kissing Kirara saying that it's all his fault. Even after that he still confused me. Now imagine if Ken was the MC, we'd see his inner thoughts and wouldn't know that Kirara likes him until the author showed some hints.
If that was the case, the manga'd start at the point when Ken's family was falling apart because his dad was gay. Ken would always remember his mother's sad expression, and after discussing it with his brother they'd decide to move out with their father. He's hurt, mad at his dad, didn't want to be away from his mom, and will always have that idea in his head, that he hates gays 4ever. The bros wanted to be troublemakers for revenge but in the reality Ken just wanted to study and grow up normally and be happy. And a little after moving out, he found out that he had a little cute male neighbor at the same age.
It's weird, so he just shakes it off, and makes fun of him calling him shorty and stupid. But the cute neighbor keeps going after them, and gets along with his brother very well, and even acts like he doesn't exist when his bro's around. His bro is strong, older, cooler and more sociable, and Kirara is always looking at him. It starts to bother him, he's jealous and annoyed, but the cute neighbor is dumb and easily gets in trouble, so he needs to keep an eye on him. They start to get along, but he feels really weird around him, and the jealously start to grow.
I'd love it.

Thanks a lot for the hard work. This is my personal favorite yaoi, even when I read some other great stories this one always come back to the top for me (don't even know why), so... I was a little turned down at that time when I thought no one was going to translate it anymore. I thought: "Maybe not much people besides me cares about this story, it's not like groups would always go spending their time on unpopular mangas"
That's why, you, Lew4Yaoi, made this year happier for me. And I loved how it feels that you put your own "mark", "personality" (can't really explain it) on the work. It looked even funnier to read!
It even felt sad when you said that ch. 25 was the last one you've worked! It was like a goodbye or something (though we can read the other ones you work on :P).
Then... I'm very thankful, I mean it. So, cheers! See you around other lewd stories! :D
(Also, Hoshiscans, if you're reading it, thank you too! Welcome back and please take it easy!)

Look at this cute extra from when Kirara still had that "delinquent" haircut
Poor Kirara was just trying to hide his pink nipples >:(
Also, could someone who understand japanese please tell me what Ken said to Kirara and the boys after punching him? They look intimidated after that (I tried using a translator app and I guess they're going to take supplementary pool classes and Kirara used bandages to hide his nipples from everyone and was confident about that, but the app messed up translating their talk at the last page)

(Also long text ahead)
So, if you have seem the raws up to ch. 24 (here are 20-24 if you haven't: https://talsraws.wordpress.com/ ), so far we have:
-Kirara and Ken dating, everything is great except they couldn't do it all the way at their first try (it was obvious, Ken, you rushy beast) because of the pain and Kirara seems to be afraid to try again for now. But Ken is treating him well. Also their families still don't know about their relationship;
-Hanawa and Oomaeda starting to date and are progressing;
-Aniki MAYBE dating a mysterious glasses guy;
-Hitomi still wanting to date Kirara (at ch. 24 Kirara grabs Ken's arm and tells him Ken was the one he liked and they are dating, but Hitomi says he won't give up)
THEN, considering those elements, I think these things MAY be happening in the future chapters:
-Kirara will talk with Hitomi about why he loves Ken so much and how things are going smoothly, but Hitomi still won't give up. Also he points that Ken still have problems with the homossexual thing because of his past and it could not end well, but Kirara is positive about everything;
-Aniki will reveal his relationship with the glasses guy;
-Hanawa and Oomaeda will develop a good romance, also Oomaeda will understand that his "love" for Kirara was because the little guy was very cute and because he was a crazy perverted virgin (xD). He'll change and mature a bit after being with Hanawa, and Kirara even starts to respect him a little;
-With Kirara's help Hanawa will be friends with Ken again. Also Oomaeda will stop being an enemy to the mad dogs;
(Now the dark part!)
-Ken and Kirara are going well, they both like each other very much. They have dates, kisses, hugs etc. Everything seems perfect, but then... something messes with Ken's head. Like:
a)Ken's mother shows up and wants to see her sons again. She finds out that her older son is dating a guy, and obviously is very disappointed. Ken missed his mom for years and didn't want to ruin anything, so he hides that he's dating his male neighbor.
b)Kirara's dad comes to his house (maybe only for a while before the next work trip). After some time (days?) he gets suspicious about Kirara's affection about his childhood friend. Ken gets really worried that Kirara's dad may take his love away with him, or maybe punish him in some way.
c)Another element that get in their way.
Then, Ken thinks that it's better if they break up and be just good friends. Kirara gets desperate and doesn't want that (even if he knows what's going on). Ken already has made his head and says things like that he's going to find a girlfriend and Kirara should do the same. They fight and Kirara still doesn't accept it, and Ken starts to avoid him. Kirara is very sad and disappointed since the break up was so sudden and his appearance shows it, and people are worried. At this point, Hitomi is taking this chance to make Kirara give up about Ken and accept his feelings, but Kirara is stubborn and doesn't want it. Still, Kirara would like Ken to be so open about his feelings and liking guys like Hitomi is.
Their friends (Hanawa, Oomaeda, Kyouichi etc) are all blaming Ken for being a coward and doing that to Kirara, but Ken is acting very rude and cold towards everyone, and won't change his mind.
In some days, Ken gets himself a girlfriend. When Kirara finds out, he gets even worse. He's fragile and confused, so when Hitomi tries to kiss him, he accepts it (or maybe Kirara's the one who kisses him? it's possible). Then Kirara and Hitomi starts dating.
When Ken finds out about their relationship, he can't resist and starts to spy on Kirara like in the past, and even his girlfriend gets suspicious about his weird actions.
Then it happens: Ken couldn't hold his anger when he sees them kissing (or doing something else lol) and runs at Hitomi and hit him with force. Before they get to fight Kirara gets in the way to protect Hitomi who got hurt, and tells Ken to leave them alone, with a serious face. Seeing Kirara's face, Ken goes away. Both Ken and Kirara are hurt because of this, but they keep quiet and continue with their partners.
Now Ken needs to take some action. He can't stop thinking about Kirara and this is driving him crazy. If he wants his love back, he needs to fight his fears and insecurities and face their families (?) once for all. But right now, Hitomi won't let Kirara-chan be taken away now that he's finally his. If Ken or Kirara tries anything funny, Hitomi will show them his bad side, and Kirara will see that Hanawa was right about him.
That's it! I had fun writing this, I like this manga a lot and I hope I'm right about some points! xD

I think Aniki (Kyouichi) knows that Ken loves Kirara since they were little, but obviously Ken would never admit it.
At chapter 2 page 26, when Kirara's at their house, the way Aniki and Ken look at each other, and then Ken wants to force Kirara to go away is very suspicious. (well... that's also because Ken is jealous AF and didn't want them hanging out xD)
Also at chapter 8 page 9, Aniki tells Ken that he should give Kirara his number. We know Ken tries hard to look like he doesn't care about Kirara and wants to keep distance from him, so I'm sure that Aniki can see through it and that he likes him in secret.
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Thank you very much !!!! Wait... IS KEN SMILING ON THE LAST PAGE ?!!!! *heart attack*